  • Wearing glasses

    Poor vision, as we have already said, is a consequence of the abnormal state of the psyche. Glasses can sometimes neutralize the effect of this condition on the eyes and, providing a person with some convenience, can to a certain extent improve his mental abilities. But radically, the state of the psyche does not change glasses, and, having acquired the habit of wearing glasses, a person will only worsen vision. Why will this happen?

    As we have already explained, a healthy eye, when it is relaxed, functions correctly. Like a camera, it will lengthen in its axis when viewing nearby objects and flatten, shortening its axis, when viewing distant objects. To fully undergo such changes in its shape, the eye is impeded only by its tension. But if, in addition to the muscles, the eyes partially perform glasses instead of the muscles, the eye muscles are not able to do all the work themselves, as a result they begin to gradually weaken, while in the eyeball the amplitude of its flattenings and elongations simultaneously narrows, and as a consequence, its elasticity deteriorates. On the other hand, something similar will happen also with the lens and the ring muscle. Thus, it turns out that if a person wears glasses, then the scope and strength of the strengthening movements of the muscles of the eye shrink, causing the eyeball and the lens to lose more and more elasticity, and the muscles of the eye, like any muscles, will atrophy. And then you have to change glasses, appropriately changing the degree of their refraction. Therefore, the disease will progress as the refraction of the glasses changes, and the refraction of the glasses will need to be changed according to the logic of this method of "treatment".As you can see, using glasses is not a means of healing eyesight, but a reliable way of spoiling it.

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    Yes, glasses always brought harm, big or small. That this is exactly the case, follows from the facts that we have stated about the inconstancy of refraction. Even the best glasses never improve the vision to a normal state. A person can not see through them if he does not have the degree of refraction anomaly that glasses need to correct. But remember that in an eye that is left to itself, refractive anomalies are never constant.

    So, if a person achieves a good vision with convex, concave or astigmatic lenses, this only means that he constantly maintains a certain degree of refractive anomaly, which in other conditions would not be kept permanently. The result of this state of affairs is only one: further deterioration of vision. Life shows that this is what happens. Herbert Spencer reads: "Each gift acquires the ability to function through the performance of its function. If this function is performed for it by another agent, then no adjustments will be made by nature. Rather, nature will go on breaking its nature in order to adapt to artificial measures taken instead of natural ones. "This is what happens when a person starts using "optical crutches".

    After once a person has put on glasses, the strength of their lenses, we repeat, must grow steadily, so that we can achieve the degree of visual acuity that was provided by the first pair of glasses. The fact is equally known to the doctors themselves, and their long-suffering patients. A person who has not lost the ability of a sound judgment, it is difficult to understand what kind of logic can be used to defend this correct way of destroying the eyes and apply it to themselves or to their neighbors. So, people with presbyopia who had the imprudence to put on glasses because they just could not read the small font on the checklist, after a while find that they can not already without their help read a larger font that was previously easy for themwas given. Dr. Bates reports that one gentleman with a myopia of 20/70 who put on glasses that provided him with a 20/20 vision, after a while found that his eyesight had deteriorated to 20/200 with the naked eye.

    In such cases, when people accidentally break glasses and a week or two are forced to do without them, they often notice that their eyesight has improved. Vision, and we emphasize this, in fact, always improves to a greater or lesser extent, when glasses are removed, although people do not always pay attention to it. Let's add that if people who feel presbyopic or have reached the so-called presbyopic age, instead of succumbing to the persuasion of doctors and resorting to eyeglasses, follow the example of one gentleman about whom Dr. Holmes wrote, and begin to train in reading the smallestwill be able to find a font, then the scientific idea that the decrease in the accommodative ability of the eye is a normal result of aging will soon wither away by itself. And this will be a great victory, because the theory of presbyopia as a natural result of aging bears responsibility for many cases of poor vision.

    If a person who has reached the infamous presbyopic age reads difficulties when reading, then it is very likely that he will use eyeglasses on the advice of specialists, and even for his own reasons. In some cases, such people can really be presbyopic, but most often such difficulties are only temporary( and people would not think much of them, if they were younger), and these difficulties would go by themselves, let nature act independently.

    But if a person once took advantage of glasses, his eyes usually come to a state that the glasses were designed to eliminate, because the very fact of putting on glasses triggers the destructive mechanism described above. If this condition already existed, then his glasses only aggravate, and sometimes, as every ophthalmologist knows, this happens very quickly. We said that if a person, after carrying a few weeks of glasses, discovers that a large font, previously read to them without difficulty, is no longer read without their help, then in 5-10 years the accommodative ability of the eye completely disappears. And if this condition does not lead to cataracts, glaucoma or inflammation of the retina, then the patient may feel that he was very lucky.

