
Diet of a single plate: the rule of a plate of healthy diet for weight loss

  • Diet of a single plate: the rule of a plate of healthy diet for weight loss

    "Diet one plate" is first of all good in that it allows you to diversify the diet, not limited to any one or several products.

    The diet is simple, accessible to everyone, you do not need to check with any lists of products, calculate points, calories and so on.

    It is based on the recommended proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the daily diet recommended by medical specialists, and proceeds from the fact that some can not lose weight not because they consume sweet, fatty and spicy foods all the time, but because of excessive servings.

    The dish is divided into 4 parts. A quarter is reserved for meat, poultry, fish or seafood( protein), the second for garnish( fats and complex carbohydrates), and the remaining half for vegetables or fruits( easily digested carbohydrates, vitamins, micro- and macro elements, fiber).Observing this principle, you can periodically afford not the most dietary products.

    To start the meal according to the "dish principle", you only need one - a standard flat plate for the second dishes with a diameter of 20-25 cm. How much food( without a slide) will fit on it, so much you can eat at a time.

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    Basic rules

    The diet is designed for a period of 14 days to a month prescribed four meals a day no more than once every 4 hours.

    For cooking, it is not recommended to use oils of animal and vegetable origin - steamed, grilled, boiled and baked both vegetables and meat products. Vegetables and fruits are generally better to eat raw.

    You can cook gruel for porridge( especially buckwheat), pasta from durum wheat, potatoes. It is designed to create a feeling of satiety. In a garnish during the day you can add no more than 5 g of butter or margarine.

    Do not understand the "rule of the dish for weight loss" literally - do not put food on the plate with a slide until it starts to fall over the edge.

    Under strict prohibition of sugar, confectionery, jams and generally all sweet, fast food and convenience foods. Salt can be consumed, but in moderation. But spices and spices are not recommended, as they kindle appetite. Replace them with fresh herbs.

    Combine a diet with exercise. It is not necessary to attend a fitness club or gym - enough morning exercises or 10-15 minutes of jogging. Also, a positive effect will enhance the trips to the sauna or sauna.

    How to fill the dish correctly?

    The correct food bowl is filled as follows.

    1. Half the plate. Place vegetables or fruits on it. It is better to eat them fresh, but heat treatment is also allowed - boil vegetables, stew, cook for a couple or on a grill, bake, you can not just fry. Since this is the easiest and most useful part of the diet, here you can slightly depart from the rule and fill this part of the plate with a slide. You can not eat half the plates and fruits and vegetables at once.

    2. The first quarter. When preparing a side dish, give preference to buckwheat, macaroni products from durum wheat, brown uncooked rice, boiled potatoes. The weight of it should not exceed 100 g - in volume it's about the size of a ball for a big tennis. Refuse the mayonnaise, ketchup and in general any sauces, gravy and dressings.

    3. The second quarter. Here, products containing animal or vegetable protein are placed, such as any type of meat, poultry( preferably white meat), fish, shrimp, squid and other seafood. Do not forget to cut off excess fat from the meat before cooking, and remove the skin from the bird. The only restriction - you can not fry. You can alternate meat protein with vegetable, eating dishes from cereal and string beans, peas, beans, lentils, corn. This part can be replaced by dairy and fermented milk products.

    Dish size

    There is a more rigid option when a plate of healthy food is determined not by its content, but based on the size of the dish itself. In this case, you can eat any foods recommended for a healthy diet, but from a dish no more than 10 cm in diameter. Occasionally you can afford not the most dietary products.

    Strictly prohibited only fast food. Each meal is complemented by a glass of skim milk or kefir, freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice, half diluted in water.

    And finally - a few videos: