  • Mineral salts: macro and microelements

    The famous naturopath D. Jarvis recalls the wise laws When giving birth, which are the same for all living things: "If you want a stop-good gardener, you will soon find out that the soil needs to be fertilized with nitrogen, fluoride and potassium. Nitrogen is necessary for the growth of leaves, phosphorus - for the formation of flowers, potassium - for the growth of strong roots and stems. With a shortage of these elements, the plant will wither. Likewise, the lack of one or more elements necessary during the ripening of the fetus in the food consumed by the future mother daily will have a negative impact on the developing organism of the child. Naturally, every mother wants to have a strong, healthy child. "

    Vegetable products are also valuable in that they contain, in addition to vitamins, certain mineral proportions necessary for the health of a pregnant woman and her child, which are easily absorbed by the body.

    For the birth of a healthy normal child, it is extremely important that two conditions are met:

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    to contain excessive weight gain of a woman and thereby her future child by improving the quality of food;

    saturation of food with the maximum amount of natural vitamins, mineral salts: macro and microelements.

    Mineral salts are not introduced into the body by themselves( in the form of medicines, for example), but are an integral part of food products. It has been experimentally proved that the absence of mineral salts causes noticeable changes in health. Mineral salts participate in the metabolism and are necessary for the formation of bones and teeth, without them the growth of the child is impossible. One of the most important tasks of mineral salts is to maintain a slightly alkaline reaction of blood and other tissue fluids. Mineral salts contained in raw ripe fruits and vegetables allow, in particular, to shift the acidic reaction of blood to the alkaline side. This reaction is a consequence of the use of excessive amounts of animal products, white bread, products and: 1 high grade refined flour, white( polished) rice, refined sugar, giving a strong reaction.