  • Relaxation during pregnancy

    If you've never done relaxation techniques before, pregnancy is the most ideal time to fix it. The ability to relax will help you stay healthy during pregnancy, cope with childbirth and enjoy the baby after his birth.

    Pregnancy is a wonderful time to learn how to allocate time for relaxation in your schedule. Develop a habit of priorities that you will follow. What should be done today? What can wait until tomorrow? And what can I not do at all? Learn to say "no" if you are asked to do something that will make you tense. Every day, plan a little time for yourself and take time for your partner. Do not reproach yourself for rest.


    A certain amount of unrest is necessary in life, this creates an incentive to overcome difficulties and cope with any minor crises. Too little stress means that you develop below your capabilities, and too much can irritate, cause fatigue and lead to illness. It is probably good for your child if the mother develops stress hormones, when it develops in the uterus, this will prepare him for the strain that will appear at birth. However, if such chemical substances are constantly present in your blood, this can seriously affect the child. The ability to deal well with stress will help increase the body's readiness for childbirth.

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    The period of physical and emotional shock affects all body systems: respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous, excretory, endocrine and, of course, reproductive. The prospect of becoming pregnant can be frightening and disturbing, and you may experience unexpected headaches, stomach and muscle pains, these are body signals about muscle tension. If you spend some time to get to know your body better, you will be able to reduce fatigue from stress and create a better environment for the growing child inside of you. Distract from the daily fuss and do the exercises "Ten steps to relieve stress."They will help you better recognize the condition of your muscles: when they are tense, and when they are really relaxed.

    Learn to breathe

    You may not know how much space is occupied by the lungs in the body. Pulmonary tissue extends from the clavicles to the diaphragm. If only part of the

    lung capacity is used for breathing, then you neglect your body and especially the brain. The maximum amount of oxygen is required, otherwise you will find that the body's resources to reduce stress decrease.

    Take a little time to determine if you are breathing correctly. Sit down and put your hands on your stomach. When you breathe in, you should feel how the stomach expands to take in the lungs the inhaled air, and when exhaled, it should be "blown away."Many people draw their belly with inhalation.

    Relaxed shoulders mean free breathing. Try to strain your shoulders, lifting them to your ears. Notice how tight your breath becomes;Too low or lowered shoulders bring the same result. When the shoulders are relaxed, it's easy to breathe.

    Develop a habit throughout the day to regularly check the position of the shoulders, especially when you feel that you are tense. Put your hands down freely and slowly rotate your shoulders back and forth to make sure that they are relaxed and you can breathe properly.

    Struggle with stress constantly

    If you feel stress, then use the following exercise for quick relaxation. Take a deep breath. When the lungs are filled with air, make a slow exhalation through the mouth, allowing exhalation to transfer tension from the upper body to the feet. When the lungs are released, inhale again. Then exhale slowly, relaxing the forehead, jaws, shoulders, hands, belly and legs. Exhaling carries away stress from your body. If at some point in time you feel tension, remember that you need to exhale slowly.

    During the day, take 20 minutes to relax.

    1 Turn on the answering machine, muffle the light, sit in a comfortable chair or lie down( after the fourth month, do not lie on your back, try to lie on your side, providing the stomach with a pillow support).

    2 Take a few minutes to get comfortable and calm your thoughts.

    3 Spread your toes and feel the tension. Allow your fingers to relax slowly, slightly stirring them.

    4 Tighten the knees and muscles of the thighs, feel the tension. Hold it for a few seconds, then relax,

    , allowing the hips to slightly disperse.

    5 Tighten your abdominal muscles, as if hugging your child tightly. Relax, give the child as much space as possible inside himself.

    6 Squeeze your fingers into your fists, secure them, and then let your fingers slowly open.

    7 Pull your shoulders to your ears, then lower them. Shrug your shoulders, let them fall again. You should feel relaxed and light.

    8 Feed the faces so that they involve all the facial muscles( do not worry, no one will see you).Relax so that the face has no expression. The mouth should be soft, slightly ajar.

    9 For a few minutes, listen to your body, feel its relaxed. Your child will enjoy the addition of oxygen during deep breathing with a relaxed body.

