
Diet Models: what kind of diet are the famous models, food fitness models

  • Diet Models: what kind of diet are the famous models, food fitness models

    Diet models: the secrets of proper nutrition and slim body from leading photo models

    Top models, models, fitness models are recognized beauty standards. And many women of the world want to be like them if not externally, then at least have the same eye-popping figure. To maintain the body in tone, the models exercise and follow different diets. And each model has its own secret of a beautiful body."What?"- you ask. Let's try to understand.

    So what's the secret?

    The fact that models strictly follow diets is no secret. But on what diets are the models sitting? The secret is that each such beauty has its own nutrition system, developed in conjunction with dietitians, suitable for her, and which the model adheres throughout her career or even her whole life.

    Not every diva of the podium is openly distributed about food products that are part of its main diet. Fortunately, not all are greedy, and based on the data of the models, who shared their secrets, one can come to the conclusion that there are 3 types of diets:

    instagram viewer
    • Children's or a long diet;
    • Rigid diet;
    • Smoothie diet.

    Prolonged diet

    This strange diet consists in the use of baby food. Yes, yes, various piureschek and cottage cheese without sugar. For long-legged Barbie, such food is like the manna of heaven.

    Baby food is enriched with mineral substances and vitamins, and it is also low-calorie. Such a diet should be observed for two weeks, while the calories eaten can not exceed the value of 1200 kcal.

    Puree from vegetables, fruit or meat - choose those that you find more acceptable for yourself. Just do not buy sweet milk formulas, they are not suitable for a diet.

    Hard, it's the express diet

    The hard diet of the top models is the most famous. Express diet lasts 3 days, and if you follow all the prescribed instructions, you can completely get rid of 3 to 4.5 kg. Adhering to this diet a week before an important event, you say goodbye to the excess kilograms and additional centimeters. Proven types of hard diets are presented in the video below.

    Smoothie diet

    Delicious diet of famous models. Smoothies - a useful fruit, vegetable or berry mixture, whipped with a blender to a homogeneous consistency and containing a minimum of calories. This cocktail should be eaten with a spoon for more rapid satiation of the body. The consumption of a puree mixture will help to lose weight painlessly.

    To begin with, you should prepare for a diet, reducing the calorie content of foods eaten to 1200 kcal. For a couple of days, or better a week before the start of the diet, eat porridge, fruit, lean fish and meat. For the duration of the diet, to avoid disruption of the body, be sure to exclude hot, salty, fatty, sweet, smoked food. Refrain from alcohol and "soda".

    It is normal to go out of the smoothies diet, i.e.for a week or two weeks, slowly and carefully include in the eaten portions of solid foods, watch how the body reacts, and increase the calorie content to 1500 kilocalories. For more information about this diet and smoothies recipes, see the video.

    Diets of fitness models

    The nutrition of fitness models includes the systematic reception of vegetables, fruits, lean fish and meat, greens and, of course, fermented milk products. The fastest way to lose weight is a two-day diet and nutritional standards.

    On the first day, you need to consume dill greens, parsley and tomatoes. It is allowed to drink non-carbonated water and green leaf tea in unlimited quantities. Salt, seasonings and spices, as well as vegetable oil, are banned. On the second day, the greens remain, and the tomatoes are replaced with cherries of any sort. The principles of nutrition fitness models can be found on the video below.


    Dear girls and women! Before you decide to test yourself on a diet of any model, consult a nutritionist in order to avoid an organ failure and other more terrible consequences. No model chooses a diet for itself, the doctor is engaged in it. Be prudent and do not pursue beauty and undermined health.

    Top models, models, fitness models are recognized standards of beauty. And many women of the world want to be like them if not externally, then at least have the same eye-popping figure. To maintain the body in tone, the models exercise and follow different diets. And each model has its own secret of a beautiful body."What?"- you ask. Let's try to understand.

    So what's the secret?

    The fact that models strictly follow diets is no secret. But on what diets are the models sitting? The secret is that each such beauty has its own nutrition system, developed in conjunction with dietitians, suitable for her, and which the model adheres throughout her career or even her whole life.

    Not every diva of the podium is openly distributed about food that is part of its main diet. Fortunately, not all are greedy, and based on the data of the models, who shared their secrets, one can come to the conclusion that there are 3 types of diets:

    • Children's or long-term diet;
    • Rigid diet;
    • Smoothie diet.

    Prolonged diet

    This strange diet consists in the use of baby food. Yes, yes, various piureschek and cottage cheese without sugar. For long-legged Barbie, such food is like the manna of heaven.

    Baby food is enriched with mineral substances and vitamins, and it is also low-calorie. Such a diet should be observed for two weeks, while the calories eaten can not exceed the value of 1200 kcal.

    Puree from vegetables, fruit or meat - choose those that you find more acceptable for yourself. Just do not buy sweet milk formulas, they are not suitable for a diet.

    Hard, it's the express diet

    The hard diet of the top models is the most famous. Express diet lasts 3 days, and if you follow all the prescribed instructions, you can completely get rid of 3 to 4.5 kg. Adhering to this diet a week before an important event, you say goodbye to the excess kilograms and additional centimeters. Proven types of hard diets are presented in the video below.

    Smoothie diet

    Delicious diet of famous models. Smoothies - a useful fruit, vegetable or berry mixture, whipped with a blender to a homogeneous consistency and containing a minimum of calories. This cocktail should be eaten with a spoon for more rapid satiation of the body. The consumption of a puree mixture will help to lose weight painlessly.

    To begin with, you should prepare for a diet, reducing the calorie content of foods eaten to 1200 kcal. For a couple of days, or better a week before the start of the diet, eat porridge, fruit, lean fish and meat. For the duration of the diet, to avoid disruption of the body, be sure to exclude hot, salty, fatty, sweet, smoked food. Refrain from alcohol and "soda".

    It is normal to go out of the smoothies diet, i.e.for a week or two weeks, slowly and carefully include in the eaten portions of solid foods, watch how the body reacts, and increase the calorie content to 1500 kilocalories. For more information about this diet and smoothies recipes, see the video.

    Diets fitness models

    Nutrition fitness models include the systematic reception of vegetables, fruits, lean fish and meat, greens and, of course, sour-milk products. The fastest way to lose weight is a two-day diet and nutritional standards.

    On the first day, you need to consume dill greens, parsley and tomatoes. It is allowed to drink non-carbonated water and green leaf tea in unlimited quantities. Salt, seasonings and spices, as well as vegetable oil, are banned. On the second day, the greens remain, and the tomatoes are replaced with cherries of any sort. The principles of nutrition fitness models can be found on the video below.


    Dear girls and women! Before you decide to test yourself on a diet of any model, consult a nutritionist in order to avoid an organ failure and other more terrible consequences. No model chooses a diet for itself, the doctor is engaged in it. Be prudent and do not pursue beauty and undermined health.