
Fast diets for a week: good nutrition schemes for fast weight loss, express diet

  • Fast diets for a week: good nutrition schemes for fast weight loss, express diet

    Fast diets: a week to lose those extra pounds - it's easy!

    We are all used to the fact that a diet is a long process that does not give an instant result. Rarely, who can safely go through the stage of entering the diet and feel good throughout the diet. All known complex diets last a month or more and, as a rule, result in the fact that a person simply changes the diet and can follow it for as long as they like. Nevertheless, there are fast diets for a week, specially invented in case if you need to lose weight urgently.

    General recommendations of

    Before you sit down on a fast diet, it is worth remembering a few general recommendations on eating behavior and maintaining a stable weight in the future.

    1) If you lose more than 10 kg per week, you must supplement the diet with a variety of physical exercises. Running, full refusal of elevators, swimming, aerobics is recommended.

    2) Be sure to sign up for a massage procedure. Ideally, you need even a massage course for the entire diet time. Massage helps to disperse blood through the veins and organizes its inflow to problem areas where fat should burn faster.

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    3) Be sure to try to keep the weight gained during the diet for at least 20 months. To do this, continue to eat in a balanced way, given that the body needs 30 kcal per kilogram of weight to maintain the stable operation of all systems.

    Types of fast diets

    If you take on a good diet for fast weight loss, then they can be as follows.

    1) Buckwheat diet. This diet lasts 1 week, during which you can lose 10 kg. On buckwheat diet, you can sit 1 time in 2-3 months.

    The benefits of buckwheat diet are that in buckwheat there are a lot of macro and microelements, few carbohydrates, which are slowly absorbed by the body.

    Here is the main recipe for such a diet: 1 cup of buckwheat grouts pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave to steam for 12 hours. Do not salt, add sugar, spices or oil. During the day there is only this mess. From drinking, you can use 1% kefir and any amount of water. You can drink a cup of soft tea and coffee without sugar. Sweetbreads can be added to the water 1( !) Once a day in water a teaspoon of honey. Of fruits you can eat apples, but bananas and grapes are forbidden.

    Sample menu for the day: breakfast - porridge + fruit, kefir or green tea without sugar;lunch - porridge + fruit( pear or apple), green tea;dinner - porridge without fruit, green tea.

    The disadvantage of the buckwheat diet is that it can not be practiced by diabetics and hypertensives due to the complete absence of salt and sugar.

    2) "Diet of doctors", described in the journal "Health".On this diet you need to sit no more than 1 time per month, but it can be guaranteed to lose weight by 10 kg. This diet is included in the category of fast diets for weight loss.

    Day one: drink one bottle of mineral water for 6 times during the day.

    Day two: drink 0.8 liters of skim milk during the day, and at 9 pm eat one apple.

    Day three: drink one bottle of mineral water for 6 times during the day. Day 4: Vegetable. One liter of salad( divided into three parts).You can drink two glasses of water or two glasses of tea. Salad composition: carrots, fresh cabbage, greens, vegetable oil.

    Fifth day: drink 0.8 liters of skim milk during the day.

    Sixth day: breakfast - 1 boiled egg and 1/2 cup of tea. At 11 o'clock in the afternoon - a glass of broth from potatoes, cabbage, carrots and other vegetables( one broth).Lunch - 100 g of canned green peas and 100 grams of meat. Snack - 1 apple. Dinner - 1 apple. At 21:00 - 1 apple.

    Seventh day: 100 g of cottage cheese and 2 glasses of milk or kefir. In the evening, drink one glass of tea.

    3) Seven-day diet of the Mayo Clinic. Observing this diet, you can lose weight by 4.5-8 kg. The main dish with this diet is fat-burning soup. Here's how it is prepared: 6 medium bulbs + several tomatoes( canned) + 1 small cabbage head + 2 green peppers + 1 bunch of celery + 2 cubes of vegetable broth. Cut the vegetables into medium pieces with water. Add salt, pepper and season with hot sauce or curry. Boil on high heat for 10 minutes. After that, reduce the heat and cook until the vegetables become soft.

