
Diet rice, chicken, vegetables: a three-day diet menu, recommendations, which rice is best for this diet

  • Diet rice, chicken, vegetables: a three-day diet menu, recommendations, which rice is best for this diet

    Most often after the holidays, many women, standing on the scales, round eyes. Of course, going to visit and feast are making themselves felt. And what should I do? The correct answer is to "sit down" on a diet.

    Excellent diet = rice + chicken + vegetables

    On a diet of rice, chicken, vegetables, you will only have to wait 9 days. So, during the first three days try to make friends with rice. In the evening, soak a glass of rice, and in the morning cook in boiling water no more than 16 minutes. In addition to rice, there is nothing to eat. You should eat this boiled rice throughout the day. Divide it into equal portions and eat at intervals of no more than 3 hours.

    Next come the "chicken" days. Here is the same principle as with rice. In addition to the chicken, you can not eat anything else. You will need to take the chicken, remove the skin from it and cut off all the fat. Then boil it, portion it and eat it. Carcass in 1 kg you should be enough for the whole day.

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    Have you coped with the rice and chicken days? Then boldly go to the vegetables. At this point, fantasy can sweep. At your disposal are green beans, broccoli, cauliflower, yes anything, just to make it vegetables. Eat them fresh or brew - no difference. In a day you should eat at least 800 grams of vegetables.

    Important! No pickles and pickled cucumbers, tomatoes and other. Otherwise, the whole effect will come to naught. Also no seasonings, sugar and salt. Bread, smoked products, cheeses, fried foods and grapes - forget how terrible a dream.

    During the diet, drink plenty of plain water( without gas) and green teas.

    Vegetables and rice

    To get rid of 6 or 7 kilograms per month, you will have to withstand a diet on rice and vegetables. The basis of all dishes is boiled or fresh vegetables and rice.

    To begin with, you cook separately rice and vegetables, then mix it all. You can eat any vegetables. Also, there are no prohibitions on mixing boiled vegetables with raw vegetables. Salt or somehow flavor dishes can not in any case! But you can pour a small amount of soy sauce on top. By the way, you can add chopped boiled chicken to rice and vegetables.

    You can drink green tea and water from drinks. Try to limit coffee consumption to a minimum.

    And which rice to choose for weight loss?

    The question of which rice is best for a diet, excites many women in choosing a dietary diet. In general, uncooked rice, brownish color, is considered to be the best. All its useful properties are in the unallocated shell. This type of rice can improve the activity of the brain, maintain skin tone and remove all waste products from the body.

    If you do not like the taste of unpeeled rice, then take steamed. He is no worse. At steam processing such rice receives more than 80% of useful properties.

    But the most effective and at the same time hard-to-reach is black rice. Although it is not even rice, but the grain of Zizania Aquatica, a herb of many years. It grows in North America.

    Stories about the beneficial properties of such rice flew all over the world. Its uniqueness is an excellent assistant in the fight against extra pounds.

    Unloading diet with rice and tomato juice

    Rice and tomato juice is a three-day diet that aims at rapid weight loss and getting rid of accumulated slag in the body. By the way, you will use the most common and affordable products for a diet.

    Day 1

    You will have to eat only fresh rice and drink tomato juice.

    Day 2

    Today, eat cottage cheese and drink kefir.

    Day 3

    During the day, eat unsalted chicken meat and drink green tea.

    That's all. Hard, of course, but if you need to quickly lose a few pounds, try this diet. But you should remember that you should not abuse three-day diets.