  • Visual disturbances

    Refractive anomalies are both congenital and acquired during life as a result of improper use of eyesight. In the opinion of orthodox Western science, congenital disorders are usually associated with the irregularity of the shape of the eyeball, its elongation or shortening, and acquired - with loss of the lens of its elasticity and simultaneous weakening of the annular muscle. In both cases, the learned men prescribe one remedy-glasses.

    We have already said that we do not fully share this theory with respect to the lens and ciliary muscle. Now we will clarify the shape of the eyeball.

    The prevalence of myopia, dissatisfaction with the explanations of its underlying cause and, finally, the futility of all the proposed methods of its prevention led some authors to conclude that the elongated eyeball is a natural physiological adaptation to the needs of civilization. Against this point of view, two indisputable arguments can be advanced. The first - the myopic eye does not see even at close range as well as the eye normal. Second - this defect tends to increase with very serious negative consequences, often leading to blindness. It is known that many specialists admit the existence of

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    of two types of myopia: physiological( with minimal hazard) and pathological( progressive).But since it is impossible to say with certainty whether this case will progress or not, its diagnosis, even if it is correct, is of theoretical rather than practical value.

    Hundreds of years of labor in the wrong direction have plunged Western scientists into a mire of despair and controversy. But in the true light the problem turns out to be very simple. Based on the facts concerning the causes and treatment of refractive errors, it is easy to understand why all previous attempts to prevent myopia have been unsuccessful: they were aimed only at reducing the effect of stress exerted on the eyes by doing work at close range. At the same time, the effort required to see distant objects was forgotten, and the mental stress underlying the visual tension was completely ignored.

    Here it is necessary to say that with the elongated form of the eyeball, the images of objects located far from the eyes appear clear not on the retina, but in front of it. That is why the outlines of distant objects in myopia seem to the person vague. With the shortened shape of the eyeball( hypermetropia)

    , the images of objects located close to the eyes are also vague, because the focus point in this case is behind the retina. At the same time, if the official Western science believes that this form of the eye is constant, then we believe that it is variable and is caused, in the case of an acquired refractive error, by the strained state of the muscles surrounding the eyeball.

    So, the cause of the acquired myopia, when a person does not see beyond his nose, is the tension of the oblique muscles of the eye, which gird around the eyeball in the middle and compress it while working at close range. Due to the fact that these muscles can not relax, the eyeball assumes an elongated shape, which does not allow a sharp image of the removed objects to be focused on the retina. Accordingly, the cause of acquired hypermetropia is the strained state of the rectus muscles of the eye, leading to flattening of the eyeball in the anteroposterior axis and the inability to focus on the retina a clear image of nearby objects. The cause of astigmatism lies in the unevenly strained state of the eye muscles, which leads to a curvature of the cornea of ​​the eye and an unequal refraction of light rays in its various meridians. Finally, the cause of strabismus is a more strained state of any or any of the straight muscles of the eye, leading to the deviation of the eye in one direction or another.

    With this understanding of the problem, we have a significant convenience - a single way to treat all four types of visual impairment, and this treatment is to learn to relieve tension in the external muscles of the eyes, with the elimination of which these conditions will immediately disappear. In this case, as a contrast to relaxation( which will only enhance its effect) will be very useful and dynamic exercises. The root cause of all such tense states of the eye muscles is mental stress, so we are lower and give a lot of exercises and recommendations of a mental, not just a physical nature. Relaxation is the key to understanding and solving problems associated with acquired visual impairments.

    Now a few words about the alleged congenital irregularity of the shape of the eyeball. As we have already explained, the shape of the eye is not constant, and therefore it makes no sense to talk about its inherent incorrectness, we can only talk about its relative irregularity. This relative abnormality in such cases is always associated with the underdevelopment of the external muscles of the eye, having the task of changing its shape - to make it longer or shorter. In this case, such a lack of strength in the muscles is always accompanied by a lack of elasticity in the eyeball itself, for which it is unusual to dramatically change its shape. It turns out that if the straight muscles are not sufficiently developed, then the shape of the eye will be elongated, and if oblique, then shortened. In both cases, we again have the same method of treatment: dynamic and static exercises, alternating with relaxation, and glasses can be thrown out soon.

    But the decaying precepts of the old German science to this day continue to dominate the minds of many ophthalmologists and prevent them from believing the most obvious evidence of our sensations. German ophthalmology, especially in our country, is still considered inviolable, and no facts for the medical profession are grounds to be distrustful of it. But the truth is strengthened by the accumulation of facts, and the working hypothesis can not be recognized as true if it does not agree with any fact, even if it is only one, and yet there are many. The conventional theories of accommodation and the causes of refraction anomalies get rid of this set of facts by superficial explanations. Therefore, at the risk of even boring, we dare to say a few more words about how accommodation is nevertheless carried out.

    According to the official science, the ability of the ciliary muscle to contract and relax, on the one hand, and the natural elasticity of the lens, on the other, are the main conditions for focusing in the eye. However, the countless experiments of thoughtful scientists( we again refer to the Bates school) showed that the lens of the eye is not the main factor of accommodation. In particular, this is irrefutably proved by studies with eyes in which the lens was removed altogether. Adjustment necessary for vision at different distances is carried out in the eye in exactly the same way as in the camera, that is, by changing the length of the organ of vision. This change occurs under the influence of muscles located outside the eyeball, the ability of the lens to change its curvature has at best only an auxiliary function of correction. Equally, these observations have shown that refractive errors are not associated with any organic changes in the form of the eyeball or in the structure of the lens, but with a functional disturbance of the muscles surrounding the eyeball and, therefore, can be eliminated.

    We are fully aware that by such a declaration for the better fate of mankind we dispute the long-held and undeniable teaching of German ophthalmology. But such facts are brought to us by facts that are not subject to any doubt, and no scientific theory can withstand their onslaught.