  • Complaints during pregnancy

    Morning nausea

    Feeling of nausea and vomiting can occur at any time of the day, therefore the term "morning sickness" is somewhat inaccurate. Approximately 75% of women start to suffer from it already from the 5th-6th week. Nausea usually disappears or happens much less often by the end of the first trimester. No one knows exactly what is its cause, but most experts believe that it is related to HG.

    Even when nausea does not lead to vomiting, it remains extremely unpleasant and undermining! power. If your nausea gets out of control, you lose weight, food and fluid are not retained in the body, you experience dizziness or fainting - talk with your doctor about it.

    First of all, do not complicate the problem, worrying about it. Nausea is harmless to you and your baby. The optimal weight gain in the first three months is only 2 kg. Even weight loss probably will not create major problems in the early stages of pregnancy - many women have gone through it.

    ♦ Eat often in small portions so that your stomach is never full.

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    ♦ Have more rest. Lie down earlier and get up later. Try not to overwork yourself during the day, and even more so in the morning.

    ♦ Do not worry too much about observing a balanced diet during this period, just eat what you can.

    ♦ If nausea becomes worse during tooth cleaning, toothpaste replacement may help.

    ♦ If nausea becomes worse with saliva in your mouth, suck lemon slices, candies, etc.

    ♦ Continue( or start now) taking vitamin medications for pregnant women that your doctor will appoint. Try to use them at a time when vomiting usually does not bother you. Let this not always help to remove the manifestations of toxicosis, but it will provide the fruit with the necessary amount of vitamins.

    ♦ Some women are helped by ginger in the form of tea, tablets or biscuits.

    ♦ Drink mineral water without gas, mint broth( 2 teaspoons of mint for 1 cup of boiling water), boiled in a thermos.

    ♦ Try to avoid contact with irritating smells and tastes. Remove deodorants, toilet water and other perfume products.

    ♦ Try to eat dried bread, potatoes and other sparing and easily digestible hydrocarbons.

    ♦ Keep biscuits near the bed - their use before lifting out of bed can ease nausea.

    ♦ Do not forget the fluid. You can get it with juices and mineral water, as well as with fruits( watermelon, melon or pear) or vegetables( tomato cucumbers).This is especially important if you are worried about vomiting, since a lot of fluid and salts are lost.

    ♦ Try wrist tapes for acupressure, they are sold in pharmacies and health food stores.

    ♦ Limit stressful stress. If you can not eliminate the cause of stress( for example, the same damned work), then try to resort to the help of a specialist psychotherapist. During the group consultation, many women receive the necessary psycho-emotional discharge, allowing them to feel differently and their new condition. In addition, you will master the basics of auto-training. This is often an effective weapon in the fight against early toxicosis.

    ♦ Oriental medicine methods sometimes help. Acupuncture, finger acupuncture can cope with nausea and vomiting, headaches, drooling and other manifestations of toxicosis. One important point: before you seek help from specialists in Oriental medicine, you need to make sure they have sufficient qualifications. Unfortunately, now there is a large number of incompetent people actively working in this field. Ask for advice from your doctor. Try to make inquiries with relatives or friends who have applied to certain centers of alternative medicine.


    Many women are surprised how exhausted they feel in the first trimester, but this is absolutely normal. Fatigue can become a side effect of all the physical changes that occur, including an impressive increase in the level of hormones. You may find that your exhaustion state will take place by the 12th-14th week. With the disappearance of fatigue, you will begin to feel more energetic and come to a condition that is almost normal for you, which will last until about 30-34 weeks, when you may feel tired again. At this time, fatigue will partially occur due to the fact that you will have to wear excess weight. Try to rest as often as possible and be aware that it is better to reduce physical activity and sleep more. Women often find the second or third pregnancy more tiring than the first because they need to take care of other children.

    ♦ Try to be realistic about the duties that you carry out and do not feel guilty if you can not do something.

    Nobody expects you to be a Superwoman.

    ♦ Rest as often as you can afford, in the evenings you sit, lifting your legs, and go to bed early.

    ♦ Whenever possible, shift routine household chores and responsibilities to others. This is especially important if you already have children and you simply can not do everything in the current situation.

    ♦ Make sure that you eat according to the rules of healthy food for pregnant women, avoid caffeine and sweets, giving a quick burst of energy, and then leaving the body broken because of a drop in blood sugar.

