  • Mind and sight

    There is nothing unexpected in the statement that basically we see the brain and only partially with our eyes. Vision only one-tenth is a physical process and nine-tenths is a process of the psychic. Consequently, there is no doubt that there is a close relationship between vision and the psyche. Consider what it is and what conclusions should be learned from this in the course of the matter.

    The fact remains that when the psyche is resting, nothing can tire the eye. When the mind is tense, nothing can give the eyes of rest, because the eyes like no other organ are the tools of the soul, in which it is also reflected. Therefore, everything that gives rest to the psyche is useful for the eyes, and also vice versa.

    Everyone probably noticed that the eyes get tired less when you read some interesting book, and that they get tired almost immediately when you start reading a book that is boring or difficult to understand. So, a schoolboy can sit all night long, excitedly reading a fascinating novel and never once not remembering his weak eyes;but when the same student sat for a couple of hours for lessons( not that at night, and then in the day), he very quickly will feel that his eyes are very tired. And this is not an illusion, not a deception of feelings, it's all really so. Why is this happening?

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    An interesting book acts as an optimum, and boring or difficult lessons - a pessimum. Therefore, in the first case, the psyche is relaxed and resting, and, consequently, the eyes are in optimal working condition and as a result of fatigue does not occur;in the second case, the person is bored, he is forced to make constant( and very significant) efforts to force himself to concentrate, and as a result the psyche is overstrained, which means that the muscles of the eyes are strained, the eyes work in uncomfortable conditions and soon become tired. As a result, a person not only does not absorb anything and in vain loses time, since in such a state of mind, attention is dulled and memory is weakened, but also spoils his eyesight, if such pastime has not a casual but rather regular character. This, so to speak, gymnastics for the eyes with the opposite sign.

    "Any eye restriction or interference of consciousness in the reading process impairs vision," says Ms. Margaret Corbett. "Eyes are uncontrolled bodies hungry for visions. They must function without conscious control, just as the heart functions. Whenever we try to manage them or limit in some way their freedom, there is a tremendous strain not only of the eyes, but of the psyche as well. "

    It's impossible to see anything perfectly in the moment when the brain is in suspense. Temporary circumstances may contribute to the occurrence of effort to see, but this effort always acts as a strain and entails the appearance of refractive anomalies. However, the basis of tension lies in the wrong habits of thinking. Trying to remove this tension, the student must constantly struggle with the thought that in order to do something good, it takes effort. Western civilization is arranged in such a way that this idea is literally cradled in us from the cradle. The whole system of education and upbringing is based on it. Teachers who dare to call themselves modern and consider themselves to be civilized people still cling to it under some or other pretexts, considering it, for example, the necessary assistance in the learning process, and even even the law of Nature. There is an urgent need to dispel this error, because the humanity owes its nine-tenths of its stupidity to him.

    As for the eye it is natural to see, so it is natural for the mind to comprehend knowledge. Any effort in each of these cases is not only useless, but completely upsets these processes. Various types of coercion can drive a child's head into several facts, but one can never get him to learn anything. At the same time, the facts will remain, if at all, useless rubbish in his brain. They do not contribute in any way to the life processes of thinking. Since they are not obtained and not assimilated by natural( that is, without compulsion) path, they destroy from Nature the desire of the mind given to us to acquire knowledge. Leaving the walls of a school, institute or university, such a person often not only knows nothing, but in most cases does not yield to any training in the future.

    We affirm that real comprehension of knowledge and creative thinking are possible only in a relaxed( ie unstressed) state of the psyche, which is the state of greatest attention. Relaxation is the secret of normalizing many functions. Be relaxed and remember the sensations produced by them, in order to then call them again and again. Make relaxation a style, a way of life, a habit in work and leisure - and you will be surprised by the changes that have occurred with your eyes, as well as thinking, memory, attention, mood and the whole body. A rich and diverse activity taking place against the background of the calm of the psyche( what the ancients called as the indifference of - aequanimitas - which is very far from the current indifference - of indifference), is the way of success, the pledge of self-realization, to which, consciously or unconsciously, everyone aspires.

    When eyes look without effort, they, relaxing, eliminate tension. The blood flow is thus washed and removes from the blood vessels of the eyes various blockages and slags. As a result, vision is returned to the person. Initially, the effort to see is a mental effort, and the tension of the psyche in all cases is accompanied by a loss of mental control. Anatomically, the results of the effort to see the remote objects can be the same as when viewing a nearby object without effort, but in one case the eye does it compulsorily, and in the other it happens by itself. The eye with imperfect eyesight is trying to do the impossible, trying in a fixed manner, that is, intently, to look at one point for a noticeable period of time. So when he looks at an unfamiliar letter and does not see it, he continues to look at her, already making an effort to see her better. Such an effort always ends in nothing and serves as an important factor in the temporary deterioration of vision.

