
Diet on baby food for weight loss: the benefits of such a diet, the composition of baby food, how many calories in children's food

  • Diet on baby food for weight loss: the benefits of such a diet, the composition of baby food, how many calories in children's food

    A slender and good figure is the dream of almost every girl. But, unfortunately, on this planet this issue is not the last place. How to deal with extra pounds, when time for sports is very small?

    This problem is especially acute for mothers with small children. After all, they absolutely do not have time for themselves, as the kids demand to themselves increased attention.

    Recently, a new and effective diet for children's diet for weight loss has appeared. It was designed by fitness trainer Tracy Anderson and became very popular among show business stars. At present, the number of lovely ladies who have tried this diet, who are delighted with this diet, has increased.

    Losing weight on baby food

    Various modifications of this diet have been developed with different number of days of its application. Strict is weight loss up to five kilograms per week, or stretched - for 14 days.

    When applying a strict diet, the nutrition of the slimming will consist exclusively of children's purees. Any of these diets should not be repeated more than twice a year. The problem is that in the composition of baby food fiber is practically absent, and this can affect the digestion process.

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    In addition, it is necessary to count the number of calories consumed. In a day it should be about 1200 kcal.

    To get rid of excess body fat, you need to use mashed potatoes for children. Buying food, you need to check the composition of puree, so they are without sugar and without cream, because they have more calories. Otherwise, the benefit of such a diet will decrease.

    It is desirable that mashed potatoes be varied: meat, fish, vegetables and fruits, not superfluous will be juices and curds. Take food often and in small portions. A prerequisite is the need before each meal to drink clean water, at least one glass. Also during the day you need to drink tea on the grass or green without the addition of sugar.

    Positive factors of the diet

    • Rapid weight loss due to low calorie content of baby food. After all, he does not want to eat much. And what is convenient, each jar indicates how many calories are in the baby food, and this simplifies their counting.
    • This diet is convenient because there is no need to constantly spend time preparing food: opened the jar and lunch is ready. Puree can always be taken with you for a snack.
    • Since the sticks are prepared for babies, there are minimal amounts of preservatives and emulsifiers in them. And the quality of ready-made baby food is much higher.
    • The variety of baby food is huge, so the diet will not be boring.

    Sample diet menu on baby food

    This menu is an example for a fourteen-day diet.

    Breakfast: one 100-gram jar of curd and fruit puree, tea.

    Second breakfast: pear puree or from other fruits 1 jar.

    Lunch: 2 jars of meat or fish, 2 jars of vegetables, tea.

    Snack: 1 curd, a bottle of juice.

    Dinner: 1 cup of fish and vegetable puree.

    Late dinner: puree of frutikov 1 jar, tea.

    In this diet, a small amount of fiber, as well as protein and carbohydrates is used less, because portions are designed for toddlers, so it is not recommended to use it for more than 14 days.

    During the diet, the body will be cleansed of toxins and toxins. Eating according to this diet, the stomach gets used to small portions and when switching to a normal diet it is important not to overeat, continue to eat in small fractions and in small portions. Otherwise, there will be a quick set of weight, and all efforts will be in vain.

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