    Even at best, it can not be assumed that glasses are more than just a mediocre substitute for healthy eyesight. If you want to make sure that glasses are not able to improve vision to normal, then look at an object through a strong concave or convex lens. You will easily notice that the color of the object in this case will not be as intense as when perceiving it with the naked eye. And since the perception of form is directly related to the perception of color, there is no doubt that the shape, like the color, in glasses should be seen less clearly than without them. Look at the street through the open window and then through the window glass. No matter how clean it may be, this simple experience better than any words and arguments will convince you that even flat glass worsens the perception of color and form. How true this is with regard to lenses!

    So, women who put on glasses due to a slight deterioration of vision, subconsciously notice that in glasses they have reduced color perception. It's not for nothing that they take off their glasses in stores when they want to pick up a particular toilet item. Although, of course, if the visual impairment is already serious, then with the glasses, the colors will be seen better than without them.

    No one can deny this fact: 's eyes resented in that they were wearing glasses. So, each oculist claims that the patient should get used to the glasses. However, he knows that in a number of cases such addiction can not be achieved. Patients with a high degree of hypermetropia or myopia experience very considerable difficulties with getting used to full correction. There are cases when it is not possible to achieve this at all.

    Strong concave lenses, which are required for a high degree of myopia, create the illusion that all objects have much smaller dimensions than in reality. Accordingly, with convex lenses, these dimensions increase. There is no need to prove that this is unpleasant and irreparable. Equally, people with a high degree of astigmatism suffer from very unpleasant sensations when they first put on glasses. Therefore, they are warned that before deciding to go out on the street, they should first get used to the points of the house. True, such difficulties are usually overcome, but not always. Sometimes it happens: the one who well tolerates glasses in the afternoon, in the evening can not get used to them in any way.

    Next, it should be borne in mind that all glasses to a certain extent narrow the field of view. Patients can not see clearly even with very weak glasses, if they do not look through the centers of the lenses. In this case, the frame should be located at a right angle to the line of sight. If this does not happen, then the person, in addition to deteriorating eyesight, often annoy symptoms such as headache or dizziness. In general, people who wear glasses can freely turn their eyes in different directions.

    It is curious that people with normal vision who wear glasses in order to reduce the hypothetical tension of the eye muscles, often benefit from them. This is only an amazing illustration of the power of mental suggestion. If you could inspire people with the same confidence in flat glass, then it would give the same, if not the best, result. Dr. Bates writes: "Many patients told me how they got rid of various uncomfortable sensations through glasses. In the frames of these glasses, as I discovered, there was a simple flat glass. One of these patients was an optician who himself built such glasses and did not have any illusions about them. Nevertheless he assured me that when he does not wear it, he has headaches. "

    Among the oculists, and among the patients themselves( or - if we translate into Russian this twisted Latin word - sufferers) there is an opinion that if the glasses do not relieve headaches or other symptoms of nervous origin, it is allegedly due to improper selection of them.

    But the fact is that the refraction of any eye changes not only day by day, hour from hour, but also from minute to minute, and this circumstance also does not allow to write out an exact prescription for glasses. Therefore it is not surprising that some of them fail to pick up glasses that their eyes would reconcile with.

    In general, there is no doubt that some people are so strongly susceptible to suggestion that a doctor can improve their vision or reduce their discomfort, in fact, any glasses that he would like to wear on them. So, you can see hypermetropics, which have no astigmatism, but they get great satisfaction from glasses to correct this lack of vision. It comes to the fact that some people are even convinced that they see much better in glasses, which in reality only significantly impair their vision.

    You can only congratulate those very many people who were prescribed glasses, but who refused to wear them, because they not only avoided serious damage to their eyes, but also considerable inconveniences. People with less independence of thought and a greater degree of martyr spirit allowed doctors to intimidate themselves and as a result were subjected to unnecessary, to the mind incomprehensible tortures. One

    , such a sufferer, wore glasses for 25 years, although they caused her to suffer torments and so greatly impaired her vision that she had to look over them when she wanted to see something in the distance. But the oculist assured her that the consequences would have been much worse, she did not wear glasses, and was very unhappy that she was looking over the glasses, and not through them.

    The fact that the glasses disfigure the appearance of a person, someone may seem a fact that is not worth considering. But we do not think so, especially since mental discomfort does not improve either the general health or sight. Despite the fact that the current civilized people have gone so far in creating the virtue of glasses that they consider wearing them part of their lives and an element of culture, there are still a few unspoiled minds for which wearing glasses is unpleasant in and of itself. A couple of generations ago, glasses were used only as a help to weak eyesight. Today, they are prescribed to a lot of people who without them can see as well or even better. We can not regard this policy of modern ophthalmology differently as a crime against humanity and common sense.

    It is often believed that glasses are prescribed to reduce the tension of the eye

    muscles, which causes a variety of functional disorders. But it should be understood that when there is any tension in these muscles, which impairs vision accordingly, glasses can only correct the effect of this voltage on refraction, but they can not remove the tension themselves. On the contrary, as we have already said, glasses can only worsen the existing state.

