
Sample diet menu for gout, tips on what to eat with this disease

  • Sample diet menu for gout, tips on what to eat with this disease

    For many centuries people tried to find out the cause of gout and, in the end, came to the unanimous opinion that this disease is directly related to human nutrition.

    Earlier this disease was found most often in kings, kings and grandees. The variety of food on the tables feasting in those days, abounded with a huge amount of fats and carbohydrates, and about the harm of alcoholic beverages did not have the slightest idea. Now it is clear why wealthy people had problems with extra pounds and not only: most of them suffered from gout.

    Unfortunately, even now this ailment is also common. That is why it is extremely necessary to adhere to a diet for gout, an approximate menu which was developed by doctors-nutritionists.

    How to eat a sick gout?

    The menu should exclude a number of products. It will be difficult to get used to this, but it is necessary to remove pain symptoms. So, that in any case it is impossible:

    • "burning" spices, such as pepper, mustard or horseradish;
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    • smoked sausages, sausages, sausages or sausages;
    • fat meat broths;
    • beef meat and game;
    • cheese of sharp varieties;
    • beans of all kinds;
    • canned products;
    • strong tea, coffee or cocoa.

    What can you eat? Here is the list:

    • bread( any);
    • egg can be eaten 1 time for the whole day;
    • cooked or raw vegetables, also greens;
    • broths based on vegetables;
    • chicken and rabbit meat, also lean fish varieties;
    • all sour-milk products( they should be in priority);
    • decoctions of rose hips, teas with milk.

    The most important thing is salt. It must be limited, and it is better not to spice up the dishes at all.

    Weekly menu

    The power menu for gout for the week is a set of general rules. If they are observed, pain attacks will be much less disturbing to the patient.

    • Rule number 1 - if an exacerbation has begun, then it is necessary to abandon dishes from meat and fish. When the pain subsides, you can again gradually include these products in the food system.
    • Rule number 2 - do not starve or overeat. The patient should eat a little, not feeling the feeling of saturation "from the belly" or suffering from rumbling in the stomach.
    • Rule number 3 - you need to drink a lot. Water, fruit drinks or herbal infusions are what you like best. The main thing is to drink a glass of liquid 40 minutes before eating. And for the whole day, the amount drunk should be 2.5 liters.
    • Rule number 4 - days of unloading are mandatory. For 4 days one time will be enough. Days for unloading can be fruit-vegetable or milk-kefir.
    • Rule number 5 is the most important item! It is necessary to put a complete ban on alcohol and alcohol-containing products!

    And now you can consider examples of menus. Dietary food system for gout allows the patient to eat a variety of food and do not experience discomfort.

    Day 1

    1. for breakfast you can eat porridge from rice. That it was not fresh, add fruit, you can drink juice( not purchased);
    2. after a couple of hours you need a bite of bread with butter and cheese( unsalted and inconsistent) and drink a glass of compote;
    3. at lunch you can eat chicken with buckwheat, vegetable salad and drink tea;
    4. a little cottage cheese and yogurt like a snack a few hours before dinner;
    5. for dinner, eat an omelette with vegetables, and also drink a cup of tea.

    Day 2

    1. breakfast consists of buckwheat mixed with vegetables, and a cup of tea;
    2. you can have a bite of rice and fruit casserole and drink freshly squeezed juice;
    3. at lunch eat a salad of vegetables and drink compote;
    4. snack for a couple of hours before dinner can be from cottage cheese, with the addition of raisins and a cup of tea;
    5. for dinner, prepare a little salad with tomatoes, also pilaf from chicken and drink the mors.

    Day 3

    1. at the beginning of the day, eat a cucumber salad, a patty( with any filling) and drink tea with milk;
    2. snack will be easy - a fruit salad and a cup of green tea;
    3. and dinner should already be dense - eat a vinaigrette, a borsch portion with a slice of bread and drink a glass of compote;
    4. is followed by a light snack - it's a bit crackers and mors;
    5. dinner is also quite light, prepare a few stewed vegetables and drink freshly squeezed juice.

    Day 4

    1. in the morning you can eat a little cottage cheese without sugar. For sweetness, add fruit, then eat bread with butter and cheese and drink tea;
    2. is quite scanty - it's a baked apple. Sweeten it with a little honey and drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice;
    3. at lunch eat a salad of fresh cabbage. Then buckwheat, mixed with vegetables, and drink a mors;
    4. again has a snack and it's very light. Look forward to a little salad of fruit, which is dressed with yogurt;
    5. for dinner you can pamper yourself with a baked potato and cup of tea.

    Using the menu for a patient with gout, you can create an individual diet for nutrition. The most important thing is not to eat foods that are banned. You can find interesting videos on the article below.