    ♦ Do simple physical exercises every day.

    Incontinence of stress

    During the last months of pregnancy, some women experience urinary incontinence when coughing, sneezing, laughing and abrupt movements. This phenomenon is called "stress incontinence", it is absolutely normal, and its cause is the growing pressure of the uterus on the bladder.

    ♦ Regularly perform pelvic floor exercises to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and urinary sphincter.

    ♦ Urinary incontinence may be a sign of an infection of the urethra, so consult your doctor.

    ♦ Continuous urinary incontinence may be a sign of destruction of amniotic membranes. This will be determined by the attending physician.

    Dizziness and fainting condition

    Feeling of light dizziness is normal in pregnancy. In the early stages, it can arise because the blood flow tends to cope with increased circulation. Later, it can be the result of the pressure of the uterus on the main blood vessels. Low blood sugar, low blood pressure, sudden lifting or overheating can also contribute to the appearance of dizziness.

    Fainting conditions during pregnancy are rare, but if you feel weak, this is due to a temporary decrease in blood flow to the brain. Harm to the child from this will not be any. Report an unconscious state to the treating doctor, as it may be a sign of serious anemia.

    ♦ From a sitting or lying position always rise slowly so that the blood can reach the brain.

    Try to lie on your side, not on your back.

    Drink more fluids, dizziness may be a sign of dehydration. And do not avoid salt.

    Eat proteins at every meal or eat more often, in small portions to maintain proper blood sugar levels.

    ♦ Carry raisins, fruit or biscuits in your purse to quickly raise the sugar level if necessary.

    ♦ If you feel stuffy, provide access to fresh air and unfasten, pay special attention to freedom in the neck and waist area.

    If you feel the approach of fainting, try to provide a rush of blood to the brain: sit down and lower your head between the knees or lie down so that your legs are above the level of the head.

    Migraine, headaches

    If the headache is associated with high blood pressure, this may signal the onset of gestosis. In this situation, you need to call a doctor quickly. If you have a headache and want to relieve the unpleasant sensations, take paracetamol and rest a little. Future mothers familiar with migraines, it is worth forgetting about those drugs that they took before pregnancy: sometimes they include a dangerous for the baby substance dihydroergotamine.


    Hemorrhoids, like varicose veins of the rectum, are a consequence of the pressure of the uterus on the main blood vessels, which causes the veins to expand and swell. Progesterone relaxes the veins, further increasing their swelling. Even if you managed to avoid the appearance of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, it is likely that he will appear during childbirth.

    Hemorrhoids sometimes bleed. In general, this is harmless, but if it happens often, consult a doctor who can refer you to a proctologist. If the nodes become very painful, discuss with the doctor the issue of further treatment.

    To cope with hemorrhoids, first of all you need to adjust the work of the intestines, as constipations cause the expectant mother to strain and cause or intensify the disease.

    ♦ Avoid constipation. If you stiffen while emptying the intestine, this puts additional pressure on the blood vessels.

    ♦ Do exercise every day, they will help you have a regular chair.

    ♦ Take a warm bath two or three times a day to help alleviate muscle contraction, which often causes pain.

    ♦ Relieve pain with witch hazel or special tampons.

    ♦ Talk with your doctor about medications.

    ♦ Sleep on your side to relieve tension in the anus. Avoid a long stay on your feet.

    ♦ Do regular exercises for the pelvic diaphragm, which will help improve blood circulation in the anus.

    Pain in the circular ligament of the

    Between the 18th and 24th weeks, you can feel a sharp or dull pain from one or both sides in the lower abdomen or in the groin area. It often intensifies with rapid movement or standing and can disappear when you lie down. This phenomenon is called pain in the round ligaments. Round ligaments are strips of fibrous connective( fibrous) tissue from both sides of the uterus, which attach the upper part of the uterus to the labia. With the increase in the uterus in the second trimester, the stress of these ligaments can create discomfort. Although this is quite unpleasant, but completely normal. The pain disappears or decreases significantly after the 24th week.

    ♦ Take breaks while standing and walking, and when sitting, raise your legs.

    ♦ With every prenatal check, mention any abdominal pain to make sure everything is in order.

    Excessive salivation of

    Excessive saliva, sometimes called "ptyalism," can create problems, but only in the first half of pregnancy. Symptoms can be as follows: produced twice as much bitter saliva, the tongue swells, cheeks swell, which is due to the increase in the salivary glands. It is believed that pentavism occurs more often in women who experience morning sickness, sometimes it aggravates it.

