
Basic principles of nutrition of a pregnant woman

  • Basic principles of nutrition of a pregnant woman

    So, what should a pregnant woman eat first? It is necessary to remember only two criteria: natural products, whole foods.

    These are juices, fruits, vegetables, cereals from whole grains, dairy and lactic products, honey, nuts, whole grain bread, meat, eggs, legumes.

    The advantage should be given, especially in the summer, to fresh raw fruits and vegetables. It is desirable that they are grown in the region where the pregnant woman lives. If you rub them on a small grater, then they are better absorbed. Raw vegetable food supplies the human body with the highest reserve of biochemical energy necessary to maintain vital processes that continuously flow in each cell and provide full-fledged "building" bricks for a developing new life. Supporters of natural methods of healing believe that two-thirds of the diet should be fruits and vegetables. Even if we consider that for our climatic conditions - a cold winter with a greater demand for warm and calorie food and a smaller variety of fruits and vegetables - we need different ratios of plant and animal products, are there many pregnant women who have at least one third of the diet consisted of"Solar energy accumulators"?

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    Raw vegetables and fruits, greens, juices, honey and nuts - rare guests on our table are not so much due to their scarcity, but rather because of habits. For the most part, our food is boiled, fried, salted, fat, peppery. At the same time, many are firmly "sure" that the main thing for a pregnant woman is for "two".

    Do not forget: during the heat treatment of food, as well as under adverse storage conditions, a part of the bonds of organic compounds that make up plants consumed in food break up. This energy is lost to the body, i.e.food becomes energetically inferior.

    When the body receives only cooked food( in most cases digested to the full loss of nutritional value for the sake of taste!) With a reduced energy value, the functions of the cells are disturbed and inhibited. When preparing food, try to keep the biological activity of the products as much as possible: cook the vegetables in a husk for a couple, cook in a tightly closed dish on a small fire, bake in the oven. Use the most modern "healthy" dishes.

    When milk is boiled, lysine disappears, an enzyme that ensures the growth of young organisms. Vitamin C at 70% can not stand boiling, etc. But people do not store it in the body! Its stocks must be replenished daily. Potatoes with improper cooking in large quantities of water lose most of their vitamins, including vitamins A and potassium, which are extremely important for a pregnant woman.

    No one claims that everyone should urgently switch to raw diet. The main thing, no extremes! Raw food as a mode of even temporary food is shown only to people with an ideal gastrointestinal tract, a strong nervous system, good teeth and patience sufficient to properly chew raw food( according to the naturopathic doctor Alisa Chase).I suspect that it is extremely difficult to find such people.

    The practical conclusion for pregnant women is this: gradually and cautiously increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables, taking into account the tolerability of raw fiber and the state of the gastrointestinal tract. Start each meal with a salad, vegetable or fruit.

    Please, my dear pregnant women, remember: the infusion of dried fruits, salad from sauerkraut, baked apples, raw beets with nuts, a salad of fresh carrots with sunflower oil is immeasurably more important to you and your future child than the daily steak or herring with fried potatoes.