
How to take flax seeds for weight loss in dry form and in decoctions

  • How to take flax seeds for weight loss in dry form and in decoctions

    Among the variety of modern methods and products for weight loss, flax seeds are gaining popularity, the nutritional characteristics of which nutritional scientists have revealed in the last century. And now they are widely used to reduce weight and normalize metabolism. How to take flax seeds for weight loss and not only will be told in this article.

    Flax seeds - a useful product

    Flax seeds include polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9 and a huge amount of plant fiber. It is she who helps your intestine to function better and thereby purify the body, remove toxins and toxins.

    Seeds contain vitamin A, which keeps the skin supple and smooth, vitamin E, which has a beneficial effect on the hormonal background. Selenium contained in this product improves brain function and frees the body of heavy metals.

    In addition, the reception of flaxseed - excellent prevention of cancer and an excellent tool for improving immunity.

    How flax seeds work on the body

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    Flax seeds for weight loss adjusts your excretory system to the right way, thereby eliminating the body from toxins and normalizing metabolism. Sometimes a serious malfunction in the excretory system is a source of fatty deposits.

    Flaxseed will support both diabetes mellitus and hormonal failure, which are also often a prerequisite for excess weight. Decoction of them helps to remove excess fluid, thereby relieving the body of swelling, and also cope with its slagging.

    With diabetes, seeds help activate the action of insulin on the body, promote the normalization of the hormonal background.

    When you get into the stomach, the flax seed swells, which not only dulls the feeling of hunger, but also activates the work of the intestines, eliminates constipation.

    Admission of flax seeds for weight loss

    There are flax seeds needed for 50 grams for two weeks. The peristalsis of the intestine must improve, the function of the liver will improve, and the entire human body will be cleared.

    Eating a tablespoon in the morning on an empty stomach will be correct both for weight loss and for cleansing the body. Drink it with plenty of boiled or filtered water, and if you take a whole course a day, you should drink at least two liters of clean water.

    It is better not to take sunflower seeds in a shredded form, since some of the nutrients are lost when interacting with air.

    Do not exceed the amount of 50 grams of seeds per day, since even the most useful product in unlimited doses can be harmful.

    Instead of dry seeds, you can use a decoction of flax seed. To do this, fill one tablespoon with two glasses of boiling water and wait for eight hours. It is most convenient to do this in a thermos. Nutritionists are united in the opinion of how to take decoction of flax seed - strictly thirty minutes before meals three times a day. The course of admission is ten days, and then ten days off. If necessary, you can repeat.

    Try not to exceed the prescribed dose. It is recommended to cook very little broth, since it has a pleasant taste only on the first day.

    With chronic constipation, which also contributes to excess weight gain, it is allowed to take 1 glass per night for the next infusion: one teaspoon of seeds per cup of boiling water, it should not be filtered, but should be drunk with the seeds.

    In addition to the above methods, you can add seeds to various dishes: salads, cereals, cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt.

    To take flax seed, doctors recommend one to several months, based on the result obtained, which depends on your initial weight and body condition.

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