    First day: except for soup, eat any fruit, watermelon and melon, but not bananas. Drink water( as much as possible), not sweet tea or cranberry juice.

    The second day: you can eat with soup, until you satisfy hunger, raw or canned vegetables, leafy greens. You can not eat legumes and corn. Do not eat fruit. At dinner you can eat baked potatoes with butter, drink plenty of water.

    The third day: eat soup, any fruits and vegetables, except for baked potatoes, drink plenty of water.

    Fourth day: you can eat 3 bananas with soup and drink as much water as you can get. Eat soup, fresh vegetables and fruits, but bananas - only 3 pieces.

    Fifth day: eat 400-800 g of beef meat or a can of canned tomatoes, and if fresh - then how much you want. Soup should be eaten at least once a day.

    Sixth day: vegetables( but not potatoes!) And beef meat eat plenty. You can eat 2 or 3 steaks and any leafy green vegetables. Also, drink water.

    The seventh day: you can eat brown rice, vegetables and unsweetened fruit juice. Rice add to the soup, and you can add vegetables to the rice separately - tomatoes, onions and cauliflower. Curry for vegetables - if desired. Also, drink water.

    With this diet, alcohol is contraindicated.

    Express diets

    But what express diets for fast weight loss can be practiced without fear for health.

    1) Protein. This diet is designed for 1 week, and the diet in it is very strict, changes are unacceptable. A must: drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water.

    Breakfast: fried eggs from 2 eggs + salad of sea kale.

    Lunch: a portion of beef( chicken) + vegetable garnish( except for legumes, potatoes, corn).

    Dinner: a portion of fish( poultry) + a garnish of fresh vegetables( better cabbage).Between meals at a severe hunger, you can drink 1 cup of skimmed yogurt.

    2) Vegetable and milk.

    Breakfast: half-packs of fat-free cottage cheese, seasoned with low-fat kefir, 1 glass of tea without sugar.

    Lunch: vegetable soup without potatoes, cabbage salad.

    Snack: 1 cup of tea without sugar and a small piece of cheese

    Dinner: any salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil.

    With this diet, it is necessary to follow the drinking regimen.

    We are all used to the fact that a diet is a long process that does not give an instant result. Rarely, who can safely go through the stage of entering the diet and feel good throughout the diet. All known complex diets last a month or more and, as a rule, result in the fact that a person simply changes the diet and can follow it for as long as they like. Nevertheless, there are fast diets for a week, specially invented in case if you need to lose weight urgently.

    General recommendations of

    Before you sit on a fast diet, it is worth remembering a few general recommendations on eating behavior and maintaining a stable weight in the future.

    1) If you lose more than 10 kg per week, you must supplement the diet with a variety of physical exercises. Running, full refusal of elevators, swimming, aerobics is recommended.

    2) Be sure to sign up for a massage procedure. Ideally, you need even a massage course for the entire diet time. Massage helps to disperse blood through the veins and organizes its inflow to problem areas where fat should burn faster.

    3) Be sure to try to keep the weight gained during the diet for at least 20 months. To do this, continue to eat in a balanced way, given that the body needs 30 kcal per kilogram of weight to maintain the stable operation of all systems.

    Types of fast diets

    If you take on a good diet for fast weight loss, then they can be as follows.

    1) Buckwheat diet. This diet lasts 1 week, during which you can lose 10 kg. On buckwheat diet, you can sit 1 time in 2-3 months.

    The benefits of the buckwheat diet are that there are a lot of macronutrients and trace elements in buckwheat, there are few carbohydrates that are slowly absorbed by the body.

    Here is the main recipe for such a diet: 1 cup of buckwheat grouts pour 2 cups of boiling water, leave to steam for 12 hours. Do not salt, add sugar, spices or oil. During the day there is only this mess. From drinking, you can use 1% kefir and any amount of water. You can drink a cup of soft tea and coffee without sugar. Sweetbreads can be added to the water 1( !) Once a day in water a teaspoon of honey. Of fruits you can eat apples, but bananas and grapes are forbidden.

    Sample menu for the day: breakfast - porridge + fruit, kefir or green tea without sugar;lunch - porridge + fruit( pear or apple), green tea;dinner - porridge without fruit, green tea.

