  • Preparing a dowry for a child

    It is hardly worthwhile to list specially everything that needs to be prepared for the birth of a child. On this account, there is enough popular literature. In addition, now there are specialized stores, where eyes run away from a lot of temptations. Yes, and in pharmacies are selling sets of "First-aid kit of mother and child."

    The main thing is to observe several reasonable principles:

    not to buy too much;

    does not buy expensive things;

    remember that the child is growing rapidly, thank God, and little turtles will soon become small;

    focuses on the health of the child, not fashion;

    remember that in the children's room there should be a lot of air and little dust - hence no canopies, polished bed walls, etc.;

    if possible avoid synthetics and exotics. For example, why do we need electronic scales with prohibitive cost, when the child's control weighing is enough to do once a month, and you and so go to the pediatrician regularly;

    choose what will make the work of the woman as easy as possible. Most women out of fear and prejudice do not buy

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    in advance, so as not to "jinx it."It is unlikely that this is reasonable, since it creates excessive confusion in the first days after childbirth.

    If as much as possible household "trifles" provide for in advance, it can alleviate the stress of the first days after childbirth.

    The best gifts: vacuum cleaner, washing machine, food processor, juicer, mixer, coffee grinder( to grind nuts and cereals).The washing machine comes at the disposal of the pope, the juicer will give juices, thanks to which the mother's breast milk will be full, the mixer will ease the work and save time, etc. Household appliances should be used for the purpose: to save the strength, time and vitality of women so that they can concentrateon the upbringing of children.

    Feeding space( stand, bench for yot, additional armrests at the armchair to sit comfortably

    Extra dryer for the bathroom and the balcony

    Stores of paper diapers and diapers A huge relief for the woman will be paper diapers as well as diapers. Just remember that diapers can not be used all the time, especially they are dangerous for boys, because the constant overheating of the genitals can lead to impotence in the future. Pumpers should be used during the festivities and at night, h

    Blankets should only be woolen or flannel. Wadded, and even more so nylon blankets or bedspreads do not allow the skin to breathe, which is very dangerous for the child, especially with a tendency to diathesis.

    The foam mattress is very harmful.it can cause an attack of the disease, because in the foam after a while, microorganisms that cause an allergic reaction are formed. It is especially important to consider this if in the previous generation there are people suffering from asthma. Accordingly, children should never buy foam toys.

    For the prevention of scoliosis on a baby cot, it is better to put solid cardboard or plywood, on top of a bikini diaper or blanket, then a general oilcloth on the whole bed, on top of the sheet and a small oilcloth. The harder the bed, on which the child sleeps, the stronger his back and spine. A newborn pillow is not needed, it will be slimmer.

    Do not forget to adjust the baby soap on a metal grater, because if you wash the diapers with synthetic powder, it can detect allergies in the child and the mother;however, now you can buy special washing powders for newborns.

    Swaddling table.

    Tray, which prepared manganese, zelenka, hydrogen peroxide, sterile wipes, sterile cotton wool balls( for wiping nipples before feeding).

    Pitcher for boiled water and a jug for dousing with cool water;

    Strainers for the prevention of cracks.

    Hypericum oil, calendula ointment and other items of the first-aid kit for the newborn. Do not get carried away by beautiful boxes with imported powders. You can use children's tooth powder or talcum, or even better than a child who is on the skin of intertrigo, keep more naked, lubricate after bathing with mackerel or sea-buckthorn oil.

    It is necessary to prepare in advance the place where the child will be: all to wash, vacuum, put the crib so that it does not blow from the window( better head north!).

    That's where your strength and energy comes in handy. To return the woman from the hospital, everything should sparkle with purity and be as comfortable as possible for the mother and child.