  • Everyday dangers during pregnancy

    You and your child may be affected by contaminants and chemicals contained in household products, so try to maintain a healthy environment both at work and at home.

    Maintaining a healthy environment for you and your child includes daily activities and the impact that it can have on your body.


    Household cleaning products will not harm your child, but try to avoid highly toxic products, for example for cleaning stoves and ovens. If you can not avoid contact with products with a sharp and strong odor, ensure a good airing of the room and take frequent breaks to get some fresh air.

    If you are covered by an irresistible desire to repair a nursery, try to resist it in the last weeks of pregnancy or paint someone else. Pregnant women should avoid exposure to paints containing lead and some latex paints in which mercury may be present. Water-based paints for the most part can be used, but always look at their composition, since there may be harmful substances. Staining should always take place in a well-ventilated area.

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    Accidental contact with an insecticide should not harm you or your child. Harmful is the repeated exposure of a chemical substance over a period of time. Long-term effects of chemicals can lead to congenital malformations. The market has a large number of environmentally friendly products that are not dangerous to the future child. If you have unwanted insects in your house, try to avoid sprayers if possible, using non-chemical methods.


    Many pregnant women worry if their pets are not dangerous for pregnancy, but the reality is that having a pet usually does not create any problems. If your big hunting dog gets on your knees from time to time, it is unlikely that it will hurt you or your child. One of the animals that can create a certain risk is the cat, as some street cats can be carriers of a rare infection known as toxoplasmosis;domestic cats are not affected. Since the microorganism is present in feline excrement, avoid cleaning your cat's toilet, and throw it away. If this is not possible, wear gloves and wash your hands immediately after cleaning the toilet.


    Studies show that pregnant women whose body temperature rises above 38.9 ° C in more than 10 minutes during the first seven weeks of pregnancy expose themselves to the risk of miscarriage or the birth of children with neural tube defects, for examplewith cleft spine. For this reason, it is vital to avoid overheating during pregnancy. However, after the first trimester, an occasional visit to the jacuzzi, sauna and steam room for less than 10 minutes is considered acceptable and safe.


    Air quality is becoming quite dangerous for some pregnant women, especially those living in large cities. You can also think about how dusty and polluted the air is. There is no evidence that urban air harms a developing child, but it should minimize the stay in areas of high pollution. Remember that indoor air quality can be 2-5 times worse than outdoors. Therefore, reduce the use of toxic household products to a minimum, watch for the appearance of mold and dampness and check the heating appliances to determine whether they produce carbon monoxide.