
Lingonberry for weight loss: berries and leaves, cowberry diet, recipes of folk medicine

  • Lingonberry for weight loss: berries and leaves, cowberry diet, recipes of folk medicine

    Cowberry slimming: the benefits of miracle-berries for health and figure

    What kind of diets does not exist in the world!"Kremlin", separate meals, meals for Dyukan, for Montignac, protein diets. Among the variety of proposed methods of weight loss is easy to get lost. Meanwhile, the benefits of vegetables and fruits in the diet of a slimming person have not been canceled, and if newfangled diets do not help, it is simply necessary to include as much vegetables and fruits as possible in your diet. Who would have thought that cranberries for weight loss are very useful.

    Cowberry - a miracle berry with a unique composition

    Cowberry is a shrub with evergreen leaves belonging to the heather family. Cowberry grows in pine forests, as well as on dried peat bogs. Useful for losing weight like red berries cranberries, and her leaves. Collection of fruits and leaves continues from September to November.

    What explains the positive effect of cowberries on the human body? This is a unique chemical composition of berries. Cowberry berries contain vitamins A and E, ascorbic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. In cranberries, extremely low glucose, so doctors like to appoint her to diabetics and people suffering from other diseases of the endocrine system. We should not forget that cranberries have an antibacterial effect, like cranberries. That is why this berry is recommended for use in intestinal disorders and infections of any type( dysentery, gastritis, cystitis, hypertension, jaundice, tuberculosis).

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    The use of slimming

    As for fashionable slimming now, the cranberry diet will be an ideal way for those who are not aimed to lose 20-30 kilograms at once, but intend to lose weight at a slow pace, but it is true. The fact is that a diet with cranberries allows you to throw up to 3-5 kilograms of weight per week.

    In practice, you use both cranberries for losing weight, and its leaves.

    Delicious recipes

    These are the recipes of the cranberry diet are most popular among dieticians and Internet users.

    1) Cranberry-kefir diet

    This diet allows you to lose 3-5 kilograms a week. The diet of the thinning should consist of cowberry, kefir( 1-2%), oatmeal and eggs. It should be breakfast oatmeal without oil and sugar( cook on the water).After that, drink 1 cup of yogurt mixed with ½ cup of cranberries. You can also drink kefir and eat lingonberries separately. Lunch: 1 hard boiled egg + 1 cup of kefir + 1 cup of cranberry juice( or crushed berries in a blender).Dinner: oatmeal on the water + 1 cup kefir + 1 glass of cowberry.

    2) Cranberry mono-diet

    This diet differs from the previous one by a narrower set of approved foods: only cranberries and kefir are allowed, the rest of the products are excluded from the diet. The duration of a mono-diet should not exceed 3 days. The ideal day for starting a diet is Friday. On the first day you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir and eat 3 cups of cowberry. It is best to make a kefir-cowberry cocktail, because in this form the acid contained in the cowberry will not irritate the walls of the stomach. Such a cocktail is recommended to drink not in 1-2 meals, but to break portions by 7-8 times. Naturally, during the unloading days, you should regularly drink water, and full people need it even more than thin.

    3) Diet with cranberry leaves

    Surprisingly, the leaves of cranberries for weight loss are also useful. They can both be collected and dried on their own, and bought in a pharmacy. Cowberry leaves well cleanse the body of toxins, help reduce blood sugar, have a diuretic effect. Use the leaves as follows: 2 tablespoons dried leaves of cranberries pour 1 cup of boiling water and insist about 15-20 minutes in a warm place. Then the broth should be filtered and drunk 3 times a day for ½ cup. The course of this treatment is 14 days( 2 weeks).Decoction of cowberry leaves is not only effective in losing weight, but also helps with colds, any inflammation, diabetes and even at the initial stage of melanoma( skin cancer) treatment.

    Who should not eat cranberries

    Cowberry and its derivatives have almost no contraindications to use except, perhaps, the state of pregnancy. Still, you should remember that cranberries in the form of berries or leaves - this is a very strong tool that can affect the tone of the uterus. Also, it is impossible to take cranberries in large quantities to people who have liver problems and suffer from low blood pressure.

