  • Blessed with fruit

    So called the woman who carries a new life under her heart, one of the first Russian midwifery doctors Maksimovich-Ambodik. In my opinion, this is a wonderful definition. I wish you all nine months to live, feeling joy and pride because you are wearing this blessing and giving it to the world. Dr. Frederick Lebois, the largest French obstetrician who since 1966 has implemented the idea of ​​the importance of childbirth without violence, in an atmosphere of love, tenderness and tranquility, argues that the emotional atmosphere during childbirth affects the entire subsequent life. A child, usually born with sharp light, noisy, does not immediately receive a live tactile contact( skin to skin) with the warmth of the mother's body, devoid of the familiar atmosphere of darkness, tranquility, the knock of the mother's heart, experiences a stress shock, gets in the process and after birth solidsharply negative emotions from the surrounding new "hostile" world. This often has a detrimental effect on his mental and physical state.

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    Dr. Leboye and his followers deliver in a semi-dark maternity room, in an atmosphere of silence and tranquility( muted soft music is possible);doctors and medical staff speak only in a whisper, not one sharp sound: peace, love and patience. After all, this does not require any ultra-modern technical means, the lack of which doctors like to complain about! Only a desire to help the child enter the world with peace! Immediately after birth, without cutting the umbilical cord, the child is placed on the naked body of the mother and applied to the left breast. If the father is present at birth, he also puts the child on the bare chest, closer to the heart. This is incomparable bliss and is imprinting, a trigger mechanism that triggers unconditional, unconditional love for the child.

    What you can do for your child is to learn a healthy lifestyle, actively train methods of psycho-prevention, try to minimize medicines during childbirth, apply a newborn to the mother's breast half an hour after birth, try to stay close all the time.

    The main thing, of course, is to overcome inertia and understand that you are responsible for the health of your children. In the country( by the way, and not only in ours), spontaneous resistance to the cold-sterility sterility of the maternity wards grows, which, alas, does not save us from staphylococcal infection of our children, and young women, specially prepared, give birth to homes, to water and even to the sea.

    Look at an unbiased look at the happy and peaceful faces of women, on healthy, strong, active kids born into the water, already able to swim, not afraid of the heat or cold, calm and cheerful. Perhaps, instead of denying and skepticism, corroding our souls, go with an open heart and study this invaluable experience? !Young women who do not have any medical education, who have given birth to their children at home or in the water, share their incredibly necessary experience with others, study together, learn from each other and help each other. Is it that they give birth to water?

    The most important thing is that they have been preparing for a healthy baby for months. And if childbirth in the water is easier for both the mother and the child, then the business of specialists interested in the actual health of the mother and child, to study this experience. Indeed, in the world already in many countries this experience is included in the arsenal of modern obstetrics. Yes, and childbirth at home - not such a crime, especially when you consider that for millennia, women gave birth at home. The main task is the preparation of the mother, her training and active work, which helps to ripen a healthy baby in her womb, and where she will give birth to her, is her personal desire. In fact: it is important not to give birth, but to give birth.

    It's not for nothing that women who teach pregnant women to natural families are called spiritual midwives around the world: they invest their soul and their spirit in these future children. Instead of eradicating or persecuting, would not it be reasonable for the same Ministry of Health to give women who help with waterbirth get a medical diploma, and that they are not in a close cellar where the waters are knee-deep, trained pregnant women - as was manyyears and the "Healthy Family" club. Is it not important that their experience, which will help our future children to survive in this difficult world, was studied, disseminated, supplemented, tested!