    ♦ Limit the consumption of starchy foods and dairy products, but still observe a healthy balanced diet.

    ♦ Eat fruit, it can help alleviate the symptoms.

    ♦ Mint tablets, chewing gum, frequent meals in small portions and crackers can reduce the amount of saliva secreted.

    ♦ Try brushing your teeth and rinsing your mouth with peppermint agents to refresh your mouth.

    ♦ Occasionally suck a lemon slice or lemon slices, candies, etc.

    Nasal congestion and nose bleeding

    High levels of progesterone and estrogen lead to increased blood flow in the body, causing swelling of the mucous lining of the nasal passages. This can lead to accumulation and excessive production of mucus. The increased blood flow also increases pressure on the sensitive capillaries of the nose, creating a tendency to bleed. Nasal congestion, possibly, will grow and pass after the birth of the child.

    ♦ Increase fluid intake.

    ♦ Moisten the air in the dwelling, especially in the bedroom, in the evenings.

    ♦ Keep your head up while you sleep.

    ♦ With a heavily stuffed nose, breathe steam over a saucepan of boiling water or use salt spray for the nose. Do not use medicines for the nose without consulting

    with your doctor.

    ♦ Clean your nose carefully so as not to cause bleeding.

    ♦ Eat vitamin C-rich foods, as they help strengthen the capillaries.

    Flatulence and bloating

    Belching and flatulence at inappropriate moments can lead to complete embarrassment, but they are unavoidable complaints during pregnancy. Even before the end of the first trimester, you may find that your abdomen swells and swells - an undesirable side effect of progesterone, which helps to hold water. This hormone slows the work of the intestine, causing it to increase. Estrogen, another major pregnancy hormone, provides an increase in the uterus that also inflates your abdomen.

    ♦ There is not much that can be done to get rid of

    from eructations and flatulence, but try to avoid constipation, as they will only worsen the situation.

    ♦ Avoid taking large portions of food, as they will create a feeling of belly swelling and inconvenience. Do not eat foods that, as you know, will aggravate the situation.

    They are different for each person, but different types of onions, zucchini, fried, thick, fatty and spicy sauces and legumes are common.

    ♦ Eat slowly. Haste makes you swallow the air, which creates in the guts causing pain in the cavity.


    Burning sensation in the upper abdomen under the sternum is common in the last stage of pregnancy. It is caused by acids that are produced in the stomach and pushed out into the lower part of the esophagus( the canal connecting the mouth with the stomach).

    Heartburn during pregnancy occurs mainly for two reasons. The high level of progesterone produced by your body slows digestion and relaxes the sphincter muscles between the esophagus and stomach, which usually hinders the rise of gastric acids.

    ♦ Eat more often, in small portions, it is necessary to drink mineral water without gas.

    ♦ If dry with heartburn, chew dry crackers. They can neutralize the evolution of gases.

    ♦ Avoid spicy, oily and oily foods.

    ♦ Do not eat before going to bed - heartburn often occurs when you lie.

    ♦ Try to sleep, lifting your head with a few pillows, try not to go to bed after eating.

    ♦ If heartburn becomes intolerable, consult your doctor about medications that are safe for pregnant women.

    Frequent breathing

    Two-thirds of all pregnant women periodically experience shortness of breath. It is caused by an increased level of progesterone, which accelerates the rate of breathing, and in the last trimester of a large size by the uterus pressing on the diaphragm and the lungs. In the last weeks of pregnancy, breathing can improve when the child descends into the pelvic region.

    ♦ Relax and try to avoid stress. Try not to panic, feeling shortness of breath - this can only worsen the situation.

    ♦ Do not sit down. Stand straight, allowing yourself to breathe in full.

    ♦ If you are breathing heavily, you feel chest pain, lips and fingers turn blue, contact a doctor as soon as possible.


    Many women complain of sleeping problems during the last few months of pregnancy. In part this can be caused by normal excitement about the appearance of the child, but also arises from physical discomfort in the late stages of pregnancy. With the growth of the uterus, it is sometimes very difficult to find a comfortable position for sleep.

    ♦ Place a few pillows under your stomach, under your feet and between them, so that it's easier to find a comfortable position.

    ♦ Before going to bed, take a warm relaxing bath.