    These facts, apparently, sufficiently explain why vision deteriorates as civilization develops, because in the conditions of civilized life the psyche of people is in constant tension. People have more reasons to worry. At the same time, there is no need for civilized people to remain cool and be self-controlled, depending on what their existence depends on. If a primitive man allowed himself to be so nervous, he would die out without creating a civilization. The civilized person survives and transmits his negative psychic data and bad habits to descendants, in whom these bad properties are further exacerbated. It is interesting that animals respond to the conditions of civilization in the same way as humans. Dr. Bates, this tireless researcher and reformer, writes that he examined "a lot of pets and animals from the menagerie and in many cases found them myopic, although they naturally did not read, wrote, sewed or typed".

    When the eye is normal, vision is such a natural unconscious process that the rest of the body muscles relax. This also applies to the pectoral muscles, which provides deep natural breathing. But when the eyes are straining, as a rule, a failure of good breathing occurs, breathing becomes cramped due to excessive contraction of the pectoral muscles and thereby reduces the intake of oxygen and prana, so necessary for the whole organism. And what this means, our readers are already well aware.

    People with normal eyesight appear to be more calm, more relaxed about different kinds of events and do not worry because of every disturbance, real or imaginary. Get rid of the "virus" of the worries and worries that you are experiencing - from this you will only win, your eyes will also benefit.

    Relaxation can help even with the most serious visual impairment. So do not be afraid of relaxation: it can not hurt. It will only add to your well-being and nothing more. For many, it returned from the kingdom of darkness to sight.

    Do not forget, the secret of any relaxation lies in the psyche: pleasant, joyful memories bring relaxation. Therefore, using memory, one can improve vision. Everything that you find pleasant to remember, gives the psyche a rest. Recollection is closely connected with the mental representation, because it is good to remember only what we can well imagine. In the treatment of poor vision, these two elements can hardly be separated from each other. Memorable memories of happy events and reminiscences of communicating with friends bring nervous relief and relaxation and give you the opportunity to distract yourself from painful thoughts. Not only grief, but excitement and tension of any kind can be reduced through the recollection of interesting, joyful events, although Dante says: "Nessun maggior dolore, che ricordarsi del tempo felice nella miseria".Of course, you can look at things and so, but nothing good will come of it.

    Do such an experience: sit comfortably and( without hurrying) close your eyes. Cover them with the palms so that the palms do not touch the eyelids. Without effort and freely remember your most enjoyable vacation. Suppose, on the coast of the sea or in the mountains, in the forest more often, on the shore of a lake or near a river. Relive in your memory all that you can remember. ..

    Do not you open your eyes, do you realize that you have calmed down and that your eyesight is better now than usual? When the memory is perfect, the psyche is also at rest. When the psyche is in a perfect state of rest, vision is always normal.

    The phenomenon of vision depends on the interpretation of the image on the retina by the brain - after all, what we see is not the image on the retina itself, but our personal interpretation of it. Two people with normal vision will not have the same idea about the same object under consideration, because their interpretation of the image on the retina will differ in the same way as their individualities differ. When sight is imperfect, there are still big differences in the interpretation of objects. In the latter case, this is evidence of a loss of mental control, which is responsible for refractive error anomalies. We can say that when the eye is out of focus, the psyche is out of focus.

    People with normal vision use their memory or mental image to help eyesight, because vision is largely determined by the content of the mental presentation and memories. But when sight is imperfect, not only the eye itself is defective, but memory and mental representation are also broken. Thus, the psyche only adds its imperfections to the imperfect image on the retina.

    Perhaps someone else will find it surprising to say that among the abilities of the brain deteriorating with vision, memory is the first to suffer, but there is nothing we can do about it: it is done, and it is done. Since a significant part of the educational process consists in the accumulation of facts, and all other mental processes depend on the person's assimilation of these facts, it is not difficult to understand how little a person who experiences difficulties with sight simply attaches glasses. The unusual memory of a primitive man is usually attributed to the fact that, due to the lack of suitable means of recording, he had to rely on his memory, which was accordingly strengthened. But, if we proceed from the established fact - the connection of memory with sight, it is more reasonable to assume that the memory of primitive man was good for the same reason as his acute vision, namely thanks to a relaxed, that is, quiet, state of mind.

