
Which protein is better for losing weight, how to take protein during a diet

  • Which protein is better for losing weight, how to take protein during a diet

    On sale there is such a variety of products containing protein, which is difficult not to get lost. How to find out which protein is better for weight loss, which is the closest to the needs of the body? To understand this, you need to understand the mechanism of action of the protein in the process of reducing weight.

    What are proteins

    Proteins - one of the varieties of so-called dietary supplements( biologically active additive).But its main difference from many other artificially synthesized dietary supplements is that it is completely natural.

    Protein powder is obtained by isolating protein concentrate from whey.

    How do proteins participate in fat burning? Let's dwell on the main points:

    1. Processing and assimilation of proteins requires a huge expenditure of energy, due to this, an effect is created when less energy is supplied with food than is required for processing and vital activity, and the body begins to "eat up" the fat reserves.
    2. Long time, which is necessary for the breakdown of protein food, allows you to significantly prolong the feeling of satiety. And after fatty and carbohydrate food, the feeling of hunger returns very soon.
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    3. By eating pure protein, without carbohydrates and fats, the body receives a minimum amount of calories.

    Varieties of protein supplements

    In order to decide which protein to choose for weight loss, consider the types of additives and compare their positive and negative sides.

    One of the most popular( perhaps the main role here played an affordable price) is whey protein. Produced from whey milk, it contains the optimal amount of methionine, tryptophan and lysine needed for the body. This ends the pros. This additive has a significant drawback: the protein in it contains only half of the total mass, all the rest is ballast. Casein protein is made from cottage cheese proteins. The price is slightly higher than that of the previous additive. On the assimilation of this dietary supplements time is more expensive, so it can be considered as a food option for the evening. With the protein content the same problem as in whey protein.

    One of the worst additives in terms of indicators can be called soy protein. Of the positive qualities - cheapness and low caloric values. Disadvantages are a little protein and in deficiency are essential amino acids.

    Whey Protein Isolate - the drug has gone through several degrees of purification, resulting in it reaching the protein content of up to 90%.Its price is an order of magnitude higher than the usual protein from whey.

    The most expensive of all proposed protein supplements is the whey protein hydrolyzate. It is mainly used by professional sportsmen. The main advantage of this protein is that it is almost 100% protein. Disadvantages are unpleasant taste and very high cost.

    Opinion of specialists on the question: what protein to drink for weight loss is unequivocal: protein hydrolyzate. It is he who helps to achieve maximum results in a short time.

    Tips trainer

    Protein dietary supplement in fact helps to lose weight, it has long been tested in practice. Only his reception should take place in conjunction with constant training. As a result, fat will be burned and partially replaced by muscles.

    If you take protein during a diet without physical exertion, there will not be any weight loss.

    Experienced trainers advise drinking a portion of the protein cocktail for breakfast, then one serving before and after the workout. The use of protein is an independent meal. The rest of the techniques should consist of fish, porridge, beans, vegetable oil.

    Using protein shakes helps you not just lose weight, but also get a beautiful, sporty body. Only this will require all the willpower to withstand the diet and exercise regularly.

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