    10 After completing the exercise, yawn, stretch, sit down gently and prepare to do your work.


    During pregnancy, massage is the ideal way to help relax, as it stimulates the production of endorphins - a natural soothing agent - that will create a feeling of good health for you. In addition, massage has a positive effect on the cardiovascular, digestive and excretory systems, each of which during pregnancy is under the influence of a separate stress.

    Although the massage is largely safe, it's good to check with the observing doctor before the massage course of any kind, and always tell the masseuse that you are pregnant. In the first trimester, avoid massaging the abdomen and lower back. And if some tricks cause unpleasant sensations, immediately tell the masseur.

    It's a great idea when a person who is going to be present at your birth will massage you during pregnancy so that he / she understands which parts of your body are particularly prone to stress and which massage relaxes them. Below are some simple ways to massage. A few tips for the massage therapist:

    ♦ Try to relax.

    ♦ Tell me when you are about to start a massage.

    ♦ Movements must be hard, rhythmic and slow.

    ♦ Ask your pregnant woman whether comfort and tempo are comfortable for her.

    ♦ Try to feel the body of a woman, his signals. Do you feel when she is tense and what helps her to relax?

    ♦ Tell me when you are about to finish the massage.

    It is important to try different ways of massage and pick up such movements that will help to relax. However, remember that whichever type of massage you choose during pregnancy, the massage can eliminate some of the discomfort that occurs during pregnancy and help the partner to know your body before giving birth. For each type of massage, spend at least ten minutes.

    Back massage. Get on your knees on the bed or on the floor, putting large pillows under you so that your head and stomach are comfortable. Place the pillow between the calves and under the buttocks to circulate blood and lymph.

    Putting the palm of the left hand on the left shoulder massaged, the masseur taps hard from the right side of her spine, descending from the shoulders to the buttocks. Before removing the left hand, the masseur puts his right hand on his right shoulder, and with his left hand massages the back to the left of the spine.

    He then continues to change his hands and massage both parts of his back. Tell the massager when the strength of his movements will be pleasant for you.

    Then, with your thumbs, perform circular movements in the notches on both sides of the spine, gradually from the vertebra to the vertebrae going down. In the lower part of the back, larger circles should be made, with the palms moving along the hips.

    Which oils are safe to use

    Essential oils can create delicious flavors during massage, and some of them are considered to have useful properties, for example, relieve headaches and help fight insomnia. However, you should use such oils for massage only if they are recommended by a qualified aromatherapist. Some experts are negative about the use of any essential oils during pregnancy, moreover, many experts agree that certain oils should definitely be avoided - sage of muscat, rosemary, peppermint and mint marsh.

    Oil used as a base, for example almond or olive, is always safe;It allows the hands of the masseur to glide smoothly over the surface of the skin. The masseuse must drop a little oil into the palms of his palms bent by the boat and warm it for about a minute before applying to the body. It should be arranged so that he can do the massage without bending or bending. It is important that the masseur during the procedure is not stressed, otherwise this stress through his hands will be passed on to you and your child.


    During pregnancy, a woman is in a state of increased psychological susceptibility. You may find yourself suddenly bursting into sobs from news that at other times would not cause any reaction. You can be very worried about the change of season and weather. Some items in the house, perhaps from childhood, can become important, and when you move to motherhood, memories will flood you. You will begin to worry greatly about your body and the changes taking place in it. Meditation, allowing you to concentrate on your thoughts and feelings, can help you to make the most of this introspection and achieve a state of complete relaxation.

    Foot massage. Many women enjoy if they are massaged during fights, so it's a good idea to practice this beforehand.

    Sit on a chair, pull one leg and place it on a stool with a pillow. To the partner who will massage you, you should kneel before you. Put the heel of his foot in his hand, not pressing on it;the other hand the partner will do stroking movements with effort, from the ankle to the toes. This action is recommended to be repeated slowly and repeatedly over several minutes.

    Then your partner should massage the area several times between the toes several times, pull them up and down, keeping your foot behind the knee on the pillow, and with small circular movements of the thumbs, walk along the foot. Despite the fact that these movements will be quite tough, they should not create discomfort.

    Then, slightly lifting your leg behind the ankle, the partner will again perform stroking movements from the ankle to the toes. