
Exercises for pregnant women for back: home fitness and exercises that can not be done

  • Exercises for pregnant women for back: home fitness and exercises that can not be done

    Most women in late pregnancy suffer from severe back pain. This is due to the fact that the displacement of the center of gravity of the body due to the growing abdomen leads to overstrain of the muscles of the back. Consider exercises for pregnant women for the back, which can ease the condition of a woman.

    Exercise for posture

    With an increase in the tummy, the lower parts of the back involuntarily bend, the muscles are in a shortened state for a long time, overworked and cause pain. Therefore, the correction of posture can often solve the problem of pain.

    Try to align the posture with a few tips:

    • Shoulders lightly pull back and simultaneously lift the chest.
    • The head should be straight, not bending over.
    • Then, you need to pick up the muscles on your abdomen and straighten the lower back.
    • In order not to lose balance, legs slightly bend at the knees.
    • Next level, as if you are stretched up.

    These simple actions should be performed especially when you have to stay on your feet for a long time.

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    Fitness for pregnant women

    Muscles of the back and abdomen work in the complex to support the tummy of a pregnant woman, but stretching to accommodate a continuously increasing uterus, the muscles are significantly weakened and can no longer cope with their task. Therefore, it is required to carry out measures to strengthen these muscle groups.

    For this, there are special courses for pregnant women, which teach in a special fitness program.

    But if for any reason there is no possibility to attend such courses, then it is possible to organize home fitness for pregnant women, exercises at home are performed more naturally, but without the trainer's supervision it is necessary not to overdo it.

    This exercise is a good start to perform from early pregnancy. On a flat floor, stand on all fours, keep your back straight. At the same time stretching his right hand to the level of the shoulders, the left foot stretch back, leveling to the level of the hip. Choose muscles on the abdomen, but without tension, keep your back straight. Silence in this position for five seconds. Do 10 to 20 repetitions.

    The next exercise kitty will help to solve the problem of pain in the upper spine. The main cause of pain in this part is breast augmentation.

    This exercise is also performed from the original rack as in the previous exercise. The head should be carefully tipped down and simultaneously rounded back, as does an angry cat. Stop in this position, after ten seconds return to the starting position.

    The next exercise will not only relieve the pain and strengthen the muscular corset, but also the straightener's posture. Be on your knees, lean over and lean on the fitball. Muscles do not strain. Pelvic part make circular motions in one and the other side, you can "eight".

    Yoga for pregnant

    Yoga is a universal tool that will help pregnant women relieve tension in all muscle groups, because during this period they are subject to more stress than usual. These exercises involve all the dorsal muscles, they create a lightweight muscle training, but the effect is stunning.

    If there is no possibility to study in special yoga centers that help pregnant women, then learn one simple but effective exercise, it will greatly alleviate back pain.

    Stand on the floor on your knees, spread your legs wide and sit on the heels. Next, you need to stretch your arms forward, lower your chin on your chest and lean deeply forward. The abdomen is placed between the legs, elbows and forehead to lean on the floor. Dilute your legs wider, if suddenly your stomach does not fit.

    Quit for a minute in this pose. Breathing should be smooth, do not delay it. This position will help relax the back in the lower back.

    You also need to understand for yourself what exercises you can not make pregnant, so as not to harm yourself and your child. This is running, fast walking, strength training, twisting, all exercises from the supine position. And, of course, absolutely contraindicated exercises, lying on your stomach and press.

    Future mummies, do not be afraid to go in for sports during pregnancy, it is very useful for you and the baby, only you need to choose those exercises that will help to survive this important period with pleasure.

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