  • Mechanism of childbirth

    Three consecutive phases of labor are usually identified:

    1. Cervical expansion period.

    2. Period of expulsion of the fetus.

    3. Postpartum period( expulsion of the afterbirth).

    The onset of labor is marked by the onset of contractions of the uterus( fights).Even during a normal pregnancy, a woman gets acquainted with this feeling: when walking fast, with a strong push of the baby, the uterus suddenly hardens( strains), after a few seconds it gradually becomes soft again( check it with your hands on your stomach).

    At the beginning of labor, when the contractions are still short and not very intense, they go through 10-20 minutes, they do not produce a sensation of pain, but rather cause a feeling of pressure, heaviness, expansion, raspiraniya in the lower abdomen and the sacrum. As the frequency, duration and intensity of contractions increase, a sensation of pain may appear.

    Increase and contraction of contractions are similar to growth and fall of a wave. And the wave, and the fight - are spontaneous, independent of our will powerful forces.

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    The best way to control fights is to obey them, not fight them.

    At first the contractions are short - up to 20 s, the maximum duration of contractual fights is 60 with really hard work. After that, the woman has the opportunity to relax from 10-20 minutes at the beginning of birth until 1-2 minutes in attempts. They need to be used as much as possible for relaxation.

    And as a result of these contractions, the cervix of the uterus hastens to shorten and expand so that it becomes possible for the fetus to pass through the birth canal.

    To determine the speed and effectiveness of the first period of labor, the doctor necessarily performs a vaginal examination evaluating the degree of smoothing and opening of the cervix. At first-borns, there is only a smoothing, and then dilatation, and the first period lasts 9-12 hours. Those who re-generates these processes simultaneously, and the first period is shortened approximately twice. Remember, it's all about a healthy woman, without any pathological abnormalities.

    The expansion of the throat is facilitated by the presence of a fetal bladder( amniotic fluid located in front of the fetal head and bounded by the fetal membranes), which, like a wedge, extends into the neck, pushing it apart at each new contraction. That is why the presence of whole amniotic fluid in the first period of birth is so important.

    When the cervix is ​​fully opened, the bladder is no longer needed, at the height of one of the contractual fights, it breaks, and the water pours out. This is considered normal. The discharge of water before the full opening of the neck is considered to be early, abnormal.

    In the first stage of childbirth, we distinguish a subperiod, which differs in the clinical course, and the behavior of a woman, as a rule, changes in it. This is the transition of the child from the uterus into the birth canal, as a result of which the woman in labor begins to experience pressure on the pelvic floor. Just when you get used to the nature of the bouts( even with incomplete disclosure), you will feel that their quality has changed. It is difficult to describe in words, but the feeling will be as if the battles, in addition to increasing their duration and strength, began to acquire a different nature. This is due to the fact that exertion begins to appear. For a relatively short time, the bouts become very strong, last for 1 minute and follow in a row with very small intervals. It is this comparatively short period( 5-10 min) that is difficult to control.

    When the cervix is ​​finally open( 10 cm), the contractions become weaker and shorter. At this time, the second period of labor begins - the period of exile. It is for the fetus the most critical phase of labor. He demands the greatest efforts from his mother, but also gives her the strongest feeling of joy and satisfaction. The force of contractions becomes approximately the same as during dilatation. Their duration can be different, usually about 60 s with 1-3 min breaks. But they are joined by other expulsive forces: contractions of the muscles of the pelvic floor, abdominal press and diaphragm, which, together with the contractions, try to minimize the volume of the uterine cavity and push the fruit out. With every attempt, the head of the fetus descends more and more, making a screw movement, is cut and born! Next comes the shoulder, then another, a little more effort - and that's the whole body outside. Your baby is born! At this point, the mother can scream, but not with pain, but with an influx of feelings;the child, too, overwhelmed with a flood of sensations and joy!

    Of course, the ideal option is when the baby is still on the umbilical cord and( smearing the mother's nip on the breast and they are looking at each other for the first time, feel each other, feel each other and wait for the cord to stop pulsating.) The Great Instinct of Life is the child himselffinds the nipple! The woman begins to feel incomparable Happiness The baby drinks her milk - the elixir of life!

    The umbilical cord is cut off, but the work of the woman in childbirth has not ended yet. After emptying the bladder with a catheter( this is done by the nursing staff) you for a whileleaveand the baby is engaged in. At this time, there is a separation of the afterbirth, that is, the third period of childbirth is taking place. It is usually very short - 10-20 min Then you will be asked to strain again, remove the latter, check it.