    ♦ Drink warm milk. It releases tryptophan, an amino acid of natural origin, which has a hypnotic effect.

    ♦ Do not eat heavy food before going to bed.

    Eat in the early evening, and before going to bed, lightly snack.

    ♦ Ventilate the bedroom. Ensure access to fresh air so that you do not sleep in a stuffy room.

    ♦ Try to exercise regularly.


    To calm down, drink an infusion of motherwort, valerian or consult a non-traditional medicine: yoga, massage. Avoid tranquilizers, as they can cause malformations of the baby.

    Back pain

    About half to two thirds of pregnant women experience a pain in their backs at a certain stage. Fortunately, only a third of them have a strong personality.

    There are two main causes of discomfort in the back during pregnancy. When preparing for the birth of a child, your joints are in a more relaxed state than usual, and this, together with the growing abdomen, takes the body out of balance.

    ♦ Follow the standing posture to compensate for the displacement of the center of gravity.

    ♦ Sit on chairs with good support for the back. Knees should be above the hips.

    ♦ Sleep on your side on a hard mattress. Put a pillow between your legs and under your stomach to support your back.

    ♦ Rise properly, that is, so that the back does not tense: placing your legs to the width of your shoulders. Bend not in the belt, but in the knees.

    When rising, push your hips and keep your back straight.

    ♦ If you have to carry bags, distribute the weight evenly. When buying groceries, divide them into equal parts and carry one bag in each hand. If you have a small backpack with straps behind your back, put them on both shoulders.

    ♦ Wear low-heeled shoes.

    ♦ Apply a warm pad to the painful areas. A very effective tool can be a massage.

    Constipation of

    A high level of progesterone can create a hard and hard-to-reach stool, since this hormone relaxes the intestines, so the digestive process waste will move much more slowly. At the same time, your uterus increases in size. Taking iron-containing drugs can aggravate the situation.

    ♦ Eat more food with a high fiber content, such as grains with bran, fruits and vegetables. Some women are helped by air corn, but look for natural varieties without the addition of butter or vegetable oil or salt. However, foods with too high a fiber content can lead to unpleasant sensations, bloating or flatulence, so experiment and determine which food is best for you.

    ♦ Drink plenty of liquid - fruit juices, milk and water diluted with water are very useful.

    ♦ Eat prunes every day or drink a glass of prune juice.

    ♦ If necessary, soften the stool. It is better, however, to avoid laxatives, as they can lead to stomach spasms, and sometimes to uterine contractions.

    ♦ Exercise regularly. They cause the intestines to become more active and ensure their work during the day.

    ♦ A warm bath with disinfectants has a good effect. Add a solution of furacillin or chamomile to the water and sit in it for a while.

    ♦ From hemorrhoids, special ointments and suppositories help to reduce swelling and pain.

    Accumulation of fluid and edema

    Your body swells due to accumulation of fluid in the tissues. Edema is associated with the usual increase in fluid in the body during pregnancy, and three out of four pregnant women at a certain time, edema is formed. Usually swollen feet and ankles, hands and fingers. This is more noticeable by the end of the day or after prolonged standing and sitting, and also in warm weather. Edema can be a sign of pre-eclampsia, so when you see them, you should mention them to the doctor.


    This viral infection is accompanied by chills, fever, headache. In case of these symptoms, call a physician. What means will help to cope with the disease?

    Healing drink for strengthening immunity: mix the juice of two squeezed apples, two carrots and one beet, add a tablespoon of cranberry juice. Drink half a cup of glass 3 times a day for 20 minutes before eating. As for the drugs, they will appoint you a doctor. In no case do not take acetylsalicylic acid and analgin.


    Do not use vasoconstrictive drops and cough syrups, which contain codeine( a substance close to narcotic).If you have a cold or headache, again, take paracetamol. From cough help infusion of herb-coltsfoot, thermopsis or medications - mukaltin, bromhexine. Coryza will help cure drops - naphthyzine, sanorin or pinasol. Try to rinse the nose with saline solution( 1 teaspoon of salt for 1 cup of boiled water) and rinse your mouth with warm water, where you can add a few drops of lemon juice.

    Do not stand long

    ♦ Take breaks and sit with your legs raised. If your hands are swollen, try to keep them above the level of the heart, and not at your sides.♦ Avoid tight clothes and shoes.

