  • Pregnancy in diabetes mellitus

    • Read in the article:
      • Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy: is it possible
      • Pregnancy planning for diabetes
      • Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy
      • Preventing complications of pregnancy in diabetes

      Proper planning of pregnancy in diabetes mellitus allows to give birth to a healthy child

      Pregnant, bear and give birth to a healthybaby is not an easy task even for a healthy woman.

      In the presence of such a serious metabolic disease as diabetes this problem is repeatedly complicated.

      Diabetes mellitus and pregnancy: is it possible ^

      But if half a century ago, pregnancy in diabetics of women almost in 25% of cases ended in fetal death, nowadays, due to the progress in the treatment of this pathology, the pregnancy outcome with proper management under the supervision of doctorsalmost always favorable:

      • According to WHO, with proper control of the course of diabetes and maintenance of blood glucose at a normal level, a safe outcome is achieved in 95 - 98% of cases.
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      • Contraindication to the onset of pregnancy is only non-treatable diabetes( decompensated), which gave serious complications to the condition of the eyes, kidneys and other important organs.

      Pregnancy planning in diabetes ^

      Advance planning of pregnancy with diabetes and proper preparation for it is of paramount importance, because the health of the future child largely depends on it. Therefore, doctors warn that at the first signs of pregnancy, and even better, long before its onset, it is necessary to become registered in the women's consultation in order to prevent early fetal pathologies.

      The correct planning of pregnancy for diabetes should be as follows:

      • Two to three months before the first attempts to conceive, the disease was completely compensated and the blood sugar level was not more than 3.5-6 mmol / l on an empty stomach and not more than 8 mmol / lan hour after eating.
      • For regular monitoring, you need to purchase an individual glucometer, several times a day measure the sugar level, record your indicators in a notebook and show the doctor at the reception.

      Most often, pregnant women suffer from type 1 diabetes, developing, as a rule, in young and young children. When planning a pregnancy, we must not forget that type 1 diabetes is a lifelong disease that is not cured, but is only compensated by mandatory daily injections of the missing insulin.

      Sometimes, with the onset of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to feel much better than before, and independently reduces daily doses of insulin, believing that she suffices and a smaller dose.

      This can not be done in any case, because the improvement comes because the increased sugar in the blood of the mother forces the pancreas of the fetus to help it produce insulin, that is, work "for two", which should not be allowed, because the child at the same timemuch suffering.

      The baby is disturbed by the supply of oxygen and useful substances, the blood vessels are affected, internal pathologies and hypoxia( oxygen starvation) often occur. Such children are often born immature and overweight, which complicates the birth process.

      To fully compensate for the disease, it is necessary to strictly follow the prescribed diet, constantly monitor glucose in the blood and throughout the pregnancy regularly visit an endocrinologist to select an individual dose of insulin, and in the second half of the visit, the endocrinologist must be weekly.

      Despite the fact that diabetes is often a genetic disease and can be inherited, the likelihood of this is not as high as it is commonly believed:

      • According to doctors, the probability of diabetes in a child with this disease in the mother is only 1-2%, that is the same as for absolutely healthy parents.
      • When both parents are ill, the risk of transmission of this pathology to a child increases to 25-30%.But even in this case the disease does not arise by itself, its development should provoke other unfavorable factors.

      Gestational diabetes mellitus in pregnancy ^

      Diabetes of pregnant women: symptoms, causes of

      Sometimes during pregnancy, future mothers who do not suffer from diabetes develop a so-called gestational diabetes of pregnant women, whose main difference from classical diabetes is that it manifests itself exclusively induring pregnancy, and after childbirth, as a rule, disappears. Therefore, it is also called transitory. The trigger for the onset of gestational diabetes is often the excess weight of a woman or a genetic predisposition. Very often at the onset of the development of gestational diabetes, there are no clinical signs, and the diagnosis can be diagnosed only by laboratory tests showing an increase in glucose levels in the blood and urine.

      However, if you do not notice the first symptoms of the disease in time and do not begin treatment in time, classical signs of diabetes mellitus, such as

      • , increased thirst,
      • frequent urination,
      • pruritus and genital itching,
      • ulcerous skin lesions and others.

      Many pregnant women mistakenly believe that gestational diabetes is not "real" and, since it will still pass after pregnancy, it is not necessary to heal and compensate. This is a very dangerous misconception because, just like classical diabetes, it can lead to such dangerous complications of pregnancy as gestosis, renal dysfunction, metabolic abnormality and the threat of miscarriage.

      Do not be afraid of horror stories that there will be an addiction to insulin and it will be impossible to refuse it. There is no getting used to insulin - after childbirth, when there is no need to compensate for the disease, injections are completely canceled.

      We also recommend that you read the article Pregnancy for thyroid disease.

      Prophylaxis of complications of pregnancy in diabetes ^

      Prevention of pregnancy complications in diabetes mellitus plays a crucial role and includes, above all, maintaining a constant normal sugar level with a special diet and diet to avoid sudden jumps.

      • To do this, you must often eat, at least 6 times a day, so that nutrients and energy enter the body regularly and completely eliminate "fast" carbohydrates such as sugar, jam and sweets from your diet.
      • In the diet of pregnant women should be an increased content of vitamins and minerals and a sufficient amount of protein, the necessary building material for the cells.
      • In addition to the glucose level, it is very important to monitor the weekly weight gain, blood pressure and abdominal circumference increase so as not to miss the first signs of developing gestosis, often found in pregnant women with diabetes.

      Individual menu, the number of calories and the regime of physical activity must be agreed with the attending physician-endocrinologist.

      Most pregnant women with diabetes as physical exertion require doctors to walk in the fresh air and light gymnastics, which improves metabolism, lowers the level of sugar, cholesterol and stops the gain of excess weight. You can also visit the pool and do aqua aerobics.

      It is also advisable to attend classes in pregnancy planning schools for diabetes mellitus, which are created in maternity hospitals and departments of endocrinology. In these classes, prospective mothers are told:

      • On the need to prevent complications of pregnancy in diabetes in order to endure and give birth to a healthy child, despite the disease;
      • Explain the importance of diet;
      • Help to make an individual menu;
      • Schedule of physical activities.

      Each pregnant woman with diabetes is subject to mandatory admission to the most dangerous period of pregnancy in order to avoid possible complications. Typically, doctors offer to go to hospital three times:

      • at the stage of pregnancy diagnosis,
      • at 22-24th weeks,
      • at 32-34th week,

      These periods are the most critical and require increased monitoring when choosing the necessary dose of insulin.

      Do not abandon the proposed hospitalization, because this affects the life and health of your child. To give birth to a healthy baby, you need to fully trust doctors, strictly follow all recommendations for treatment, nutrition and lifestyle, and make every effort to achieve full compensation of the disease.