  • Treatment of overweight by folk remedies and methods

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    The development of obesity - the deposition of excess fat in the subcutaneous tissue basically have two reasons - inadequacy and inadequate nutrition.

    Excess body weight is the initial form of obesity. Where does the excess weight come from? What is the reason?

    According to statistics of the World Health Organization, about a quarter of the world's population has a weight exceeding the normal by 20%.The problem of obesity in our time is becoming more urgent and begins to pose a threat to people's lives. Only some 100-200 years ago, our ancestors were deeply mistaken, considering completeness as a sign of health. Nowadays, new evaluation criteria have arisen, and we began to understand that getting fat - means getting old. People who are overweight disrupt the normal activity of the cardiovascular system, often develops atherosclerosis, diabetes, hypertension and joint diseases. Overweight, wear out the heart, shortens the life of a person for 15-20 years. Children suffering from this deficiency usually get tired quickly, inattentive at lessons, almost always lag behind in studies. They are concerned about headaches, poor health, disruptions in the activity of the musculoskeletal system. The nature of these children is usually unstable and pliable, they can not achieve the set goal and in life they go with the flow. With age, children begin to realize their dissimilarity in others and experience feelings of inferiority. They are capricious and whiny, with an incomplete psyche.

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    Body mass is a relative indicator of a person's physical development and depends on both the type of physique and sex and age. Everyone should know the norm of their weight and strive to observe it. The most accessible method for determining normal weight is the following: by subtracting from the value of its growth the figure 100, you get your optimal weight. If your weight exceeds the norm by 7%, then it is already overweight and should be disposed of. If the mass of your body exceeds the norm by 25-30% - it is already obesity.

    There are two forms of overweight. In the primary form, the accumulation of fat in the body is not associated with any diseases, but is a consequence of external influences. This is the so-called "obesity from laziness", which affects up to 70% of all complete people.

    Secondary form of fat metabolism disorder is much less common and is associated mainly with endocrine disorders. But even with this form, there is usually an excessive intake of food.

    In the development of excess body weight, the leading factor is the imbalance caused by excessive caloric content of food and insufficient physical activity, so to prevent fat accumulation a person must take into account the energy expenditure and its intake with food. Self-control is easiest to carry out by means of check weights, which must be done at least once a week(

    athletes are weighed daily) and with an increase in body weight, immediately take measures to stop this increase. In this case, one should either reduce the intake of energy-intensive food, or increase energy expenditure, that is, balance these processes.

    In the development of obesity, certain importance is attached to hereditary factors. But if a person adheres to the norm in nutrition, even with such predisposition, he can avoid obesity. It must be remembered that with age, when the energy consumption of a person decreases and the metabolism slows down, the body weight begins to grow. Therefore, in the elderly, you can not avoid physical work, morning exercises, running and other sporting events.

    Most often, excessive accumulation of body weight occurs due to disorderly feeding, when the rhythm of food intake is disturbed, when the bulk of nutrients enter the body in the evening or even at night.

    The most rational is a 4-time meal with the following distribution of the daily ration:

    1st breakfast - 30% of the daily caloric value;

    2nd breakfast -15%;

    lunch - 30-35%;

    dinner - 15-20%.

    The last meal should not be earlier than 2-3 hours before night sleep. Before going to bed it is very useful to drink a glass of yogurt or curdled milk( people yam, suffering from constipation, and elderly people in kefir it is desirable to add a tablespoon of sunflower oil).