
Protein diet for 7 days: diet for a week, the pros and cons of this diet for weight loss

  • Protein diet for 7 days: diet for a week, the pros and cons of this diet for weight loss

    Protein diet for 7 days: a healthy diet menu for protein for fast weight loss

    Nutritionists believe that a diet with a high protein content is most effective. With the use of dairy products, you can be sure that the incoming calories do not turn into fat. Only the method should be used cautiously, not more than 3-4 weeks. Otherwise, the body can weaken, because there is a big load not only on the pancreas, but also on the kidneys, all this leads to arthritis. When losing weight on this diet in a month, you should replace it with a low-calorie diet.

    The diet of such a diet is painted for a week, so it is called - a protein diet for 7 days. It is very important to observe the correct calorie content of dishes. Remember that in seven days you will not be able to lose weight crucially, but the intestine and stomach will be cleared, all excess fluid will leave the body. Only in a small amount will subcutaneous fat. To fix the result that you get, observe a healthy diet, eat meat, dairy products, various cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits.

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    Pros and cons of the

    diet The main advantage is fast weight loss. In this case there will be no constant feeling of hunger, the protein provides the body with all the necessary energy. The menu of the protein diet is very diverse. But you have to completely abandon the sweets, although it is much easier than kefir to drink all day. It is also important that the lost pounds will not return.

    Minus diet is that it can not be called balanced. Fats and carbohydrates come in a minimal amount, so the body is deprived of vitamins, fatty acids, important trace elements. Long-term compliance with this diet leads to fragility of nails, dry skin, deterioration of complexion, hair condition, increased fatigue.

    Menu for the week

    During this period it is necessary to limit only to sources of protein. Eat cottage cheese, fish, meat, poultry, yogurt, green vegetables, tomatoes. Do not eat the same products, it will slow down the metabolism. It should be excluded porridge, bread, pastries, fruit. The menu of the protein diet for a week includes:

    For breakfast: low-fat curd or yogurt, boiled buckwheat, albumen omelet, grain bread in small slices.

    For the second breakfast: an omelet made of protein with tomatoes, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, berries, yoghurt.

    For lunch: chicken breast, vegetables, fish, beef, braised eggplant or cabbage.

    At noon: yogurt without additives, any nuts, grapefruit, apple, kefir mixed with raspberries or cherries.

    Nuts can be eaten any: walnuts, cedar, almonds, but not more than 50 g.

    For dinner you can: fish and seafood, beef, chicken breast, cucumbers, tomatoes, spinach, lentils and other legumes.

    The diet does not limit the intake of vitamins, flavonoids. These are sources of antioxidants, which help to easily transfer any diet. Although this diet is not difficult.

    Any diet requires a large amount of liquid, not sweet or soda. Water helps digestion, removes from the body the substances formed during the breakdown of fats. Drink herbal teas and still water, about 2 liters a day.

    The diet of a protein diet for a week is perfectly combined with any sport, and especially with power loads. Do sports 2-3 times a week. This will help to adjust the figure and move to a healthy diet.

    But before you go on a protein diet, you need to consult with a specialist.

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    Nutritionists believe that a diet with a high protein content is most effective. With the use of dairy products, you can be sure that the incoming calories do not turn into fat. Only the method should be used cautiously, not more than 3-4 weeks. Otherwise, the body can weaken, because there is a big load not only on the pancreas, but also on the kidneys, all this leads to arthritis. When losing weight on this diet in a month, you should replace it with a low-calorie diet.

    The diet of such a diet is painted for a week, so it is called - a protein diet for 7 days. It is very important to observe the correct calorie content of dishes. Remember that in seven days you will not be able to lose weight crucially, but the intestine and stomach will be cleared, all excess fluid will leave the body. Only in a small amount will subcutaneous fat. To fix the result that you get, observe a healthy diet, eat meat, dairy products, various cereals, as well as vegetables and fruits.

    Pros and cons of the

    diet The main advantage is fast weight loss. At the same time, there will not be a constant feeling of hunger, the protein provides the body with all the necessary energy. The menu of the protein diet is very diverse. But you have to completely abandon the sweets, although it is much easier than kefir to drink all day. It is also important that the lost pounds will not return.

    Minus diet is that it can not be called balanced. Fats and carbohydrates come in a minimal amount, so the body is deprived of vitamins, fatty acids, important trace elements. Long-term compliance with this diet leads to fragility of nails, dry skin, deterioration of complexion, hair condition, increased fatigue.

    Menu for the week

    In this period it is necessary to limit only to sources of protein. Eat cottage cheese, fish, meat, poultry, yogurt, green vegetables, tomatoes. Do not eat the same products, it will slow down the metabolism. It should be excluded porridge, bread, pastries, fruit. The menu of the protein diet for the week includes:

    For breakfast: skim curd or yogurt, boiled buckwheat, albumen omelette, grain bread in small slices.

    For the second breakfast: an omelet from proteins with tomatoes, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, berries, yoghurt.

    For lunch: chicken breast, vegetables, fish, beef, stewed eggplant or cabbage.

    At noon: yogurt without additives, any nuts, grapefruit, apple, kefir mixed with raspberries or cherries.

    Nuts can be eaten any: walnuts, cedar, almonds, but not more than 50 g.

    For dinner it is allowed: fish and seafood, beef, chicken breast, cucumber, tomato, spinach, lentils and other legumes.

    The diet does not limit the intake of vitamins, flavonoids. These are sources of antioxidants, which help to easily transfer any diet. Although this diet is not difficult.

    Any diet requires a large amount of liquid, not sweet or soda. Water helps digestion, removes from the body the substances formed during the breakdown of fats. Drink herbal teas and still water, about 2 liters a day.

    The diet of a protein diet for a week perfectly combines with any sport, and especially with power loads. Do sports 2-3 times a week. This will help to adjust the figure and move to a healthy diet.

    But before you go on a protein diet, you need to consult a specialist.

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