  • Not yet born, but already alive!

    The fact that the child is not yet born has already felt a touch, hears, reacts to pain, pressure, loud sounds, sucks and swallows, even smiles!

    Even ancient healers knew well that not only the newborn, but even the unborn child has a clear consciousness, but only now the miracles of medical technology allowed to study the secret life of the baby in the womb of the mother.

    It was found out that a baby can feel, understand his feelings and translate his feelings into emotions and all this at much earlier stages of fetal development than it was not so long ago considered.

    By the 5th week the embryo is already developing a wide variety of reflex actions: it can move its arms and body, expressing its pleasures and displeasure with nods and grimaces. By the fourth month he is already developing facial expressions: he can smile, frown, grimace. After another 4-8 weeks, he already reacts to any touch: that's why it is so important for the mother and loved ones to stroke the stomach, so that the child perceives affection. From 16 weeks, the baby develops sensitivity to light: it is disturbed by light directed directly at the mother's abdomen. Studies of the nervous system have confirmed that between 28 and 30 weeks the child develops pathways that transmit signals from the brain to different parts of the body. At the same time, the cerebral cortex is already mature enough to support consciousness.

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    The most favorite sound is the mother's heartbeat. Imagine that when the newborn was recorded as an experiment recording a slow, steady heartbeat, these children were calmer, better ate and expressed obvious pleasure. You can apply the results of this experiment in practice: hang a softly ticking clock near a baby crib, this will soothe the baby.

    Newborns prefer the sounds of the mother's heartbeat, to which they are accustomed before birth, to strange male voices, and they clearly distinguish their mother's voice from all other female voices. Infants prefer to listen to children's poems, which the mother read to them aloud during pregnancy.