
Diet number 9 for diabetics: how to eat properly with diabetes

  • Diet number 9 for diabetics: how to eat properly with diabetes

    Type 1 diabetes is a disease, one of the main symptoms of which is the increase in blood sugar. Now there are several scientifically based diets that a specialist can recommend to a patient with such a diagnosis. The main among them is diet No. 9 for diabetics, created by the prominent Soviet dietician Manuil Isaakovich Pevzner.

    Despite the fact that it was developed relatively long ago, the recommendations have not lost their relevance. This diet is designed not to damage the balance of nutrition, first stabilize, and then lower sugar and cholesterol.

    The only contraindication to the appointment of this diet can be a serious condition of the patient.

    The most effective is a diet prescribed simultaneously with the onset of other medical procedures. In this case, you can quickly determine the rate of carbohydrates, which, being consumed daily, will not harm the patient's health.

    Recommendations diet - this is just the basis. In each case, the doctor develops his diet, based on the testimony of the blood sugar and urine of the patient, as well as his taste preferences and the presence of allergies to certain foods.

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    Basic rules

    The "table number 9" diet divides food products into allowed and forbidden foods, based on their glycemic index. It depends on whether the product will increase the level of sugar in the blood after consumption. Preference is given to those whose index is lower.

    The diet prescribes to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Make the menu so that the total weight of all eaten at one time did not exceed 400 g.

    The basic rule is to keep proteins in the diet at a level that is recommended for all healthy people, to reduce the amount of consumed fats and especially carbohydrates. It is not recommended to eat the entire daily norm of carbohydrates for one meal - it is better to distribute them evenly throughout the day.

    Under categorical prohibition, everything is sweet, fatty, fried, spicy, smoked, any canned foods and spirits. Reduce sugar and salt intake to a minimum. If possible, switch to sugar substitutes.

    What you can and can not do

    With diabetes, you can consume whole-grain and rye bread, lean meats of various grades and lean fish, seafood, boiled sausage, fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, greens, cereals( especially buckwheat), dairy and sour-milkproducts with low fat content, tea and coffee without sugar, herbal infusions, freshly squeezed juices diluted with water about half, extra Virgin Virgin olive oil, sour cream 10-15% fat, natural yogurt.

    Moderately( not every day or in limited quantities) - potatoes, eggs( 1 piece per day), sweets on sugar substitutes.

    Completely exclude from the diet all sweets and confectionery, baked pastry, goose and lamb, fish of fatty varieties, meat soups, pasta and rice( even brown brown), cream, dried fruits and fruits with high sugar content( grapes, bananas, peaches, figs), all smoked, fatty, spicy, homemade pickles, marinades and jams, store juices( even if the package indicates 100% natural), spices and condiments, mayonnaise, ketchup, mustard, spirits. Sample Menu

    Breakfast. Portion of cottage cheese with berries or fruit. A plate of porridge. Fruit. Sandwich with cheese or boiled sausage and boiled egg. Dietary cookies or waffles. A cup of tea or coffee.

    Second breakfast. Fruit. A glass of yogurt or milk. Herbal decoction. A portion of natural yogurt.

    Lunch. Vegetable or fish soup. Portion of meat or fish( boil, bake, cook on a pair or on a grill) with vegetable garnish or buckwheat porridge. Homemade compote.

    Snack. Fruit salad. Cottage cheese casserole. Dietary cookies or waffles. A glass of freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice. Boiled egg.

    Dinner. Vegetable salad. A portion of meat or fish. Steam cutlets. Stuffed vegetables. Vegetable side dish. A cup of tea.

    In conclusion - a small video compilation: