
Diet counting calories for weight loss and tips on how to properly count calories

  • Diet counting calories for weight loss and tips on how to properly count calories

    A diet based on calorie counting is the only name. In fact, this is a lifestyle - you regularly on the basis of assessing the caloric intake of food you plan on a full menu day.

    This becomes especially relevant with age, when the body needs fewer calories, and you eat out of habit as much as before.

    The most difficult thing is to develop a sustainable skill. How correctly to count calories? Get a special table, which indicates the calorie content of each product. First it is recommended to keep a special diary. It will also help if you do not rely on your computing skills. In a couple of months you will do this almost automatically, and the "cost" of some of the most frequently used dishes is knowing by heart.

    There are also applications for mobile phones and computers.

    How many calories per day is needed?

    Consuming more calories than the body needs for normal life leads to the fact that it puts them in reserve. Hence the excess fat.

    The daily need for an organism in calories depends on the age and intensity of physical activity. Naturally, in women, it increases dramatically during pregnancy and during the feeding of a child.

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    As a general rule, teenage girls need 2500 kcal per day, women under 40 - 2000, and under 60 - less than 2000. If a woman is engaged in heavy physical labor, the norm increases by 25%.For pregnant and lactating women - by 40-45%.

    But this is only general data. To go on a diet with the calculation of calories for weight loss, you need to more accurately determine your daily requirement. It is calculated by a special formula.

    ( M - P) * IA, where M - the characteristics of metabolism, P - correction for sex, IA - activity index.

    The characteristics of metabolism are calculated based on their own growth( cm), weight( kg) and age( full years).The weight must be multiplied by 9.99 and added with the growth multiplied by 6.25.From the received sum the number of years, multiplied by 4.92 is subtracted.

    Men need more calories in order to maintain the body in normal condition - this is due to the presence of more muscle mass and a larger body surface. We make an amendment - women take 161 digits from the received figure, men add 5.

    The activity index depends on your lifestyle. Minimally it is 1.2 - physical exertion is practically absent, a sedentary lifestyle.

    If you have a sedentary job, but you are intensively engaged in household activities and / or walk a lot, your index is 1.3-1.5, depending on the degree of workload.

    Work that requires active movement and / or regular physical activity( gymnastics, swimming pool, gym, fitness club 2-3 hours a week) - 1.6-1.7.

    If with regular work you exercise regularly( 4-6 hours per week) - 1.75.

    More workouts and / or work that requires activity - 1,8.Professional sports or heavy physical work - 2. Determine what category you fall into, and multiply the figure by this coefficient.

    The advantages of the diet

    The mechanism of losing weight is obvious - you do not exceed the calorie rate, and the body is forced to spend the accumulated reserves.

    You can see where and how far the norm has been exceeded, and you can refuse from these products or, accordingly, cut the diet. But before this necessarily consult with your doctor. Those who are diagnosed with "anemia", "avitaminosis", "insufficiency of muscle mass" can not sharply lose weight.

    You can eat absolutely any food - it's up to you to choose a small piece of cake or a portion of meat dish with garnish.

    Slavonic Diet

    For maximum effect, try to eat without exotics. Ideally suitable Slavic diet.

    Take as a basis menu all kinds of soups, cereals, meat dishes from chicken, pork, veal, fresh fruits and vegetables, greens( especially in summer).As beverages, dairy and sour-milk products, fruit drinks, kissels, compotes, herbal teas are suitable. Do not forget about bread. For dessert, eat various homemade cakes, jams, jellies, curd creams.

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