
Diet with atopic dermatitis: hypoallergenic and elimination food

  • Diet with atopic dermatitis: hypoallergenic and elimination food

    Atopic dermatitis is one of the variants of the manifestation of an allergic reaction to the skin. Skin on open areas of the body and where it most often rubs against clothing, blushes, itches and flakes.

    Hypoallergenic diet for atopic dermatitis is indicated both at the stage of exacerbation and in the phase of remission.

    The diet in this disease is designed to solve two main problems - to avoid getting potential allergens into the body together with food and to ensure that enough vitamins and microelements necessary for the skin get into the body in order to ensure its speedy recovery.

    What can and what can not be done

    What kind of diet is needed for atopic dermatitis? First of all, exclude such products as:

    1. Milk and dairy products.

    2. Any dish that includes eggs.

    3. Fruits, berries and vegetables are intensely red, black and orange. The risk of allergies can sometimes reduce heat treatment.

    4. Fatty meat and fish. Categorically not caviar.

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    5. All fried, smoked, pickled and marinated.

    6. Any spices and spices, store sauces. Salt and sugar, if possible, reduce.

    7. Confectionery and other sweets, especially those that include cocoa, nuts and honey.

    8. Any alcohol and all products containing at least some ethyl alcohol.

    9. Wheat and rye bread.

    Will help fight the disease:

    1. Boiled lean meat and poultry, strong meat broths.

    2. Porridge on water from oats, mango, pearl barley, rice, buckwheat.

    3. Fruits and vegetables - apples, pears, plums, gooseberries, white currants, yellow cherries, cabbage, zucchini, green bell peppers, cucumbers. Potatoes - with caution, and it is better to pre-clean and leave it for 2-3 hours in a container of cold water.

    4. Refined vegetable oil.

    5. Freshly squeezed juices from permitted fruits.

    6. Sour-milk products of low fat content.

    The above are only the most common potential allergens. If you notice that the use of any product from the list of permitted products negatively affects the skin condition, exclude it.

    Elimination diet

    Elimination diet for atopic dermatitis in adults is intended to identify one or more specific allergens. Before you start it, fasting is prescribed for 1-2 days - you can drink only mineral water or unsweetened green tea.

    Further in the diet one includes milk, dairy products, lean meat of various varieties, eggs, vegetables and fruits.

    Be sure to have regular check-ups with a dietitian. At the first signs of atopic dermatitis on the skin immediately stop using this product. In the future, from the diet should be excluded not only him, but also all meals and / or drinks, where he enters, even in small quantities.

    Then the nutritionist will be able to pick up a replacement. For example, those who do not tolerate cow's milk, goat can go. Red meat can be replaced by a bird or rabbit.

    For the duration of a diet, the ration necessarily excludes all foods that excessively irritate the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the fact that water is retained in the tissues. These include salt, sugar, mayonnaise and in general any sauces, vinegar, spices, spices and spices.

    Hypoallergenic diet

    For children, especially if atopic dermatitis affects parents or other close relatives, a hypoallergenic diet is indicated. The mother must adhere to the above recommendations during pregnancy and lactation. Lure child such a child should be selected very carefully.

    Milk mixture ideally should not contain sugar, all fruit and vegetable purees and canned meat purchased in the store, any instant porridges, are contraindicated. Cook it all at home.

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