    The memory of a primitive person, as well as the acuity of his vision, is also found in some civilized people, but if the necessary studies were carried out, then undoubtedly it would be found that these factors always meet together. Memory can not be strengthened any more than vision can be strengthened. We remember without effort, just as we see without effort. The more we try to remember or see, the less we are able to do it. Those who studied the problem of memory, without hesitation, recognize the validity of these words.

    Things that we remember are things that arouse our interest in them. The reason for the difficulties in studying certain disciplines lies in the fact that they are not interesting to us and therefore quickly get bored, that is, they are all the same pessimums and optima. When we are bored, our eyesight deteriorates. Boredom is a state of mental stress, in which the eyes normally can not function. When a person is not interested in anything, his psyche goes out of control, and without mental control a person can neither study nor see anything. When vision becomes normal, not only memory, but also other mental abilities of a person improves. People who get rid of poor vision often find that their ability to do their job has improved.

    These facts prove that any problems with vision are much closer than one might think are connected with the psyche and that it is impossible to resolve them with any convex, concave or astigmatic lenses.

    Let us return, however, to the presentation and the memory that are impossible without perfect relaxation, but when the state of relaxation is achieved, the development of these abilities improves not only the interpretation of images on the retina, but also the images themselves. When you visualize that you see a letter on the checklist, you actually see it, because it will be impossible to relax and to represent the letter well and at the same time to strain and see it unclear.

    For training it is more often convenient to use such a table, all the letters of which are preliminary known to you: then acquaintance with them will give you the opportunity to look at them without tension, that is without trying to see. Daily reading of small familiar letters from the longest distance from which they can be seen by you, gives your eyes a rest, as the eye always relaxes to some extent, seeing familiar objects. In this case, note that the most convenient condition for exercises for remembering is usually that when the eyes are closed and covered with the palms of their hands. As you train, it will also be possible to remember with your eyes open.

    By the way, about this table. Followers Bates composed, for example, such an English phrase:

    "Relaxation /Normalizes/ Eye trouble".

    Resourceful translators offered in Russian this option:

    "Relaxation / Gives Excellent / Sight to the Eyes".

    Three vertical rows of the table are separated by inclined sticks, each line has the same number of letters. Thus, the uppermost horizontal line in it will be: Р Д 3, the letters of this line are the largest. The next line A A P is given in smaller letters - and so on in decreasing order, down to the bottom line: Е Е М, the letters in which the smallest of all. We repeat: remembering the phrase, you, moving from top to bottom along the vertical line, know what the next letter will be. Knowing it, you represent it, and this mental-visual representation helps you to see it.

    But beware while trying to cunning with sight! Do not deceive yourself by trying in some unnatural way to make the font clearer, for example, squinting, tilting your head, pressing your finger at the eyeball, looking askance and a host of other ways that seem to the strained eye to increase your visual acuity. These tricks do not lead to anything. You need only a free, wide, open and easy looking, that is, a relaxed look. If you notice that you are using tricks, then close your eyes, relax the upper, then lower eyelids, and then relax the back of the eyeballs. Then, with a deep exhalation, open your eyes and you will see the letters. Perhaps you will be surprised again by the simplicity of the method, which allows you to achieve clarity of vision.

    I must say that one of the reasons for such a great number of problems with vision in our days is the lack of time for entertainment. People almost lost the taste for entertainment, lost the culture and art of entertainment. Perhaps one of the paradoxical reasons for this is the prosperity of the entertainment industry, which ultimately offers not entertainment, but only a surrogate for it. The unnatural, inhuman way of modern life does not go unpunished. This idea can be developed indefinitely, but we will provide this serious work to other researchers who still have much to discover in this direction, and we will confine ourselves to stating that entertainment and games, available in principle to everyone, have become the lot of only a few lucky ones today. And it's very sad.

    Modern man should often stop at his run and look around. Perhaps then it would be possible to save that Beauty, which still has so much left in this crazy, mad, mad world!

    Thus, the treatment of eye diseased patients is not to avoid working near or far away to avoid bright light or darkness, but always to get rid of the mental strain that underlies imperfect eye work at any distance and atany conditions of illumination. Thousand and thousand times it has been proved that it is possible to do it. But we remind you that getting rid of mental stress is first and foremost a change and improvement of your thinking, lifestyle, other life goals and landmarks.