
In which foods are many carbohydrates: table of contents in 100 grams of food

  • In which foods are many carbohydrates: table of contents in 100 grams of food

    In which foods are many carbohydrates and why they are so harmful

    Carbohydrates are an integral part of everyone's diet. They are extremely important both during weight loss and in aerobic exercise. The whole question is how many carbohydrates a person needs during the day. In addition, it is worth remembering that women have less muscle mass compared to men, which means that with the same portions of carbohydrates, not all of them will turn into glycogen. Part of them will certainly be deposited on the waist and hips in the form of fat. However, there is a way out: you just need to know which foods have a lot of carbohydrates, and if possible avoid them.

    What is the harm of carbohydrates?

    It is believed that a set of fat mass and an increase in the percentage of fat is a consequence of increased consumption of fatty foods. What is their harm? The thing is that carbohydrates, getting into the body, dramatically increase the level of sugar in the blood. This causes the pancreas to release a hormone insulin, the main task of which is to lower the level of sugar in the blood. He also collects excess glucose and stores it in the body in the form of triglycerides( fats).Thus it turns out that fattening is not so much because of fat, but because of carbohydrates.

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    Good and bad substances

    To consider that all carbohydrates are harmful to the human body - this is fundamentally the wrong position. In the end, carbohydrates are necessary for the body in a certain amount for the correct metabolism of fats and proteins. Products where a lot of carbohydrates, which can be called correct, exist. These are products with a low glycemic index( GI), that is, foods that do not contain sugar and starch. Such products are called products with good carbohydrates. Vegetables and legumes, fruits, cereals, cereals( oats, buckwheat), nuts - all these are products in which there are many carbohydrates, but good carbohydrates.

    Poor carbohydrates are found in products with high GI.Among the most common products of this type can be called sugar and honey, potatoes, all confectionery. They should be included in your diet for diabetics and people who are dieting.

    Table of carbohydrates

    Which foods have a lot of carbohydrates? This can be seen by looking at the table of carbohydrates in 100 grams of the product.

    Fruit( various fruit)

    76 g( medium fruit)


    57 g


    68 g

    Graham cakes

    72 g

    Oat groats

    67 g

    Pearl barley

    73 g

    Barley groats

    71 g

    Corn cereals

    75 g( medium GI)


    74 g( medium GI)


    76 g( high GI)

    Scientists have established

    According to various scientific studies, products containing many carbohydrates are primarily cereals, pasta andconfectionery, jam and sugar.

    In second place for the availability of carbohydrates are bakery products, chocolate, prunes, dried apricots and apricots. They contain between 40 and 60% carbohydrates.

    The third place - for cherries, bananas, grapes, beets and potatoes( 11-20%).

    Fourth place( the lowest content of carbohydrates) - 5-10% - for fruits and berries( lemon, mandarin, peach, apple, pear, strawberry, strawberry, watermelon, melon).

    Life on Fast Food

    When talking about what foods contain a lot of carbohydrates, one can not ignore such a type of food popular in modern Russia and all over the world, like fast food - fast food. That's really where the amount of harmful carbohydrates is simply beyond the reach, that's what foods, where there are many carbohydrates. By the way, Americans often call this food junk food - something like "something to eat."For example, the average portion of food in McDonald's restaurants or KFC( traditional dinner) - a sandwich, salad, cocktail, french fries - contains more than 1500 kcal, which is a daily norm for a person leading a sedentary lifestyle. Given that during the day a person eats more than once, this amount increases dramatically, which leads to obesity.

    Carbohydrates are an integral part of the diet of any person. They are extremely important both during weight loss and in aerobic exercise. The whole question is how many carbohydrates a person needs during the day. In addition, it is worth remembering that women have less muscle mass compared to men, which means that with the same portions of carbohydrates, not all of them will turn into glycogen. Part of them will certainly be deposited on the waist and hips in the form of fat. However, there is a way out: you just need to know which foods have a lot of carbohydrates, and if possible avoid them.

    What is the harm of carbohydrates?

    It is believed that a set of fat mass and an increase in the percentage of fat is a consequence of increased consumption of fatty foods. What is their harm? The thing is that carbohydrates, getting into the body, dramatically increase the level of sugar in the blood. This causes the pancreas to release a hormone insulin, the main task of which is to lower the level of sugar in the blood. He also collects excess glucose and stores it in the body in the form of triglycerides( fats).Thus it turns out that fattening is not so much because of fat, but because of carbohydrates.

    Good and bad substances

    To consider, that all carbohydrates are harmful to a human body, is in a root the wrong position. In the end, carbohydrates are necessary for the body in a certain amount for the correct metabolism of fats and proteins. Products where a lot of carbohydrates, which can be called correct, exist. These are products with a low glycemic index( GI), that is, foods that do not contain sugar and starch. Such products are called products with good carbohydrates. Vegetables and legumes, fruits, cereals, cereals( oats, buckwheat), nuts - all these are products in which there are many carbohydrates, but good carbohydrates.

    Poor carbohydrates are found in products with high GI.Among the most common products of this type can be called sugar and honey, potatoes, all confectionery. They should be included in your diet for diabetics and people who are dieting.

    Carbohydrate table

    Which foods contain a lot of carbohydrates? This can be seen by looking at the table of carbohydrates in 100 grams of the product.

    Fructose( various fruits)

    76 g( mean GOP)


    57 g


    68 g


    72 g


    67 g

    Pearl barley


    Jachmeneva grits

    71 g

    Corn grits

    75 g( average GI)


    74 g( average GI)


    76 g( high GI)

    Scientists have identified

    According to various scientific studies, products containing many carbohydrates are primarily cereals, pasta andconfectionery, varenye and sugar.

    In second place for the presence of carbohydrates are bakery products, chocolate, prunes, dried apricots and apricots. They contain between 40 and 60% carbohydrates.

    Third place - in cherries, bananas, grapes, beets and potatoes( 11-20%).

    Fourth place( the lowest content of carbohydrates) - 5-10% - for fruits and berries( lemon, mandarin, peach, apple, pear, strawberry, strawberry, watermelon, melon).

    Life on fast food

    When talking about what foods contain a lot of carbohydrates, one can not ignore such a type of food popular in modern Russia and all over the world, like fast food - fast food. That's really where the amount of harmful carbohydrates is simply beyond the reach, that's what foods, where there are many carbohydrates. By the way, Americans often call this food junk food - something like "something to eat."For example, the average portion of food in McDonald's restaurants or KFC( traditional dinner) - a sandwich, salad, cocktail, french fries - contains more than 1500 kcal, which is a daily norm for a person leading a sedentary lifestyle. Given that during the day a person eats more than once, this amount increases dramatically, which leads to obesity.