  • Protein for pregnant women

    The question of the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet of a healthy pregnant woman( as, indeed, and generally healthy people) is not really resolved to the end, so the opinions of specialists are extremely contradictory. Some argue that proteins are the most important and their consumption should reach 100-120 g. In nature, there is no protein in its pure form - in a living product, all "building blocks" are in different proportions.

    The protein standards offered by the World Health Organization for healthy people are 50 grams( the amount of protein contained in a single melted cheese), the most raw raw foods reach 20-30 grams per day( for them the biological value of the product is at the forefront!).

    But knowingly Paracelsus( the famous doctor of the century) stressed: "Do not tell me about the poison, talk about the dose."The main thing is not to get carried away and make sure that there are no distortions in either, or in the other, or in the third direction.

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    In order not to heat up passions, we will not discuss "norms" here, especially since this issue is purely individual. It all depends on how healthy the digestive tract is. It is necessary to take into account, what degree of physical and mental load falls on the pregnant woman and what is the level of stress. It is necessary to check how the liver and kidneys cope with metabolic products, etc. The main thing in the diet of a pregnant woman is the abundance of natural food and moderation with respect to concentrated protein foods;while the source of proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be natural products.

    Lean meat: poultry( chicken, turkey), beef, veal, liver( pork liver soak), kidneys( soak);

    Meat stew, oven or boil with spices( cumin, dill seed, coriander( coriander), cloves, bay leaf, pepper, hops-suneli, onion, garlic, greens);use with a lot of vegetables and greens, not more often 2-3 times a week, once a day. Chicken should be thoroughly and long cook or simmer under the lid with disinfectant spices.

    Fish( fresh and frozen) and seafood: squid, crab, shrimp.

    Fish and seafood are recommended to cook, bake or cook with spices, eat with lots of greens and vegetables, not more often 3-4 times a week, once a day.

    Milk and lactic acid products: milk, sour milk, biochefir, bio-yogurt, bifid, acidophilus, koumiss, ryazhenka, swineberry yoghurt, matsoni, sour cream, cream, cottage cheese, cheese.

    These products should be on your table daily, especially in the winter, when the proportion of fruits and vegetables decreases. Goat's milk is exceptionally useful. Cow's milk is suitable only for those who do not have allergies and who take it right. Sour cream - only as a condiment to salads, vegetable dishes and vegetarian soups. Cream as an addition to chicory, barley coffee, etc. Cottage cheese - preferably every day in any form, but only fresh. Cottage cheese can be made from milk and kefir. Cheese is low-fat, high-quality;you can use brynza, suluguni( soaked).

    Pulses: beans, peas, lentils( lots of iron), soy.

    These are sources of high-grade vegetable protein of high quality. They need to soak in the evening, cook carefully, you can make soups, mashed potatoes with a mixer. Now there are a lot of high-quality soy products, from which you can cook a lot of delicious dishes. Soy contains more protein than meat, lowers cholesterol in the blood( good for the prevention of atherosclerosis).

    Nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, cedar, cashew, almonds, peanuts, etc. Very useful vegetable sources of protein. In them, everything useful that is in meat without all the harmful! Nuts are better to grind, then they are well absorbed. It is especially important to eat nuts for lactating women, because they help improve lactation.

    Sesame( sesame or tahin) is a vegetable source of protein, similar in composition to almonds, contains vitamins B and E.

    Pumpkin and sunflower seeds are plant sources of protein, they both contain natural fats and vitamin E( important for preventing miscarriage).

    Mushrooms: white, boletus, chanterelles, champignons.

    Attention: fungi have an increased ability to accumulate radionuclides, they can be collected only in ecologically clean areas. Because now around us and so many risk factors, pregnant, it may be wiser to refrain from fungi, except for champignons, which are grown in artificial, environmentally friendly conditions.

    Eggs: raw can only eat eggs from village chickens;Incubator eggs must be cooked, because 60% of broiler chickens are ill with leukemia. In recent years, the danger of salmonellosis has been connected. Eggs with a cracked shell do not need to be used at all. Eggs should always be washed, it is better to use them boiled hard-boiled - for salads, soups, etc. Provided a healthy liver and gall bladder, the normal level of cholesterol and the absence of egg allergy can be eaten every day, but not more than two. If you are making scrambled eggs, always cover the frying pan with a lid so that the yolk is cooked properly. Pregnant and children are very useful quail eggs.

    Remember that Nature does not divide natural products into pure protein, purely carbohydrate and purely fat-containing foods. For example, there is a bit of protein in beet tops, potatoes, seeds and linen( replace, and the exotic fruit of avocado is an ideal combination of fats, proteins and carbohydrates.)

    You can fully follow your personal tastes or wealth by choosingthese or those of the listed products. It is only important that the proteins in one form or another are necessarily present in your diet every day. You must remember that proteins are the "building blocks" from which the child builds his body.

    It's not necessary to eat meat every day, but vegetarianism is quite difficult to observe in our environment without compromising on health. The main thing is moderation. If you can not afford meat every day, eat fish and seafood.lactic acid foods and cottage cheese should never be forgotten, sprinkle salads, cereals and vegetables with ground nuts, sesame seeds, seeds, flaxseed - these are also proteins. The string bean( lobio) and brynza are a traditional dish of Caucasian centenarians( and fresh lamb was prepared only for arrivalochetnyh guests).