
Nutrition and dental care for pregnant women

  • Nutrition and dental care for pregnant women

    Proper nutrition is an important factor in human health. It has a favorable effect on all manifestations of life activity, ensures working capacity, prevents the onset of premature old age and largely determines the duration of life.

    Benign food, taken on time and in the right amount, is one of the conditions of health and longevity. Proper nutrition is extremely important for both the health of a pregnant woman and for the normal development of the fetus. At the same time, inadequate nutrition of a pregnant woman often leads to the emergence of various diseases and complications( toxicosis, the onset of premature births, etc.) and disrupts the development of the fetus.

    During pregnancy, it is especially important to take care of the taste of food. The monotony of food, as well as the table consisting of products to which the pregnant woman is not accustomed or does not like, can lead to loss of appetite, which is essential for the assimilation of food. Another great Greek physician Hippocrates wrote: "Drinking and eating are not so good, but pleasant, you should prefer the best, but unpleasant."

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    We have already said that some women experience nausea and vomiting early in pregnancy. Usually it does not require any treatment and all these unpleasant phenomena go by themselves. To prevent nausea and vomiting, one should eat more often, but in small portions, try to take food liquid or semi-liquid, in a cold form;in the morning it is useful to take food( first breakfast) while lying in bed, for 30 minutes or an hour before getting up.

    In case of heartburn, it is recommended to drink alkaline water, for example borzoi, or use a weak solution of drinking soda( 1/4 teaspoon in 0.25 cups of water).With severe and frequent nausea, much less vomiting should immediately consult a doctor.

    During pregnancy, especially at the end of it, some women suffer from constipation. In such cases, it is recommended to eat raw vegetables and fruit or curdled milk on an empty stomach.

    Good effect on the intestines at its lethargy is the eating of black bread. Laxatives, like any other medications, should not be taken without the appointment of a doctor. Occasionally, small enemas can be used. In addition to all this, pregnant women should especially carefully follow the general hygiene rules - wash their hands before meals, eat raw vegetables and fruits only cleanly washed, etc.

    It must be remembered that gastrointestinal diseases always represent a danger for a successful outcome of pregnancy.

    The woman's body during pregnancy especially needs the mineral salts needed to build the fetal skeleton. In those cases when the pregnant woman's diet contains few mineral salts, their supply in the woman's body decreases. The lack of them leads to tooth decay. There are cases when during one or several pregnancies, a part of teeth, healthy before pregnancy, was destroyed in women. This is due to non-compliance with the hygienic regime and especially the diet. During pregnancy, you should follow the usual dental care( brush with tooth powder, rinse your mouth after eating to remove stuck food between your teeth).

    However, a woman should visit the dentist regularly from the first months of pregnancy. This will give an opportunity, to determine the condition of the teeth during pregnancy, to reveal the sick teeth and to conduct their treatment.

    Sore teeth can be a source of illness for the mother and newborn baby.

    The common belief that dental treatment during pregnancy can cause miscarriage or premature birth is incorrect.