  • The art of forgiving

    Remember Leo Tolstoy: "Brothers, pardon!" Let's paraphrase these words: "Parents, pardon!" Help your children to survive in this difficult world. We must honestly admit that it is bad for us with charity, bad, especially with regard to children. We are riven by universal hatred, which now bubbles, like steam in a cauldron. The only thing that we, ordinary people, can counter it, is our love for children, family, friends. Maybe it's worth remembering more often what disasters are happening before our eyes, when thousands of people are literally burning under their feet: earthquakes, Chernobyl, Chechnya, thousands of homeless children, refugees scattered all over Russia, terrorist acts, explosions. ..

    we will torment( my decks scandals with aa-aa ragged pants or unlearned lessons. They are ALIVE, they are with us, they let us love them and take care of them, what else is needed!

    In improving the emotional relationships between family members, the mastering of the most importantare difficultin the world art - the ability to forgive forgiveness - forgiveness is one of the wonderful golden keys to spiritual enlightenment, happiness and a fulfilling life Try to use this magic key Maybe he will open the door that locked you in a difficult past full of wrongs and injustices Perhaps,this mysterious key of forgiveness will free you from the obsolete annoying "tape recordings" constantly scrolling in your head and pushing your life along old, rusty rails. This wonderful key will open before you the door to a new relationship, when you forget those complications and problems that have tormented you before. Again, no one says it's easy. But in many religions, forgiveness is the cornerstone of spiritual enlightenment.

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    Forgive - means to let go of your past forever, forever, because you can not change it anyway. To forgive is to liberate yourself for new, warmer and more humane relationships and focus on your present.

    Forgiveness - is not the only answer to everything, is not the ultimate panacea. Forgiveness is only one of the keys that help you on a journey through life, but it's a magic key. Having done a hard and painful job of forgiving others and yourself for all the mistakes of the past, releasing yourself and the person who( from your point of view) has hurt you, you will find that this will positively affect all areas of your life. By the way, you can look at all this in another way: was not the past a good lesson for you? !

    Famous health teacher Louise Hay in the book "Heal Your Life" suggests telling yourself many times a day or even writing a phrase like: "I forgive you for not being what I wanted you to be. I forgive you and completely set you free. "Try it! Already in any case, in family relationships, learning( and learning!) To forgive your loved ones is most important for peace of mind and peace in the home. Speak to yourself more often: "The past does not have power over me," especially when you remember something very sad and insulting. And remember, it is extremely important to forgive yourself!

    Well, friends, let's try to learn simple lessons of family happiness: eye to eye contact, physical contact, close attention, active listening, greet all first, learn to forgive and not be offended. And we will apply them in everyday family practice. And this is our life.

    Very good program for establishing an emotional peace in the family, do you think?