    ♦ Wear supporting stockings or consult your doctor about special elastic stockings.

    ♦ Drink plenty of fluids to help remove excess fluid.

    ♦ Limit salt intake if you have high blood pressure() .

    Varicose veins

    Swollen veins often appear directly under the surface of the skin of the legs, and sometimes in the vulva and as hemorrhoids in the circle of the anus. This occurs when the uterus presses on the veins of the pelvis, increasing pressure on the veins of the legs, which leads to their swelling. It is more likely that you will get varicose veins, if it is hereditary, if you are overweight or you have to stand or sit for a long time. The veins are usually painless, but sometimes they can create unpleasant sensations and cause pain. Varicose veins after childbirth almost always disappear, but it happens that not completely.

    ♦ Avoid long standing in one place.

    ♦ During the day, try to find some time to relax, when you can lie down.

    ♦ Sit with your legs as high as possible.

    ♦ If you need to sit still for a long time, periodically move your legs back and forth to stimulate blood circulation. To avoid stagnation of blood, bend your legs, raise them and lower them.

    ♦ Wear supporting stockings or consult your doctor about special elastic stockings.

    ♦ Avoid wearing stockings and socks with a tight elastic band that will pull your leg.

    Leg cramps

    With increasing duration of pregnancy during sleep, seizures occur more often and become painful. No one knows exactly what they cause, although according to one theory they are associated with a lack of magnesium & gt;or calcium. As they consider, their contribution to this is made by fatigue and stagnation of fluid in the legs at the end of the day. Some doctors believe that leg cramps appear due to a worsening of blood circulation when sitting.

    ♦ Walking barefoot can ease the pain of seizures.

    ♦ Pain from seizures also reduces stretching and stretching of legs and feet.

    ♦ Minimize the pain of foot massage.

    Many women use additional means to cope with complaints arising during pregnancy. Although they are generally safe, consult a qualified technician before taking any medication.

    Herbal Remedies

    Fruit and mint teas are a good alternative to caffeine during pregnancy, and a piece of ginger, thrown into boiling water, can alleviate morning sickness. However, teas and medicines containing herbs should be taken with caution, since the herbs can be potent, and in some cases toxic. Every time before taking any herbs it is necessary to consult with the doctor in charge and ask the specialist about the trademark, as the quality of the herbs can vary.


    Its principle is based on the fact that the points on the feet and palms correspond to other parts of the body. It can help to remove many complaints during pregnancy, including back pain and problems with blood circulation. Reflexotherapy was used during labor to reduce pain during contractions. However, strong pressure should be avoided in the ankles, which corresponds to the uterus and ovaries, as this can lead to premature birth. Some

    reflexotherapists also recommend avoiding this type of therapy in the first trimester if a woman has miscarriages.

