
Changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy

  • Changes in the body of a woman during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, as already indicated, significant changes occur in the body of a woman. This applies to all of its organs and systems. Especially large changes occur in the genitals. The body of the uterus has the ability to increase dramatically during pregnancy. This happens from the first weeks of pregnancy, and the uterus becomes softer. In addition, the shape of the uterus changes - from relatively flat it becomes initially spherical, and then ovoid.

    Uterine enlargement is observed throughout the entire pregnancy. Its weight by the end of pregnancy increases approximately 15-20 times( from 50-70 grams to one kilogram and more), and the cavity volume is 500 times or more.

    Already by the age of 1.5 months of pregnancy, the uterus reaches the size of a chicken egg, in 3 months - the size of a large male fist.

    In the fourth month of pregnancy, the uterine fundus can be felt through the abdominal wall above the bony bones. At the end of the sixth month the bottom of the uterus is located at the level of the navel, at the end of the VIII month - in the middle between the navel and the xiphoid process of the sternum, i.e., the epigastric region.

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    The highest level reaches the uterus at 9 months of pregnancy;in the future it falls and its bottom is at about the same level as at the end of the VIII month.

    Simultaneously with the increase in the muscular system of the uterus, the development of its blood and lymphatic vessels takes place, due to which the blood supply of the uterus increases several times. This is of great importance for the metabolism of the fetus.

    During pregnancy, especially at the end of the vagina, the vagina becomes more elastic and extensible. The same changes are observed in the cervix, which contributes to its opening during childbirth.

    Changes during pregnancy and the activity of internal organs. They experience a great additional burden, their restructuring takes place in connection with the growth of the uterus and the development of the fetus, an increase in the mass of the circulating blood, an increase and a change in metabolism. The activity of the lungs is intensified due to the increased need for oxygen with the need to remove more carbon dioxide.

    The most hard work is performed by the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys. The amount of blood during pregnancy increases by about 500-600 ml. The heart begins to occupy a horizontal position as the uterus grows.

    The metabolism changes: water, fat, protein, mineral.

    The work of the endocrine glands is changing;In addition, such newly developed glands begin to function, as the placenta( baby's place) and the yellow body.

    The activity of all organs of a woman during pregnancy is aimed at providing fetal fetal development, and the mammary glands begin to be prepared for the forthcoming feeding of the child.

    Pregnancy is the biological and physiological process of the female body. He not only does not worsen the health of a woman, but promotes the flowering of all her powers. However,

    pregnancy presents increased demands on the body of a woman. Therefore, such a crucial period in her life, as a pregnancy, must take place in the most favorable conditions for her. The creation of these conditions largely depends on the woman herself.