  • Emotional communication with the child

    It is because the child in the mother's womb not only develops physically, but is already a feeling and emotionally responsive being, is important emotional atmosphere in the family, whose main goal is pacification, benevolence, patience and joyful expectation of a new person.

    A woman who talks to her future child, reads poetry to him, listens to her favorite music, is constantly tuned to one emotional wave with her baby. She always remembers that the mother and child are a symbiosis - a single, interdependent whole, and this will provide the child with the best emotionally successful start in life.

    A well-known psychiatrist Stanislaw Groff suggests that the unborn child perceives such difficulties during pregnancy as the chronic anxiety, tension and emotional stress of the mother, and these prenatal experiences pass to the level of the subconscious. If the future mother learns to relieve stress and stress, and her relatives try to protect the woman from overloads, including emotional ones, these preventive measures allow minimizing the negative impact of mother's stress on the mental life of the unborn child.

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    In the first months of pregnancy due to hormonal changes, the mood of a woman changes dramatically( sometimes for no apparent reason): she wants to cry without any reason. This emotional sensuality. Women need to be changed and people must be considered with it.

    Studies on and reopostnatal psychology have shown that music has a tremendous stimulating effect on the cognitive, emotional and psychomotor development of both the unborn and the newborn child. If a pregnant woman listens with tender tender music with pleasure, then this is somehow( still not entirely understandable to the psychologists) the way it acts on the fetus, and after the birth the children react more actively to the music that they have already "heard" before birth. In some countries, special cassettes with notes of lullaby Mozart, Brahms, folk music, etc., and texts designed specifically for listening to pregnant women are sold.

    There are prenatal development centers in Russia, where specialists work with unborn children and their mothers. Future mothers draw in a state of meditation, learn to relax under classical music, sing special lullabies for their children, swim, do yoga, etc.

    It is hardly worthwhile to set yourself the goal of educating future geniuses, but to strengthen emotional contacts with the child and with each other- this is certainly much more important. And then these women come with their babies and classes continue. It's just wonderful! But if you do not have the opportunity to visit such a Center, do not forget that you yourself are not a bastard( because you are reading this book!).

    You yourself can do a lot for your future child. Read him Pushkin, listen to Mozart, sing lullabies( this is art that you need to learn in advance), go to exhibitions, concerts of classical music, theaters, museums - these are all very important aspects of the interaction of the mother( and father!) With his future child.

    If there are no museums in your city, study beautiful art albums, video films about animals.

    You need to walk a lot, enjoy the beauty of forests and fields, get yourself a new rule: to admire the sunsets, look at the flowers.

    Draw, knit, embroider.

    Do not pursue banal entertainment. The mystery that ripens within you requires inner silence and concentration.

    Do something for the Soul, then your child will also be part of the eternal beauty.

    Whatever the circumstances of life( domestic quarrels, lack of money), whatever our grievous way of life, all the same, future mothers, please, please, cut out every day for a few minutes the days of the Soul. Take time about goodness, beauty, listen to beautiful music, give yourself a little pleasure, enjoy some trifle: a beautiful cloud, a child's smile, a funny kitten - every joyful and kindly moment will multiply and become part of the essence of your unborn child.

    Five minutes of care during pregnancy will be given a hundredfold to your child throughout life: talk to him, send him our warmth, your smile, your tenderness. Imagine it - how HE grows in your hospitable home. Here his heart began to beat for the first time: wish him a strong and hardy heart. Here he pushes: "Look, I already have legs and hands."In response, wish him to keep his feet firmly on the ground and his hands were skillful.

    Every day, even five minutes, do "visualization".What does that scientific term mean? Yes, it's very simple. You concentrate all your attention, mentally imagine your child, talk to him, concentrate on him all your thoughts, all your love and tenderness. This secret dialogue goes on all the time: an exchange of feelings and sensations. Simply because of our inability to concentrate we can not feel it properly. If the future mother thinks about her child on a daily basis, listens to him, penetrates mentally into his secret life, she concentrates on him all her attention. She trains her imagination, talks to him, gives him her warmth, affection and tenderness. This is how Mother creates a full emotional relationship with her future child, establishing with him a prenatal bond of love.

    Pray for the successful development and successful birth of a child, even if you do not know any special prayers. Mother's prayer is the most powerful prayer in the world!

    Sondra Ray, the famous American psychologist, in the book "Perfect Birth" advises: "Touch your belly and say:" Baby, listen( shadow carefully, I am your mother, I tell you: go by the beauty, divinity and truth in your lifeI want you to be beautiful physically, emotionally, intellectually and spiritually. You must always try to be kind, loving and helpful people. You must be brave and fearless. Do not let other people misbehave with themselves Whatever happens in yourslife, you will always be happywalls. You must always spread the joy around you. You will be brave and fearless in the work to create a new world. "

    Most likely, you, the future mother, come up with other words, but try every day to find a quiet moment of concentration and talk to your future childThen, after birth, your emotional contact will bring you deep satisfaction and joy

    This applies equally to the future father. If the husband wants the child not to cry when he hears his unfamiliar voice after birth( and studies show that the newborn is scared and crying when he heard a strange male voice), the father should put his hand on his wife's stomach every day and talk.

    Dear future dad, if you want to be loved by your children, learn to express your own love for your future children. And express it not just with gentle words addressed to the future child, but also by the everyday care of your pregnant wife.