    During pregnancy, not only the body of a woman changes, but also her soul. Alas, not all of these transformations are favorable. The most common problems are irritability, impressionability, loneliness, misunderstanding, anxiety.
    Pregnancy makes you emotionally vulnerable, prone to anxiety, more sensitive to negative experiences. It seems that the reason for the disorder is insignificant, and the eyes on the "wet place", and nothing pleases. Many women are haunted by the feeling that you are "trapped" by the incessant nausea, tiredness from somewhere, constant irritability. Doctors explain such an unstable emotional state with stormy hormonal changes occurring in the body. However, the understanding that such a state is natural and completely physiological does not facilitate this difficult period for a woman.
    The increased irritability is a signal to the future mother that it is necessary to learn to relax. This valuable skill will come to the rescue not only during pregnancy or at the time of delivery, but also as a whole will favorably affect your life. The easiest way to relax is to include quiet music, lie down, settle down comfortably, and focus on your breathing. Take a deep, quiet breath and a slow, relaxed exhalation. Imagine that with each exhalation comes relaxation and peace. By the way, moderate physical activity is an excellent remedy for blues.
    Impressiveness of
    Even if before the pregnancy a woman had an unflappable temper, now she can easily panic from her doctor's abstract reasoning about complications during pregnancy or from the story of an eccentric friend about her birth. Scenes from some films or television news, a sharp remark from the head or fellow traveler in the subway can bring you to tears. Do not be afraid to give vent to your emotions, cry, complain to someone. The main thing - do not drive dark thoughts and insult into the depths of the soul. Such increased impressionability is just a reminder that it's time to change impressions.
    Remember that your impressionability has the other side - the ability to take a fresh look at the world. As if during pregnancy a woman becomes a little child, who looks at the world with interest and surprise. Take this opportunity to enjoy the beautiful sides of life. Through your impressions, you give the kid information about the world around him. Your impressions tell him about a good world or evil, colorful or dull, cheerful or sad. Try to get out more often on nature, visit concert halls or museums.
    There are so many changes in the soul of a pregnant woman that she can begin to feel very lonely in the whirlpool of surging experiences. All the surrounding people have remained the same, only you are alone in the power of "pregnant feelings."But at the same time, the experience of loneliness allows you to look deeper into your own soul, to understand yourself, to analyze your life experience, and perhaps to overestimate your life values.
    Use loneliness for self-knowledge, but do not get too involved in yourself. Share your experiences with loved ones, talk with a psychologist, talk with other pregnant women. Now there are many opportunities to communicate with oneself like this: these are psychological training courses for childbirth, and special groups of pregnant women in the pool or sports complex, and even specialty stores arrange lectures for pregnant women. And most importantly, start communicating with the child, because he is the person closest to you.
    Misunderstanding of
    The gestation period can give a new positive impetus to relationships in the family, and may give rise to misunderstanding. But the woman is most important to get support from
    loved one. However, it is much more difficult for a man to get involved in the process of his wife's pregnancy and become a "pregnant father".He hardly imagines that a little man grows inside your abdomen( by the way, he is not a stranger).A man is more likely to be disturbed by your new quirks than features of a pregnancy. A rare representative of the stronger sex is talking with the "belly" in an inspired way or touches the jolts from his depth. But this does not mean that men are completely indifferent to the upcoming changes. They simply experience pregnancy in their own way.
    Take the trouble to unobtrusively educate your lover about pregnancy. He needs simple, specific information about what is happening at the moment. Ask him to go along with you on ultrasound. Some men, seeing firsthand their child inside the tummy, completely change the attitude towards the wife's pregnancy, as if making sure of the real existence of the baby. Use the pronoun "we" more often, it will be another sign that you are no longer alone. Unobtrusively tell your husband about how the baby behaved during the day. If at the beginning there will be no expected reaction, do not be upset and do not blame the husband for not understanding. Simply, many men do not express their emotions openly.
    If you have a joint desire to have a husband present at birth, then he just needs to take appropriate training courses. And not at all in order that he did not faint at the most inopportune moment. And in order that from an uncertain witness, your husband became an active participant in the events. Who he was, actually, at the dawn of your pregnancy. The husband not only can gently hold your hand, but also will be able to make a relaxing massage, remind you of the right breathing, help to change positions. Such active participation in childbirth helps a man to realize his paternity. And for you it is an indispensable support. Anxiety
    At times, a pregnant woman with fear begins to sort out all of the risk factors that she was exposed from the beginning of pregnancy, and think about how they will affect the child. In the course are memories of a glass of wine drunk or accepted aspirin, when it was not yet known about pregnancy, thinking about the polluted air of your hometown or being irradiated from a computer monitor on your desktop. Yes, you never know what else can affect the health of the baby. Dangers there and here.
    It is not necessary to exaggerate the degree of risk, congenital malformations are very rare.
    Think that a vain anxiety is much more harmful to your child than the mistakes you made. Do not indulge in guilt, better find a way that can compensate for your "misses", whether active walks in the park, a balanced diet or listening to classical music. And try to imagine more how healthy, strong and beautiful you are born baby. Such fantasies are very beneficial for the development of the baby.


    Special vegetable oils are often used for massage in the practice of aromatherapy. It is very effective in combating stress and relaxation. However, many oils can be harmful to the extent that experts oppose their use during pregnancy. It is best to consult a qualified aromatherapist.


    This ancient oriental art is usually perfectly safe during pregnancy if an experienced doctor performs the treatment. Acupuncture can be especially useful for alleviating morning sickness or reducing pain in the lower back during pregnancy. However, special precautions should be taken because some acupuncture points can cause uterine contractions.


    It can be very effective in dealing with such minor complaints during pregnancy as heartburn, nausea and vomiting; for some women homeopathy can help during childbirth. It is unlikely that homeopathic drugs will give any side effect to the mother or child, since very small amounts of active substance are used here. But when you are pregnant, you should always consult a professional homeopath, since prescribing the right medication can be a difficult task.