
Diet for joint arthrosis and arthritis: the basic advice on the organization of therapeutic nutrition

  • Diet for joint arthrosis and arthritis: the basic advice on the organization of therapeutic nutrition

    Arthrosis of the joints is a disease that affects mainly the cartilage. Diet for joint arthrosis in this case must necessarily be combined with drug treatment and physiotherapy procedures. The main goal is to form such a diet that will ensure the intake of all necessary macro- and microelements in the body to prevent the destruction and restoration of bone tissue of the joints.

    Excess weight is a possible cause, provoking occurrence of arthrosis, especially knee and hip joints. Therefore, the diet should be formulated so as to reduce the fat and carbohydrate content.

    All kinds of chemical additives in food are also a potential cause. Therefore, it is necessary to give preference to natural food.

    Based on all this, in each case the doctor makes an individual diet, given the contraindications and the presence of other diseases.

    General recommendations of

    1. Completely eliminate from the diet all fried.

    2. Eat 5-6 meals a day in small portions. During the meal, do not distract, chew.

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    3. Do not eat because it's time - only when you get hungry.

    4. After a meal, walk a bit. You can not just sit down or go to bed.

    5. Last time you eat no later than 20:00.

    Often with arthrosis, you need to lose weight. But a strict diet in this case is contraindicated. Make an emphasis on the balance of the diet, limit the intake of salt, sugar, fats and carbohydrates.

    Include in the diet broths of meat on bone, jelly, jellied, jelly, jelly and jelly. They contain the collagen necessary to the joints.

    The main source of carbohydrates - bread from flour not of the highest grade, dishes from cereals, pasta from durum wheat, vegetables and fruits.

    Daily intake of fats can be obtained by eating fish, especially marine.

    What can and can not be?

    Drawing up the diet menu for arthritis and arthrosis, pay attention to the following products:

    1. Poultry meat. Before cooking, remove the skin and cut off the visible fat. Cook better by steaming or grilling, boil, bake, stew.

    2. Sea fish of fatty varieties and seafood.

    3. Flax seeds and oil from them, butter.

    4. Sour-milk products, natural yoghurts and whey.

    5. Fresh greens - especially spinach and green salad.

    6. Nuts.

    7. Cereals.

    8. Fresh fruits, especially pineapples and bananas.

    9. Fresh vegetables - legumes, cabbage, pumpkin. Boiled and baked potatoes.

    10. Freshly squeezed juices, half diluted with water, especially from citrus fruits and pomegranate.

    It is necessary to exclude the following:

    1. Any confectionery with cream, ice cream.

    2. Fast food.

    3. Fresh white bread and baked pastry.

    4. Products that contain cocoa.

    5. Alcoholic and carbonated drinks, strong tea and coffee.

    6. All spicy, fatty, smoked, salted, marinades, sausages and sausages, spices and spices, sauces, mustard, vinegar.

    7. Nonfat dairy products.

    8. Fatty meat. Fast food products, semi-finished products.

    10. Fish Caviar.

    Sample menu

    In the morning before eating, get in the habit of drinking a glass of water to prepare your stomach for food.

    1. Breakfast. Fresh juice. A plate of porridge with butter, honey, dried fruits. Cottage cheese with fruit. Cheesecakes. Sandwich with butter and cheese. Boiled eggs or scrambled eggs. Vegetable salad with olive oil. Green tea.

    2. The second breakfast. Any fruit or dried fruit.

    3. Lunch. Soup. A fresh vegetable salad. A portion of meat, poultry or fish with garnish. A piece of bread or a sandwich.

    4. Snack. Kefir. Bread, biscuits. Fruit salad. Nuts.

    5. Vegetable salad or garnish. A plate of porridge. Yogurt or cottage cheese with fruit. Compote, jelly, mors.

    Diet for arthritis

    Nutrition for arthritis differs slightly from that recommended for arthrosis. This is especially true of the diagnosis of "gouty arthritis".

    The diet should be balanced, but you can consume no more than 2000 kcal per day.

    If arthrosis should be abandoned spices and spices in general, then with arthritis, some specialists, provided there is no allergy, recommend ginger and turmeric.

    Often there is a negative reaction to Solanaceae - potatoes, tomatoes, bell peppers, eggplants. For prevention, it is better to exclude them.

    Diet with deforming arthrosis

    An effective diet with deforming arthrosis is aimed at restoration of immunity and prevention of calcium leaching from the body.

    Therefore, immediately exclude alcohol and carbonated drinks, coffee, salt and sugar as much as possible.

    Preference is given to products with a high content of potassium, magnesium, calcium, B vitamins. The use of vegetables and fruits is very important( they can also be snacked if you feel hungry between meals).

    Regularly include on the menu lean meat and sea fish, dairy products( especially hard cheeses and butter), beans( beans, peas, lentils), eggs and dishes from them.

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