  • Sexual life of pregnant women

    The question of the permissibility of sexual activity during pregnancy is decided depending on the general condition of the woman, the nature of the course of pregnancy and the timing of her, on how the previous woman's pregnancy took place, etc.

    Sexual arousal and increased blood flow to the genitals, inparticular changes in uterine blood filling, can lead to detachment of the fetal egg from the walls of the uterus, bleeding and lead to miscarriage or premature birth.

    Even healthy women in the normal course of pregnancy should be careful about the sexual life in the first months of pregnancy, when the most easily can occur its interruption. Especially it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity in days corresponding to menstruation, and this abstinence concerns also several days preceding menstruation.

    Sometimes in pregnant women there is disgust for sexual activity or sexual life causes a feeling of weakness, a headache, increases the tendency to nausea. At such phenomena( at any term of pregnancy) it is necessary to abstain from a sexual life.

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    Sexual life should be completely stopped during the last 2 months of pregnancy. Failure to do so may result in premature onset of labor. In addition, women who live sexually shortly before childbirth, sometimes have postpartum infectious diseases as a result of the introduction of microbes into the vagina during sexual intercourse.

    For women who have had spontaneous miscarriages or premature births in the past, especially repeated ones, sexual activity should be severely restricted;for them it is especially dangerous to live a sexual life in the first months of pregnancy and in those periods of pregnancy, in which in the past its spontaneous interruption was observed. Sometimes such women on the advice of a doctor should refrain from sexual intercourse almost throughout the entire pregnancy.

    Sexual life is also prohibited in certain diseases complicating pregnancy, for example, in hypertension with a tendency to crises, heart defects in the stage of unstable compensation.

    Violation by spouses of these hygiene rules can lead to the termination of pregnancy, as well as harm the health of women.

    Pregnancy Fitness

    Preventive health measures taken during pregnancy make great emphasis on physical education, which, combined with a rational diet regime, helps to temper the organism, making it more resistant to various infectious diseases.

    Special physical exercises, reasonable use of the sun, air and water are good for a woman to prepare for childbirth and the postpartum period.

    Numerous studies of doctors convincingly prove the beneficial effect of physical training on the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

    Under the influence of physical education in pregnant women, appetite and sleep significantly improve, nausea and vomiting observed sometimes during pregnancy, less often appear or disappear much earlier, the ability to control the muscles of the abdominal and perineal muscles is developed. At the same time, lack of movement causes muscle relaxation, reduces appetite, promotes the appearance of constipation. At the same time, sometimes the pregnant woman becomes too fatigued, her general condition worsens.

    Most sportsmen, as well as women who are engaged in hygienic gymnastics during pregnancy, give birth faster and easier, more fertile postpartum period, less common after birth complications.

    Daily hygienic gymnastics should be performed by all healthy women, whose pregnancy is normal. However, this should be done only as directed by the doctor, since not all exercises can be recommended to pregnant women.

    Healthy women who are systematically engaged in gymnastics even before pregnancy, can continue these classes and when it comes, but also only with the permission of the doctor. Often in the complex of women's exercises are necessary to make certain restrictions.

    Those pregnant women, who had not been hygienic gymnastics before, are recommended to carry out physical exercises for a special complex intended especially for pregnant women.

    Exercises of such a special complex, made up taking into account the period of pregnancy, do not require significant physical exertion and provide a general strengthening effect on the woman's body.

    However, these exercises lead to the prevention of metabolic disorders, regulate the work of the intestines, cardiovascular system and other organs, and also strengthen the muscular apparatus.

    It is very important to include exercises that strengthen the abdominal muscles, increase the elasticity of the pelvic floor muscles and thereby contribute to the correct and faster flow of labor.

    Pregnant woman can do hygienic gymnastics at home, but she must be systematically shown to the doctor. This allows the doctor, monitoring the state of the woman's health and observing the course of her pregnancy, making some changes in the choice of exercises depending on her condition, pregnancy period, etc.

    Gymnastics exercises should cause a feeling of cheerfulness in the pregnant woman, andnot fatigue. If any exercise is difficult for a woman, then it should not be performed.

    All sports, as well as exercise, associated with great stress, with the possibility of falling, with fast running, jumping( basketball, cycling, etc.), during pregnancy should be discontinued.

    Physical education is not limited to physical exercises. It includes the correct mode of work and rest, personal hygiene, extensive use of the natural forces of nature.

    Systematic action of water on the skin makes the body strong, resistant to the disease, strengthens the nervous system. For a pregnant woman this is especially important.

    / In the mornings of a pregnant woman, we recommend not only washing hands, face, neck, but also wipe the body( at least to the waist) with warm water or room temperature water, and then rub it with a hard towel. In hot summertime, common warm souls are very useful.

    Pregnant women on good summer days can swim in shallow places slowly flowing rivers, but with the permission of a doctor. The water temperature should be not lower than 18-20 °.In the sea you can swim( also with the permission of a doctor).