  • clothing

    The main requirement for the clothes of the future mother: she should not press, push, pull the waist anywhere. Tightening the waist with tight belts and rubber bands can lead to nausea, dizziness and other unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, it is most reasonable to make skirts on wide belts with a large margin to move the fasteners as needed. Of course, it is absolutely unacceptable round elastic bands, and in the summer - golfs on elastic bands that press on important blood vessels under the knee. Therefore, by the way, it is not recommended to sit with your foot on.

    The modern fascination with synthetics is especially detrimental to those women who have eczema, dermatitis or who suffer from bronchial asthma. This means that they have weakened the secretory functions of the lungs. Therefore, whenever possible, their skin should be in direct contact with fresh air.

    Now there are many comfortable clothes and linen specially for pregnant women. It is very nice to see how modern young women( at least in big cities) try to look neat and smart during pregnancy, because they are so beautiful! No wonder the famous top models proudly show their rounded tummies. Do not hide your pregnancy, be proud of yourself. We must honestly admit that in order to give birth to a child in the modern situation in Russia, great courage is needed!

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    The last months of pregnancy are reasonable to wear( but by no means prolonged!) Special antenatal bandages to prevent too much stretching of the abdominal muscles. There are also special creams against stretch marks. Be sure to use them.

    After giving birth at the first opportunity, you must always tie your belly, at least with a towel. And as soon as you return home, start wearing a postnatal bandage. But if a woman wants to keep a slender figure, then the bandage is a drop in the ocean: the main thing is a healthy full-fledged diet, active movement and physical exercises to strengthen the abdominal muscles.

    A pregnant woman should walk a lot, so it's more reasonable to leave fashion shoes with a thin heel to better times. Choose comfortable and light shoes, preferably on a natural leather sole;a pleasant feeling is given by shoes with suede top. In winter, make sure that the soles do not slip, and your feet do not freeze. The main rule in choosing shoes is a calm, low and wide heel, so that the foot is stable. If the legs swell, it is better to buy shoes for a number more.

    Go barefoot whenever possible. In summer it is useful to walk barefoot on dew, wet grass, sand along the bank of the river or lake, through the forest.