  • Behavior in childbirth

    Before we try to summarize all the knowledge for proper behavior in the prenatal ward, I would like to immediately stipulate what the woman in childbearing should follow.

    The anatomical proximity of the bladder and intestine determines their functional generality. If the bowel and bladder are not emptied in time, the uterine contractility will also be inhibited. The dropping head of the fruit presses on nearby organs and sometimes creates the illusion that it is necessary to empty them. Nevertheless, periodically you should try to do this( there is usually a ship nearby or there is a toilet room).

    Sometimes severe contractions can be accompanied by vomiting( to avoid this, the last days before childbirth it is best to observe the fruit and vegetable regime - see above).Of course, it is desirable to drink a decoction of mint, even a few sips, but let you not vomit, this is a possible reaction of the body to strong contractions;it would be good to thoroughly rinse your mouth. Try not to eat or drink since the beginning of labor.(If labor is delayed, and there will be a need, you will definitely be fed.)

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    There are several symptoms that should lead to medical personnel:

    a sudden deterioration in well-being;


    cold music;

    is an unconscious condition;

    appearance of "flies" before the eyes;

    dark, colorful circles in front of the eyes;

    vision impairment;

    loss of image clarity;


    severe headache;

    sharp dizziness;

    the appearance of bloody discharge( not to be confused with a slight sucronic staining of the mucous plug!);

    leakage or

    drainage of water before full cervical dilatation;

    appearance of a new, unusually severe pain in the abdomen against the background of the already familiar sensations during fights.

    Be sure to explain why you are asking for a doctor or midwife. It does not make sense to simply cry out: "Come to me!" Often women cry: "Save me!", Which indicates their complete unpreparedness for childbirth. I hope this does not happen, but if you happen to give birth in extreme conditions, all alone, without any help, you would try to concentrate as much as possible on the process of birth. Even without special training, your instinct and your body would tell you what, how and when to do. You just have to go deeper into yourself and concentrate as much as possible on the process of giving birth.

    While light struggles are going on, you can walk, lie down, sleep, if possible. And certainly you should try to relax at every opportunity. I hope you have already mastered this art. However, as the fights increase and the head moves down, pains in the lower back are intensified. To remove the pressure of the head on the sacral plexus, you can stand leaning on your elbows and in the position on all fours( on the bed!).In this position, the vessels that feed the uterus and the fetus do not contract. In battles that ensure the lowering of the head into the birth canal( the most unpleasant moment), try to lie on a more comfortable side.

    You can use self-massage techniques. After all, involuntarily, the hands are stretching to rub the lower abdomen and lower back, even pushing the knuckles onto the sacrum. Also distracting is the pressure on the upper-arm axes of the ileum of the pelvis. While they are on the increasing struggle of the period of smoothing of the cervix, breathe smoothly and deeply, inhaling the nose and exhaling with the mouth.

    Concentrate all your attention on how you breathe. The beginning and end of each fight is met with a deep cleansing breath, which consists in a slow deep inspiration and completely emptying out the lungs( for more details, see the section on breathing in the next article).Here you need to choose the frequency of breathing so that it is a measured natural breathing. Do not start breathing this way until you feel an extreme need. However, after starting, try to keep on it as long as possible( though during all births).

    With the beginning of the bout at this stage, use deep chest breathing, with increasing intensity, go to light shallow breathing. If in the first stage you were inhaled through the nose and exhaled through the mouth, then with the transition to shallow breathing and inhale and exhale, make a mouthful. In order not to dry up your mouth, press your tongue against the upper front teeth. The intensity of your breathing should always correspond to the strength of the bout. If the fights immediately become very strong, then you need to go to the surface breathing immediately after the cleansing inhalation.

    Constantly consciously control the relaxation of the body, especially the pelvic area. Mentally imagine the opening of the cervix, like a blossoming flower. The pelvic muscles are already relaxed, the breathing is rhythmic, the cervix spreads apart like petals of a flower, a sweet feeling of bursting at the bottom of the stomach appears. If you still lose control, move the fight as best you can, and next meet with new forces and with even greater concentration.

    Finally there is an uncontrollable desire to strain. This indicates the beginning of the next stage - the transition of the fetal head to the birth canal. Given that this can begin before the full disclosure of the cervix, do not rush to push yourself.

    Be sure to ask a doctor to determine the degree of cervical dilatation. If there is no preparedness for the birth canal, it is necessary to pass to the third stage breathing with increased exhalations. Sharp exhalations are useful for two reasons. First, they release the lungs and lift the diaphragm. Secondly, at this stage, to keep from the desire to push, you will make a sharp exhalation. Start with a cleansing breath. Then make four light shallow breaths, scoring on the exhalations( inhale - exhale - time, etc.).Now make one more breath and exhale sharply and forcefully with your mouth as if you want to drive away the midge. Then again four light breaths, counting on exhalation, an easy breath and a sharp exhalation through the mouth. While the fight is continuing, use this technique, and finish again with a deep cleansing breath.

    Remember, these bouts are hardest to control. This moment is difficult for almost every woman, no matter how many children she already has. It helps the consciousness that this phase is very short. Finally comes the period of expulsion of the fetus. The cervix is ​​fully open, the water is poured, the fetal head lies on the pelvic floor. You will be asked to go to;a generic bed. It makes sense to practice at home and in these exercises, you just need not push yourself, but take the necessary position and hold your breath.

    Keep breathing for as long as possible. When you can not breathe any more, smoothly( !) Exhale( with a sharp exhalation the fetal head abruptly moves back, if it repeats more than once, you injure the fetus head), take a deep breath and continue to push until the end of the bout.

    Now your task is to maximize the effort to push the fetus. With each subsequent attempt, the head will increasingly move outward( crumble) until it finds a point of support for extension. From this moment, even if there is a stranger, it is necessary to stop pushing and give the opportunity to withdraw the fetal head. Legs should be maximally diluted to the sides, feet put on the table, breathe often, deeply and evenly. After the birth of the head, the rest of the body exits effortlessly. The midwife and the doctor handle the baby, and he publishes his first cry, the cry of happiness from meeting this world! So the child should thank the mother for giving birth painless and "especially bow" for the sweet childbirth.