
Diet with increased blood sugar: menu for a week, dietician advice

  • Diet with increased blood sugar: menu for a week, dietician advice

    The increase in blood sugar can be caused by completely different causes: severe infectious diseases, overeating, stress. If you do not take timely measures to lower the level of glucose, then the likelihood of developing diabetes. To avoid the appearance of this disease, you must follow a diet with elevated blood sugar. Which one? About this just below.

    What causes a rise in sugar levels?

    The study of the value of sugar in the blood is of great importance for our health. In a healthy and seemingly flowering person, the sugar content is 3.2-3.6 mmol / l( when measured with a glucometer) and after a load increases no more than 1.5 times, after 2 hours returning to normal.

    However, a large and longer-lasting jump in blood sugar indicates a violation of the pancreas. Decrease in intrasecretory function of the gland can be associated with congenital pathologies or its overload, for example, eating sweets in large quantities, drinking alcohol.

    The basic rules of nutrition

    More often when you increase the sugar there are problems with excess weight. Give up food containing a lot of carbohydrates: sugar, sweet buns, candies, etc.

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    To at least somehow adjust the weight, cleanse the body of accumulated waste and tidy up the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to eat low-calorie foods rich in vitamins and fiber.

    But immediately "attack" a large amount of food, although useful, should not be. Food at an elevated level of sugar should be fractional, i.e.eat often and in small portions. It is strictly forbidden to skip at least one meal - this is fraught with complications for the whole body.

    To decide which diet is right for you, an endocrinologist or a nutritionist can. When compiling a diet menu, individual characteristics are taken into account: allergic reactions to food, body weight, severe diseases.

    The daily diet of

    The most optimal diet is called Table No. 9, which helps to balance nutrition, to receive nutrients and substances necessary to the body without causing jumps in blood sugar.

    In the menu for each day you need to include foods containing the greatest number of different vitamins and ascorbic acid. Therefore, replenish the refrigerator with greens, fresh vegetables, lean meat of fish, poultry, fruits with a low glycemic index, i.e.containing useful carbohydrates.

    For stable liver function, eat cheese, cottage cheese, oatmeal and other cereals that can burn fatty deposits. Forget about products with a high glycemic index: semolina, bananas, fried potatoes, smoked and salty foods.

    Weekly menu

    With increased sugar, it is necessary to form an approximate menu for a week to normalize the body. It should be about 410 kcal protein, 500 kcal fat and 900 kcal useful carbohydrates.

    For example, on the first day for breakfast, you can prepare oat flakes on the water, and when they cool, pour kefir and sprinkle with herbs. Vegetable soup will be useful for lunch. For dinner, a salad of boiled cauliflower and potatoes, seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice.

    On the second day for breakfast, eat a toast with cucumber, cottage cheese and greens. For lunch, prepare soup from Bulgarian sweet pepper, onions and celery. And for dinner, treat yourself to ratatuyem.

    Sugar and pregnancy

    In pregnant women, the sugar level is most often increased. If you have a genetic predisposition or pregnancy occurred after 30 years of age, then the possibility of diabetes is likely. Therefore, it is so important to monitor the level of glucose daily.

    You should not eat a lot of sweet, even if you really want. Replace the usual sugar for all honey. Eat more cottage cheese - it's good for a baby. And to saturate the body with vitamins eat fruit.

    Features of the power system should be as follows:

    • To starve is harmful! Eat often and slightly.
    • Drink non-carbonated pure water, herbal infusions and natural juices.
    • During pregnancy, place a cross on spicy, fatty and salty foods.

    Increased sugar in pregnancy is not a joke, and for a more detailed, detailed diet, you must definitely consult a specialist who can take into account all the nuances of your body and choose the appropriate treatment.

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