
Diet Pelagia: how Pelageya lost weight, the principles of her nutrition

  • Diet Pelagia: how Pelageya lost weight, the principles of her nutrition

    No one will say now: "Pelagia is full".The singer has recently changed almost beyond recognition. If before, it looked on the 48th size, but now the maximum - on the 44th. With her height and weight, Pelagia looks great, although she managed to throw off exactly how many kilograms she did not disclose.

    Diet Pelagia for weight loss - these are the principles of proper nutrition. She achieved the result, completely eliminating from the diet all fatty, spicy, fried, sweet, salty, flour and semi-finished products and giving up snacks between meals( 4-5 times a day).

    This diet is not aimed at a sharp reduction in weight, when extra pounds are returned, as soon as the diet comes back to normal, and a gradual and persistent disposal of fat accumulation.

    Making the menu, you should adhere to the following rules: eat a bucket of buckwheat 2 times a day( 1-2 times a week it can be replaced with a meat or fish dish) and eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible.

    It is not recommended to eat after 18:00.In extreme cases, drink a glass of yogurt or eat a portion of yogurt.

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    1-2 times a week arrange unloading days - 1,5 kg.apples or 2 liters of kefir.

    For a month, following these recommendations, you can lose 7-10 kg of excess weight.

    What to eat?

    The main thing is that the products are natural - especially this refers to fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

    Also suitable for any low-calorie products - low-fat fish and seafood, chicken white meat, low-fat dairy and sour-milk products, diet breads.

    Since you can not fry, cook steamed, grilled, boiled, bake without adding oil.

    Must drink a lot - like mineral water, and freshly squeezed juices and / or green tea. The daily norm is at least 2 liters. Drink 15-20 minutes before meals and between meals.

    Buckwheat porridge

    The singer is sure that the maximum effect was the inclusion of buckwheat in the daily diet.

    Nutritionists also recommend this product for those who want to lose weight, because this groats contain many proteins and little easily digestible carbohydrates, and in addition, vitamins and trace elements that the body needs. It creates a sense of satiety and benefits health.

    Sample menu

    The menu for the day may look something like this.

    1. Breakfast. Portion of buckwheat without adding oil and salt - 150 g.

    2. The second breakfast. A glass of yogurt or 100 grams of cottage cheese. Fruit.

    3. Lunch. Vegetable salad dressed with vegetable oil, lemon juice or balsamic vinegar in any quantity and a serving of meat or fish dishes - 100 g.

    4. Snack. Any fruits. Natural yoghurt. Dietary bread with cheese. A glass of freshly squeezed juice.

    5. Dinner. Portion of buckwheat - 200 g. 1-2 vegetables in any form.

    Therefore, the Pelagia diet is not a mono-diet, which most often has significant side effects. Fasting with such a menu will not be necessary, and the inclusion of fresh fruits and vegetables in large quantities will benefit the body and will have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

    Advice from the star

    How did Pelagia lose weight? Proper nutrition is not all. Next - a few tips from the singer, who helped her to achieve maximum effect.

    1. Prolonged rejection of your favorite products provokes depression. Therefore, eat according to the recommendations of the diet 20 days a month.

    2. Visit the sauna or sauna, go for a massage.

    3. Do your home exercises if not every day, then at least every other day. Wherever possible, walk and do not use the elevator - load the legs.

    4. Think of a diet not as a forced refusal of all tasty, but as a means to restore beauty. Give yourself an incentive - buy your favorite dress several sizes smaller and try on every month.

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