    The disadvantage of the buckwheat diet is that it can not be practiced by diabetics and hypertensives due to the complete absence of salt and sugar.

    2) "Diet of doctors", described in the journal "Health".On this diet you need to sit no more than 1 time per month, but it can be guaranteed to lose weight by 10 kg. This diet is included in the category of fast diets for weight loss.

    Day one: drink one bottle of mineral water for 6 times during the day.

    Day two: drink 0.8 liters of skim milk during the day, and at 9 pm eat one apple.

    Day three: drink one bottle of mineral water for 6 times during the day. Day 4: Vegetable. One liter of salad( divided into three parts).You can drink two glasses of water or two glasses of tea. Salad composition: carrots, fresh cabbage, greens, vegetable oil.

    Fifth day: drink 0.8 liters of skim milk during the day.

    Sixth day: breakfast - 1 boiled egg and 1/2 cup of tea. At 11 o'clock in the afternoon - a glass of broth from potatoes, cabbage, carrots and other vegetables( one broth).Lunch - 100 g of canned green peas and 100 grams of meat. Snack - 1 apple. Dinner - 1 apple. At 21:00 - 1 apple.

    Seventh day: 100 g of cottage cheese and 2 glasses of milk or kefir. In the evening, drink one glass of tea.

    3) Seven-day diet of the Mayo Clinic. Observing this diet, you can lose weight by 4.5-8 kg. The main dish with this diet is fat-burning soup. Here's how it is prepared: 6 medium bulbs + several tomatoes( canned) + 1 small cabbage head + 2 green peppers + 1 bunch of celery + 2 cubes of vegetable broth. Cut the vegetables into medium pieces with water. Add salt, pepper and season with hot sauce or curry. Boil on high heat for 10 minutes. After that, reduce the heat and cook until the vegetables become soft.

    First day: except for soup, eat any fruit, watermelon and melon, but not bananas. Drink water( as much as possible), not sweet tea or cranberry juice.

    The second day: you can eat with soup, until you satisfy hunger, raw or canned vegetables, leafy greens. You can not eat legumes and corn. Do not eat fruit. At dinner you can eat baked potatoes with butter, drink plenty of water.

    The third day: eat soup, any fruits and vegetables, except for baked potatoes, drink plenty of water.

    Fourth day: you can eat 3 bananas with soup and drink as much water as you can get. Eat soup, fresh vegetables and fruits, but bananas - only 3 pieces.

    Fifth day: eat 400-800 g of beef meat or a can of canned tomatoes, and if fresh - then how much you want. Soup should be eaten at least once a day.

    Sixth day: vegetables( but not potatoes!) And beef meat eat plenty. You can eat 2 or 3 steaks and any leafy green vegetables. Also, drink water.

    The seventh day: you can eat brown rice, vegetables and unsweetened fruit juice. Rice add to the soup, and you can add vegetables to the rice separately - tomatoes, onions and cauliflower. Curry for vegetables - if desired. Also, drink water.

    With this diet, alcohol is contraindicated.

    Express diets

    But what express diets for fast weight loss can be practiced without fear for health.

    1) Protein. This diet is designed for 1 week, and the diet in it is very strict, changes are unacceptable. A must: drink 1.5-2 liters of clean water.

    Breakfast: fried eggs from 2 eggs + salad of sea kale.

    Lunch: a portion of beef( chicken) + vegetable garnish( except for legumes, potatoes, corn).

    Dinner: a portion of fish( poultry) + a garnish of fresh vegetables( better cabbage).Between meals at a severe hunger, you can drink 1 cup of skimmed yogurt.

    2) Vegetable and milk.

    Breakfast: half-packs of fat-free cottage cheese, seasoned with low-fat kefir, 1 glass of tea without sugar.

    Lunch: vegetable soup without potatoes, cabbage salad.

    Snack: 1 cup of tea without sugar and a small piece of cheese

    Dinner: any salad of fresh vegetables, seasoned with lemon juice mixed with a small amount of vegetable oil.

    With this diet, it is necessary to follow the drinking regimen.