  • Exercises for pregnant women

    Stand up smoothly. Move the entire body as far as possible forward and backward, without lifting the heels and bending the knees. Count to 4 for each movement.

    The same situation. Tilt the body sideways, to the left, and then to the right. Knees do not bend, do not move your feet.

    With your hands slightly on your hips( fingers forward), tilt the body slowly forward, then slowly rise and deviate back, keeping your head in one position with the trunk all the time.

    Inflating the lungs. Lightly touch the shoulders with your fingertips. Slowly reduce the elbows in front of you together, so that they will converge. Raise them as high as possible. Throw your elbows back and up, continuing to touch your shoulders with your fingers. Return them to their original position. Exhale the air. This exercise raises the ribs and expands the lower part of the chest.

    Get up straight, inhale, putting the ends of your fingers on your shoulders. Hold your breath and count to 20, then make a clenched fist swing from top to bottom and forward. Sharply stop the movement of the hand, as if striking an object. Together with this movement, exhale the air with effort. If the movement was decisive, the air would be pushed out of the lung by the diaphragm.

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    Get your knees on the pillow, placing them wide apart. Pull your arms up above your head, slowly tilt the body back as far as possible, then forward, without changing the position of the knees and feet. This is one of the best exercises for strengthening the muscles of the back and pelvis.

    The same situation;hands are connected above the head. Slowly tilt one or the other, counting to 4 with each movement.

    The same situation;arms stretched forward at shoulder level. Take them back in a straight line as far as possible. This exercise can be performed quickly or slowly, as if carrying a weight.

    Lying on your back, bend your knees and swing them from side to side.

    The same situation. Bend and straighten down the legs alternately.

    Lie down, bend your knees and swing your legs from right to left.

    With the same situation, but with the participation of another person;bend and stretch your legs, giving resistance.

    The same situation;leaning on elbows, swinging his shoulders from right to left.

    The same situation;lift the body gradually, leaning only on the toes and elbows.

    Lie on your back and straighten your arms up, right, left, forward, down. The exercise can be modified by picking up something heavy.

    Stand up straight, legs apart, feet in parallel. To rise on socks and to fall. Repeat 5-10 times.

    Stand up straight, "roll" on your legs, moving the weight of the whole body to the outer side of the sole, then to the inside. The same, with a sock on the heel. Repeat several times.

    Sit on the floor, legs stretched out. Pull the socks forward, and then up with the tension, while the heels do not move. Repeat several times.

    Sit on the floor, lifting your legs, not lifting your feet off the floor. Squeeze and squeeze the socks under him, move the sole on the floor( like a caterpillar), straining and relaxing the legs, first forward, then back( back a little harder).

    Relax your legs, take your hands by socks and bend your foot in all directions, as if describing the foot circle, then change your arm and leg. Relax, breathe deeply. First turn clockwise, then counterclockwise.

    Dr. Alice Stockham emphasizes: "In all these exercises, decisive results are obtained only with persistence and patience. In a day, and even a week later, their action will be noticeable unless there is greater freedom of breathing. From the unusual work in the muscles can feel a slight pain. This is helped by a wet compress or a warm bath. For exercises, it is better to wear loose clothes and repeat them at certain times. The best time is before the noon bath or at night. "