  • When to go to the hospital

    So, we have already studied the mechanism of birth and know what will happen to us and the baby. However, every woman is interested in when she must go to the maternity hospital. The fact that the decisive day is already close can be determined by the following signs:

    the breathing of a pregnant woman becomes easier;

    may show signs of restlessness, a sleep disorder;

    more frequent urination;

    increased pressure on the rectum;

    abundant mucous membranes of vagina;

    isolation of gelatinous cork;

    can be, allocation of a bloody slice of the condensed slime closing a channel of a neck of a uterus;

    1-3 days before the onset of labor - the frequent preparatory fights.

    If you feel an increased anxiety and are very nervous, maybe it is 10 days before the birth, according to the recommendation of homeopathists, to start taking homeopathy( 6x, 6x, 6x, 6x).This will allow you to concentrate and how to prepare morally for the Great event.

    But the Significant Day has come! There are fights, at first very light and short. Recognize the time when you notice that they are moving regularly and regularly, gradually increasing and extending. In the first birth, you can wait until contractions begin to appear every 10 minutes with whole amniotic fluid. At repeated deliveries to the hospital, you have to go from the moment of occurrence of regular fights.

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    If against the background of weak rare bouts water began to leak, notice the time, remember what type of water( color, smell, quantity) and immediately go to the maternity home, regardless of what kind of birth. This also applies to the case if the waters leak without the presence of fights.

    With some deviations during pregnancy, there is a need for advance pre-hospitalization of a woman. If there is an opportunity, it's better to lie in a maternity ward for a couple of extra days than to go there at the last minute and give birth in a taxi or on an airplane. I remember a witty article in a newspaper: "Give birth to Aeroflot planes!" It's better not to get into such risky situations! What to bring to the maternity ward:

    a completed exchange card;


    accompanying - preferably a husband;

    and, most importantly, a good mood, concentration and confidence in their abilities!

    Upon admission to the maternity ward after registration of documents( passport and exchange card are required!), The doctor makes a general examination and obstetric examination to determine the obstetric situation. The mother is obliged to put an enema, shave her pubic hair, followed by a shower and a thorough toilet of the external genitalia. After this, the woman is transferred to the prenatal ward.