    So, short-sighted, wearing glasses, will still be in the habit of straining to see far-away objects, and the farsighted and in glasses will continue to make an effort to consider, for example, letters. Thus, wearing glasses does not eliminate wrong visual habits and does not relieve tension.

    The difficulties associated with keeping the glasses in good working order is only one of the minor inconveniences caused by glasses, but it is also very unpleasant. On damp and rainy days, the glasses are covered with moisture. On hot days sweat and perspiration on the face lead to the same result. On cold days, glasses mist up from breathing. They are constantly exposed to dust and fingerprints from accidental touches and therefore rarely allow to see the surroundings without any interference. Reflections of strong light from the glasses - the factor is also extremely unpleasant, but on the street it can be dangerous.

    And yet, do not throw away your glasses at once and do not go, constantly experiencing stress. Instead of doing this, look for calm moments every day, when you, being free from all activities, worries and compulsions( if you do not have such minutes, then create them yourself - it's in your power), you can take off your glasses and useinstead of these optical prostheses own eyes. Remember that you will need these crutches until you form a compensating vision.

    However, there will be many cases where you can, without any fear or any tension, do without them. After all, you so often wear them out of habit and without any need. Dress in the morning and have breakfast without glasses. Talk without them with your friends. When you are traveling in the car as a passenger, take off your glasses and let the eyes look on their own. Increase day by day the time spent without glasses. Dr K. Hackett even recommends recording this time to constantly stimulate yourself to the serene lifestyle.

    Reading should be done without glasses if possible: in your position, it's not important that how many you read, but that you are able to read completely without glasses. Let it be very few at first.

    If you can not do without glasses in the visual work near, then try to still do without their help from time to time and let your eyes work by yourself. Thanks to this you can minimize the destructive effect of glasses on the eyesight.

    In the movie, sit down in the center of the room in the second or third row and watch your progress. The image will be difficult to distinguish at first, but if you do not forget about blinking and will travel around the entire screen and not just look at its center, while breathing deeply( in any case, do not go to cinemas with poor ventilation), soondetails of the image on the screen will become more clear.

    At first you will be forced to put on your glasses before the film ends, because your eyes can not endure a long session. But once your eye will grow stronger, until finally you can not withstand the full-length film in its entirety and do not look through it, moreover with quite decent clarity.

    A movie, if viewed correctly, is as useful to the eye as special exercises, although, strictly speaking, this, of course, has nothing to do with yoga.

    We do not agree with the categorical authority of the Beitsov school, which argue that absolute rejection of glasses is necessary and that people who can not do without glasses for the sake of full success, most likely will not be able to recover.

    We, on the contrary, believe that all this can be compared with training a traumatized person walking. The very first lesson in such cases should not be to drop the crutches. It should serve as the beginning of development in the affected limbs of the force, without which their normal work will be impossible.

    This is the case with the eyes, when they are dependent on their crutches. Before you require them to work properly, you need to develop strength in them, teach them how to function normally, develop a habit for them.

    So do not remove the glasses where you have to strain - in some cases without them it will be simply impossible to work. Therefore, in such a situation it is allowed to use glasses, but this always holds back progress. Wear eyeglasses whenever you feel that you have begun to strain your eyes, and always wear them when you drive, until the state traffic police remove you from this restriction.

    If you are forced to work with glasses, then still use all the techniques of correct vision, as far as possible: moving, fixing central, looking afar, blinking, etc.

    . As often as possible, take breaks for relaxing exercises. During the exercises, always take off your glasses, except for specially stipulated cases, if any.

    Statistics state that children under the age of twelve who do not wear glasses are able to correct sight by the ways indicated here or similar by them for a period of three to twelve months. Adults who never wore glasses sometimes succeed in a very short time - a week or two, but usually they need three to six months for such a recovery.

    Children or adults who wore glasses, of course, are much more difficult to cure, and they will most likely need to apply the relaxation techniques described in other paragraphs. And, of course, they will have to be treated for a longer time. The game, however, is worth the candle.

    At the same time, if you have worn very strong glasses for years, then one day it will come when they become too strong for your improved vision. Then you need to visit a doctor and write out new glasses, weaker, because the old ones will strain your eyes and interfere with the progress of your vision.

    As your eyesight improves, always change your glasses to the weaker ones in a timely manner - this is an absolute commandment.

    So, what leads a person to such a dubious way of treatment, like wearing glasses? Deterioration of vision! Once again, why is his vision worse? It worsens, on the one hand, because of the stress of the psyche, and on the other, because of the lack or absence of strengthening movements."Eliminate the cause - the disease will pass away," Hippocrates said. So, if a person with such visual impairments brings his psyche to order, changes his mental habits and reactions and will diligently and regularly do the exercises we offer, he will restore the elasticity of both the eyeball and the lens and fully train the appropriate muscles.

    Did anyone see Indian yoga with glasses? The absurdity of the question is obvious. And why? Because the yogi owns his psyche and does the appropriate exercises.