  • Hygiene of a pregnant woman

    Pregnancy, as mentioned earlier, is the physiological condition of a woman. However, pregnancy does not always take place normally.

    Its normal course largely depends on compliance with the pregnant rules of personal hygiene. A future mother needs to be under the systematic supervision of a doctor throughout the pregnancy, and carefully follow all his advice.

    Compliance with cleanliness body

    Pregnant should especially carefully observe the cleanliness of the body, linen, the surrounding environment. The untidy skin can cause a number of disorders in the body. The skin, as is known, takes part in the absorption of oxygen and the release of carbon dioxide, in thermal regulation, protects our body from the harmful effects of the external environment, from the penetration of pathogenic microbes into the body. The maintenance of a skin in cleanliness considerably facilitates work of kidneys.

    If a pregnant woman does not follow the purity of the skin, this will inevitably affect her general condition. In addition, on the contaminated skin can easily form intertrigo, pustules, which is already a serious danger.

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    During pregnancy, the intense effect of sweat and sebaceous glands is observed. At this time, it is necessary to wash the whole body very thoroughly with hot water and soap. In the hot season, when the skin becomes more dirty, one should wash more often. It is recommended to use soap containing little alkali( baby, bath, etc.).Washing is best at home, under the shower. When using the bathroom, which is allowed in the first half of pregnancy, you need to make sure that the water in the tub is not very hot. For a long time to sit in a pregnant woman's bath should not, as it tires her. After taking a bath, it is advisable to rest - lie down for 20-30 minutes. It is not recommended to take a bath just before bedtime, and also soon after eating.

    Pregnant women with habitual miscarriages should avoid taking a bath, especially on dates that correspond to menstruation days. In the second half of pregnancy, it is better not to use the bathroom, but to wash under the shower.

    When using a bath, it is better to visit it at those hours( usually morning), when it is a little crowded and not very hot, as pregnant women, as a rule, do not tolerate heat, especially in combination with stuffiness. Sometimes in such an environment they have a fainting condition. The bench in the bathhouse, before you sit down on it, must be carefully burned several times with boiling water;especially carefully it is necessary to wash the pelvis, it is advisable to bring your pelvis from the house. But it's best to bathe in the bath in the bath.

    Do not stay in the bath for a long time. In the last months of pregnancy, it is better not to visit the bath, but to wash at home. At this time, wherever the pregnant woman bathes, she must be helped by someone.

    Pregnant woman should especially carefully observe the purity of the external genitalia( especially since many women with a pregnancy increase vaginal discharge).Their untidy content may contribute to the occurrence of postpartum diseases in the future. Washing of the external genitalia should become for every woman, and even more so for a pregnant woman, an obligatory daily hygienic procedure. It is recommended to wash it twice a day with warm boiled water and soap, over a basin under a flowing stream of water, using pieces of pure cotton wool.

    Never wash away with water poured into the pelvis, since water is contaminated from the very beginning of washing. Before washing, and also after it is necessary to wash hands thoroughly. It should be done by moving the arm from front to back, so as not to infect the infection from the rectum into the vagina. For such a toilet should be allocated a separate towel.

    Douching during pregnancy without prescribing the doctor should in no case be followed.