
Diet on the cold: is healthy for health, and how much protein and calories in the cold

  • Diet on the cold: is healthy for health, and how much protein and calories in the cold

    Chill is a product that is rarely associated with a diet, losing weight and losing excess weight. However, the statement that a diet on a cold can be effective is not as absurd as it seems at first glance.

    What is the use of a bachelor?

    If to reflect, this traditional festive snack is absolutely unique product. Firstly, the homemade jelly consists only of natural ingredients - meat, water and spices, therefore, nothing harmful to health in it simply can not be.

    Meat - the main source of protein for the body, and the jelly, which is formed during prolonged cooking of bones, is a natural collagen almost in its pure form. Thus, the question "is healthy for health" is no longer necessary.

    What is collagen and how much it is needed for the joints, cartilage, bones, and indeed for all body tissues( because it gives them elastin), they know almost everything.

    For people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system - it's just a rescue. It stimulates metabolism, prevents aging, causing the body to produce new cells, hence all tissues are updated. Protein is energy, it is consumed by the body almost completely, nowhere in the form of fat.

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    A significant disadvantage is the high cholesterol content in the chill. Its absorption in unlimited amounts can lead to a variety of problems with blood vessels, including blood clots, complete blockage and heart attacks, as well as malfunctions in the metabolic system.

    From all of the above, we can conclude - all is well in moderation. Once every 7-10 days, a portion of a cold is very useful, and every day and not once - quite the contrary.

    And a few additional advantages - in a chill in a fairly high concentration of retinol, lysine and almost all of the B vitamins are present. The first is simply necessary to maintain the immune and nervous system, the second plays a significant role in the calcium assimilation reaction. And the mentioned vitamins can significantly increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

    Cold as a component of the

    diet A diet from one chill will not bring anything other than harm to health. But as an integral part of any protein diet, it is quite acceptable. Protein diets, which are used most often, are the Ducane diet and the Kremlin diet.

    The table of products of the Kremlin diet classifies the jelly as a desirable dish, giving it zero points, if it is only meat, and not jellied with vegetables. Since according to the conditions of this diet a day you can "eat" a strictly certain number of points, and a chill does not "cost" anything, hence, it can be used without restrictions.

    The Ducane diet also allows the use of a cold, but not at the very beginning( in the "attack" phase), when the restrictions are the most stringent - gelatin is on the list of banned products. When the "cruise" phase begins, it is classified as pure protein and there is not only it, but it is necessary.

    Calorie of the chill

    How much protein is in the chill? It is impossible to answer this question unequivocally. Everything depends on the composition in the recipe( the proportion of meat, broth, fat, spices, vegetables) and cooking technology.

    The lowest calories in a cold from beef - about 90. In it, the most protein - 25 g per kilogram. Hence, it is most useful.

    The pork chill is more caloric( about 250 kcal).This difference can even be seen - let the beef and pork chill stand for several days in the refrigerator - on the surface of the latter there will be a layer of fat that can not be missed. For dietary food, the pork chill does not fit.

    Somewhere in the middle is a chilli of chicken( 150 kcal).Since almost all the recipes further specify that chicken for a chill is not a young, well-fed broiler, namely a chicken, and older, meat with a leaner one. Chicken meat is generally considered to be the most dietary meat, therefore, a cold from it will not cause a figure of great harm.

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