  • How to avoid pregnancy complications

    Read the article:
    • Iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy( decreased hemoglobin)
    • Varicose for pregnancy
    • Constipation during pregnancy
    • Heartburn during pregnancy
    • Preventing complications in pregnancy

    The best prevention of complications in pregnancy is the correct mode of day, rest and nutrition

    Pregnancy and childbirth- a very responsible and exciting time in the life of every woman, so it is very important to properly organize your daily routine, nutrition and daily routine in order to avoid complicationspregnancy, most common in expectant mothers.

    The most common pregnancy complications that almost every pregnant woman faces is anemia, varicose veins, constipation and heartburn.

    Iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy( decreased hemoglobin) ^

    Although iron deficiency anemia, that is, decreased hemoglobin in the blood, is a very common and quite common phenomenon in pregnancy, in no case should one treat this situation lightly and underestimate the harm,which causes anemia to the health of the mother and child.

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    Do not forget that the unique role of hemoglobin in the body is to deliver oxygen to all organs and tissues, the need for which increases significantly during pregnancy, because the heart, kidneys and other organs of the future mother work more intensively, for two to provide oxygen to allnecessary life processes for themselves and the future child.

    • Anemia in pregnant women is extremely dangerous, because with reduced hemoglobin, such dangerous complications as toxicosis, delayed fetal development, the risk of premature birth and birth bleeding are much more likely.
    • In addition, anemic mothers often produce insufficient amounts of breast milk, and children are born often with allergies, anemia and weak immunity.

    Therefore, it is extremely important to monitor your hemoglobin level and in every possible way to raise it with the help of a full-fledged supply of iron-containing products, and, if necessary, medical preparations.

    • The main sources of iron are meat, liver, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream, buckwheat, dried apricots, almonds, apples, pomegranates.
    • Very fresh fresh herbs and honey, if it is not allergic.

    Varicosity during pregnancy ^

    Almost half of pregnant women develop varicose veins, accompanied by swelling, fatigue, pain and heaviness in the legs. This is due to the ongoing hormonal changes in the body and an increase in the total volume of blood.

    Usually, varicosity is not anything dangerous and after the birth disappears or decreases significantly, but you need to adhere to simple rules to help your legs cope with the load and ease the flow of blood in your legs.

    • Try to stand less, relax more, do the necessary homework if possible, while sitting.
    • At every opportunity, lie down and lift your feet higher( like the Americans - feet on the table), this pose you will restore the normal flow of blood in the veins.
    • During pregnancy, forget about the heels and narrow shoes pressing on the veins.
    • If veins are already dilated, wear special stockings or tights, wear and remove them only when lying down, when the veins are less dilated.
    • Avoid sudden temperature changes - the bath should not be too hot or cold( optimally 37 ° C), abandon solar procedures and do not stand next to the battery or stove so as not to provoke veins.
    • It is very useful simple walking, which doctors call the best exercise for pregnant women.

    Constipation during pregnancy ^

    How to avoid complications during pregnancy: advice of doctors

    Constipation occurring during pregnancy often becomes a real disaster for expectant mothers, as they cause bloating, heaviness in the abdomen and aggravate the symptoms of hemorrhoids.

    Many pregnant women, fearing the development of edema, reduce the amount of water they drink, making a big mistake, because swelling from water will not increase, and the resulting dehydration with insufficient drinking regime can have very negative consequences.

    • Be sure to drink at least two liters of water per day, and exclude drinks such as coffee, tea and colas from your diet, as they are diuretic and dehydrate the body, thereby strengthening constipation.
    • Proper nutrition during pregnancy should include a lot of fiber contained in vegetables, fruits, herbs and cereals, as well as fermented milk products.
    • It is necessary to achieve correct and regular work of the intestine, so that toxins from undigested remains of stool do not enter the blood and do not poison the future child.
    • If the future mother has a healthy intestinal microflora, then it will be the same in the child, because when passing through the birth canal the intestine of the baby is populated with the microflora of the mother.

    Heartburn during pregnancy ^

    Often pregnant women suffer from heartburn - an uncomfortable burning sensation in the esophagus, often with a sour taste, which arises from the stomach acid that enters the esophagus. With a strong and prolonged heartburn for the neutralization of acids, doctors usually prescribe means such as baking soda.

    But do not take anything alone, because many drugs can reduce the body's digestibility of vitamins and trace elements, such as iron, which will lead to a decrease in hemoglobin and anemia.

    • For the prevention of heartburn, give up fatty and spicy foods, sodas, fast foods and all dishes that cause irritation of the stomach.
    • Do not overeat, eat better more often, but little by little.
    • After a meal, do not bend over and do not make any sudden movements so that the gastric juice does not go up, it's better to walk or lie in a semi-vertical position.
    • Many pregnant women with heartburn are helped by drinking Borjomi mineral water, milk or snapping nuts and seeds.
    We also recommend that you read the article How to increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

    Preventing pregnancy complications ^

    To prevent complications during pregnancy, you need to reconsider not only your eating habits, but also sleep and rest:

    • . The mother should sleep 8-9 hours a day, so that the body can restore energy during night sleep,and also rest a few hours in the afternoon.
    • Before going to bed, you must necessarily ventilate the room, and it is better to sleep with an open window.
    • Doctors recommend getting used to the pregnant woman immediately to sleep on the right side, the bed should be comfortable, but not too soft.
    • Daily walks in the open air should become an obligatory procedure in any weather - do not go too fast, take your time, breathe out your nose.

    Attentively listen to your feelings and with the slightest changes in your health, especially with pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen, smearing secretions, tension and tone of the uterus, cramping pains, be sure to consult a doctor, because the threat of interruption and other complications during pregnancy require timely medical attention.

    Remember that the life and health of your unborn child is exclusively in your hands and little things are not there.