
Diet and exercises for losing weight: how to lose weight properly, using special exercises and a balanced diet

  • Diet and exercises for losing weight: how to lose weight properly, using special exercises and a balanced diet

    Diet and exercises for losing weight - the main ways to bring your figure to the desired form

    A well-balanced diet and weight loss exercises are the best accomplices in creating the ideal figure.

    To start losing weight, you need to exclude products from your daily menu, which not only cause a set of excess weight, but also greatly slow the exchange processes.

    List of Prohibited Products

    • Sweet and carbonated beverages;
    • Alcohol;
    • Fatty meat products;
    • Starchy-bearing vegetables;
    • White bread;
    • Butter baking;
    • Shop sauces;
    • Sausage products;
    • Too fatty dairy products and natural milk.

    Possible ration

    1. Milk porridge without additives, vegetable soup, casserole from unsweetened cottage cheese, baked chicken and potatoes.
    2. Vegetable omelette, vermicelli soup with a piece of chicken, casserole from cabbage, cutlets from lean fish.
    3. Porridge from unsweetened millet, baked buckwheat with white fish, baked cottage cheese, lazy cabbage rolls.
    4. instagram viewer
    5. Cottage cheese and millet porridge, rice soup with slices of squid and a handful of peas, curd unsweetened casserole, fish cutlets.
    6. Porridge from barley cereals, boiled meat and vegetables, rice head with unsweetened apples, chicken cutlets and crumbly buckwheat porridge.
    7. Several poached eggs, spinach soup and meatballs, cottage cheese and orange cake, a stew of green vegetables and carrots. Toasted syrniki, vegetable soup, casserole from low-fat cottage cheese, stuffed zucchini.

    Active side of the diet

    An uncomplicated complex of exercises and a diet will help bring your figure into tone for 2-3 months.

    Preparation for physical exercises:

    • There is a need every day at the set time. On the plate should not be too much food, so that the meals were every 2 or 3 hours.
    • You only need to cook your own food.
    • We should try to write down everything that was eaten per day in a notebook. It will be easier to control the diet.
    • You need to drink several liters of clean water a day. For a walk, always take a small bottle of clean water.
    • For visual motivation, you can always keep a look at sports clothes and equipment.

    Physical activity

    You can start with a small walk. Every day it is necessary to increase the time of walking. You can practice several times a day on a special track with a low intensity.

    After a couple of days, you can replace walking by riding a bicycle and add classes with a skipping rope or a hoop.

    It is recommended to start the day with a brief light charge.

    Over time, you can move on to more complex exercises, distributing the load on all muscle groups, gradually increasing the time of training. Squats, push-ups, exercises for the press, lifting dumbbells - all this is ideal for this stage.

    An important part of the exercises can be called stretching. They are recommended to be performed after the main exercises. Stretching on all types of muscles should be done very carefully.

    Regularly you need to monitor the pulse: it should not be too low or high. To calculate the norm during physical activity, you can use this formula:( 200-Y) х80 / 100 = Z. Y - the age of the person.

    Follow weight changes once a week and record the indicators in the diary.


    A diet with physical exercises is a very effective tool for combating obesity, since such a complex solves many problems: it reduces weight, tightens muscles, improves mood. Perhaps losing weight immediately will not be noticeable, but the body will become elastic and tightened in a week. Constant physical exercises relieve stress and add strength to the entire body.

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