  • Biopreparations and their use

    At the beginning of the century, the great Russian scientist II Mechnikov discovered that the Bulgarian diet( in Bulgaria there are a lot of centenarians) consists mainly of vegetables grown in home gardens( i.e., without any chemistry) and a considerable amount of Bulgarian curdled milk -yoghurt.

    Mechnikov created a theory that premature and painful old age depends on how much the tissues of the body are poisoned by Lena with poisons produced mainly by intestinal microbes. He was the first to prepare the therapeutic form of living lactobacilli and the form of tablets( named "lactobacillin"), which was taken orally. I. Mechnikov in the book "Studies of optimism" claimed: "The combination of lactic acid products based on fermentation with lactic acid bacteria( lacto) with the use of dry pure cultures of acidophilus lactobacillus allows to completely restore healthy intestinal flora."

    Lactobacilli are one of the intermediate forms of flora that enter the digestive tract with food or in the form of food additives and are then excreted from the body, while simultaneously contributing to the removal of 30-40% of fecal matter. Walking along the intestine, lactobacilli detoxify hostile pathogenic bacteria, and also helpsupply nutrition already available in the body of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, successfully combining protective and nutritional functions.

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    "Narine" is a new strain of lactic acid bacteria( developed in Armenia).This leaven promotes the production of interferon and for a long time lingers in the human digestive tract. With the help of "Narine" you can make not just a tasty, but also a useful lactic acid product. It is important that "Narine" treats a whole bunch of diseases: intestinal disorders, dysbacteriosis, dyspepsia, typhoid fever, Staphylococcus aureus, salmonellosis, paradontosis, inflammatory processes in the lungs and genitourinary tract. Positive results are obtained in the treatment of diabetes mellitus, allergies, gynecological diseases. Dry leaven with ingestion removes the symptoms of radiation sickness. Yoghurts should be consumed in the morning or in the evening, preferably without mixing with anything other than fruit.

    If you do not have a dry acidophilic starter or sourdough "Narine" and you live in a dacha or in a village where yoghurts are difficult to carry, you can try yourself to ferment the milk with bifidobacteria and lactobacillus, restoring a healthy intestinal flora, simply adding them to boiled milk. It is only important that these preparations contain bacterial strains in very high doses( about 10 billion useful lactic acid bacteria).

    However, the use of yogurt and other lactic acid products is not enough to treat dysbiosis. The second way to restore healthy intestinal microflora is to conduct several courses of intake of high-quality drugs( with high biological activity, sufficient content of active substances and duration of action).

    In order to properly cure dysbacteriosis, such courses must be done repeatedly, first 1 month, then 10 days break, then 1 more month, then 15 days break, then 3 rd month. Then you can be sure that your body will cope with this problem. Try to calculate that the last such course should be carried out closer to childbirth. If after the birth of a child he has diathesis, this is the first signal that it is necessary to restore the healthy intestinal flora of the nursing mother.

    A wise mother, already during pregnancy, restores a healthy intestinal flora to give her child the most valuable - strong immunity.

    Understanding the importance of a healthy intestinal environment, it is highly desirable to add babies to the diet - even if they are breastfed, and even more so if they are on artificial feeding, - special dietary supplements restoring a healthy intestinal flora.

    Some factors of beneficial effect on the health of a child of bi-fizobacteria:

    help suppress pathogenic invasion( invasion of the body) into the intestine;

    produces acetic acid, a Candida fungus antagonist;

    the child quickly gaining weight, because bifidobacteria help fix nitrogen, which is especially important for children who are on artificial feeding;

    contribute to detoxification of the body;

    are a source of antigen, which in turn promote the production of antibodies by the body, a key component of the immune system;

    assists in the assimilation of vitamins, mineral salts and trace elements, especially calcium, which at this stage of development of the baby 1 is vitally important for the growth of bones;

    interferes with the development of allergies;

    eliminates some of the harmful effects of diagnostic X-ray exposure by introducing anew the friendly flora destroyed during X-rays;

    is the source of lactase, an enzyme necessary for digestion and assimilation of milk.

    Acidophilic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the form of additives, usually in capsules or powders, should be taken at least half an hour before meals( and even better, one hour before meals) and should only be washed with purified( filtered or boiled) water. If they are taken with food, then the activity of the digestive tract during the meal will kill these living bacteria;they need time to get through the stomach and suck in the intestines. That's why only water is needed in order to drink it. Milk, juice or any other liquid "food" will disrupt the reaction of the digestive tract and destroy the positive effects of dietary supplements that restore a healthy intestinal flora.

    Currently, in the consumer market, dietary supplements of lactic acid bacteria are available in a variety of forms, including tablets, capsules or frozen-dried powder forms. It is estimated that for the most effective action of biologically active additives to the poor, doses of 10 and to the extent, i.e.,1 billion( !) Of living bacteria that reach a certain "station of destination": the goal of that intestine is long for the bifidobacteria, the small intestine for acidophilic lactobacilli.

    Modern methods first freezing, and then drying, allowing to prepare said food additive of lactic acid bacteria in the form of a powder, apparently cause the least harm to these bacteria and retain enzymes( enzymes) and other beneficial factors entirely.

    Buying a dietary supplement with bifido- and lactobacilli from reputable suppliers that have an irreproachable reputation, proven by time, when firms provide guaranteed high potency and shelf life of living bacteria and their use in accordance with the recommendations, will give you the best chance to get the maximum benefit from taking food supplements of lactic acidbacteria.

    If you actively use enriched lactic acid products and add several courses to restore a healthy intestinal flora, then you will do the utmost by giving your child not only Life but also Health.