    What kind of diet does not exist in the world!"Kremlin", separate meals, meals for Dyukan, for Montignac, protein diets. Among the variety of proposed methods of weight loss is easy to get lost. Meanwhile, the benefits of vegetables and fruits in the diet of a slimming person have not been canceled, and if newfangled diets do not help, it is simply necessary to include as much vegetables and fruits as possible in your diet. Who would have thought that cranberries for weight loss are very useful.

    Cowberry - a miracle berry with a unique composition

    Cowberry is a shrub with evergreen leaves belonging to the heather family. Cowberry grows in pine forests, as well as on dried peat bogs. Useful for losing weight like red berries cranberries, and her leaves. Collection of fruits and leaves continues from September to November.

    What explains the positive effect of cowberry on the human body? This is a unique chemical composition of berries. Cowberry berries contain vitamins A and E, ascorbic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and iron. In cranberries, extremely low glucose, so doctors like to appoint her to diabetics and people suffering from other diseases of the endocrine system. We should not forget that cranberries have an antibacterial effect, like cranberries. That is why this berry is recommended for use in intestinal disorders and infections of any type( dysentery, gastritis, cystitis, hypertension, jaundice, tuberculosis).

    The use of slimming

    As for fashionable slimming now, the cranberry diet will be an ideal way for those who are not aimed to lose 20-30 kilograms at once, but intend to lose weight at a slow pace, but it is true. The fact is that a diet with cranberries allows you to throw up to 3-5 kilograms of weight per week.

    In practice, you use both cranberry berries for weight loss, and its leaves.

    Delicious recipes

    These are the recipes of the cranberry diet are most popular among dieticians and Internet users.

    1) Cranberry-kefir diet

    This diet allows you to lose 3-5 kilograms per week. The diet of the thinning should consist of cowberry, kefir( 1-2%), oatmeal and eggs. It should be breakfast oatmeal without oil and sugar( cook on the water).After that, drink 1 cup of yogurt mixed with ½ cup of cranberries. You can also drink kefir and eat lingonberries separately. Lunch: 1 hard boiled egg + 1 cup of kefir + 1 cup of cranberry juice( or crushed berries in a blender).Dinner: oatmeal on the water + 1 cup kefir + 1 glass of cowberry.

    2) Cranberry mono-diet

    This diet differs from the previous one by a narrower set of approved foods: only cranberries and kefir are allowed, other products are excluded from the diet. The duration of a mono-diet should not exceed 3 days. The ideal day for starting a diet is Friday. On the first day you need to drink 1.5 liters of kefir and eat 3 cups of cowberry. It is best to make a kefir-cowberry cocktail, because in this form the acid contained in the cowberry will not irritate the walls of the stomach. Such a cocktail is recommended to drink not in 1-2 meals, but to break portions by 7-8 times. Naturally, during the unloading days, you should regularly drink water, and full people need it even more than thin.

    3) Diet with cranberry leaves

    Surprisingly, the leaves of cranberries for weight loss are also useful. They can both be collected and dried on their own, and bought in a pharmacy. Cowberry leaves well cleanse the body of toxins, help reduce blood sugar, have a diuretic effect. Use the leaves as follows: 2 tablespoons dried leaves of cranberries pour 1 cup of boiling water and insist about 15-20 minutes in a warm place. Then the broth should be filtered and drunk 3 times a day for ½ cup. The course of this treatment is 14 days( 2 weeks).Decoction of cowberry leaves is not only effective in losing weight, but also helps with colds, any inflammation, diabetes and even at the initial stage of melanoma treatment( skin cancer).

    Who should not eat cranberries

    Cowberry and its derivatives have almost no contraindications to use except, perhaps, the state of pregnancy. Still, you should remember that cranberries in the form of berries or leaves - this is a very strong tool that can affect the tone of the uterus. Also, it is impossible to take cranberries in large quantities to people who have liver problems and suffer from low blood pressure.