
Effect of alcohol on conception of the baby, female ovum and development of the fetus

  • Effect of alcohol on conception of the baby, female ovum and development of the fetus

    Recently, sports and health are in vogue. This gradually displaces smoking, drunkenness and drug addiction. But not everyone can do without alcohol in life. The only thing that matters is the frequency and amount of drink. This is especially important if the couple plans to become parents.

    For the birth of a healthy baby, it is necessary to prepare for pregnancy. And apart from many potential dangers for the child, it is necessary to exclude alcohol. Girls think better from their youth, because even one strong party can harm ovules.

    The effect of alcohol on eggs

    The health of the embryo, later the baby basically depends on the quality of the egg. Each girl is given a certain number of eggs, which will gradually decrease throughout the entire conscious life. In each period of menstruation, one of them will ripen in anticipation of fertilization. The number of eggs is pawned to a woman even intra-oral, that is, long before birth. Therefore, every future mother should keep her raw material in the best condition for the transfer of good genes to her children.

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    The influence of alcohol on the conception of a child is extremely negative. Particular harm it does to the structure of the egg, namely it irrevocably damages it. This can happen in any period of a woman's life, and from any dose of alcohol. In addition, regular use of alcohol reduces the female ability to become pregnant.

    Alcohol and pregnancy

    If a woman continues to drink alcohol both before and during pregnancy, then she should be ready for terrible consequences. Alcohol increases the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and causes fetal disease, which is due to intrauterine damage. This leads to abnormalities of the face, lag in development, damage to the heart and internal organs. Any kind of alcohol passes through the placenta and affects the fetus, often causes hypoxia - oxygen starvation. The decrease in zinc in the cells of the fetus leads to malformations of tissues and organs, disrupts metabolism and affects the central nervous system, including the behavioral sphere. It is necessary to know the influence of alcohol on pregnancy and for earlier to think about the health of the future baby.

    The influence of alcohol on the development of the baby internally

    The effect of alcohol on fetal development is extremely damaging. After fertilization, the fetus is very susceptible to exposure to harmful factors. Even a slight deviation from the norm can destroy the fetus or lead to a deviation in development. If the fetal cells are damaged within the first two weeks after conception, it will lead to a miscarriage. But the harm from alcohol can be inflicted on an already born being. Especially scary is the first trimester of pregnancy. In this period, the formation of organs, the development of fetal systems. Alcohol in such a process leads to malformations, especially negatively affects the brain. The effect of alcohol inhibits the process of cell division, which affects the CSN

    . The fetus is harmful not only for alcohol, but all its derivatives. All these substances lead to spasm of the vessels of the placenta, destroy the cells of the fetus, change the DNA, which subsequently leads to abnormalities and deformities.

    Knowing all this is unreasonable to expose the fruit to even minimal risks, so alcohol in the body of a pregnant girl does not belong.
