  • Relaxation

    It is extremely important for a pregnant woman to learn how to quickly relax and relax, relaxed. Literally 5-10 minutes can bring a sense of full rest.

    This skill is especially important in the second half of pregnancy, when the loin often hurts. To do this, you need to train yourself to rest on the floor on a blanket or carpet without a pillow, you can put a flat bottle or a hot water bottle under the aching waist, wrapping it with a towel.

    Relaxation allows you to quickly and efficiently relax with the eternal lack of time in a modern working woman, besides it is an extremely important training in preparation for childbirth.

    The ability to relax and a break between contractions will greatly facilitate the process of genus. Needless to say, if they learn to quickly relax and rest, then this will provide you with invaluable help after the birth of the child. After all, the loads will be serious: a tiny toddler, sleepless nights, laundry, and her husband should be greeted and fed when he comes home from work. Stress and stress can defeat you, especially at first, if you do not master the technique of relaxation beforehand.

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    Nervous tension is one of the inevitable evils of our difficult time, and it is very important to learn how to shoot it, regardless of difficult external circumstances. For this, first of all, it is necessary to feel the difference between the state of tension and the state of relaxation, because, unfortunately, most women are tense all the time, without noticing it. One of the external signs of constant nervous tension is the vertical fold between the eyebrows, clenched teeth, raised shoulders, stoop, clenched fists.

    In elite international business schools among the first most important rules for successful business management are two:

    rest until the feeling of fatigue;

    learn to rest, if you are in a difficult situation - still find 20-30 minutes to put yourself in order and emotional balance.

    John Kennedy, when he was president, there was an iron rule: twice a day he turned off the phone, ordered him not to bother, and went to rest for 15-20 minutes on the carpet in his office. So if the president of a huge country can find time for rest, then you will have a couple of minutes for yourself. Better try to use them as efficiently as possible.