
Calorie content of white bread, how many calories are contained in 1 piece of white or black bread

  • Calorie content of white bread, how many calories are contained in 1 piece of white or black bread

    For several years, nutritionists and experts have been arguing about the usefulness or harmfulness of wheat flour products. Many of them agree that they should be excluded from the diet. But why does it happen that the wheat grain useful in all respects turns into harmful bread, and the caloric content of white bread far exceeds the calorie content of the grain itself?

    Wheat grains

    When wheat grain is only harvested, it contains a large number of important and necessary vitamins and other substances, such as copper, magnesium, silicon, potassium and iodine. It is also rich in cellulose, vitamins A, E and the whole group of vitamins B, which are found not only in the embryonic wheat, but also in the shell itself.

    But when processing grain into wheat flour, many useful substances disappear, only a small part remains. In addition, there is a lot of starch in the flour and unproductive carbohydrates, which, getting into the body, lead to the accumulation of fats. Those who monitor health or body weight prefer to eat grains germinated at home, in which all nutrients are completely preserved.

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    Harmful properties of white bread

    Most doctors agree that the frequent use of white bread and any other bakery products leads to the development of cardiac, gastrointestinal and various cancers, as well as diabetes.

    Products from refined flour contribute to the breakdown of carbohydrate metabolism. The caloric content of one piece of white bread is very high, and the person is quickly saturated, but it contains many harmful carbohydrates that are instantly processed due to their simple chemical composition.

    After the heat treatment, a special gluten protein is formed in the bread, which has a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. Excessive use of gluten-containing foods can lead to dementia and atherosclerosis.

    Useful properties of bread

    Despite all the dangers that carry even a single slice of bread, people continue to use it."Bread is all over the head," says the proverb, and how can one do without him at the family table? Many really believe that without bread they do not eat and do not feel saturated. Of course, this is more of a psychological explanation for the usual desire to eat something.

    If there are no dangerous and chronic diseases and nutrition is fairly balanced, then from a small amount of flour products there will be no serious harm. But it is better to eat black, rye or whole-wheat instead of usual white bread. The calorie content of black bread is lower than that produced from refined flour, and is 214 kcal. It is best to eat a slightly dried product.

    Tips for choosing bakery products

    When choosing bread, you need to check its freshness and care. Often there are cases when the bread looks ruddy, but inside it is raw. How can this be verified? Naturally, in a store or bakery, the flour product must be touched and slightly crumpled: if it is fresh and well baked, its shape will be easily restored. Also, it should not smell of dampness, mold and old goods.

    For health it is best to choose a low-grade bread, in which the content of fiber and nutrients is greater. The most common and useful bread is rye. Upon closer examination of its crumb, one can see the shell of grains and the admixtures of other grains. The use of such bread is useful for all ages.

    And remember: knowing how many calories are contained in bread, you can easily determine for yourself the daily rate of its consumption. A selection of videos on the topic of the article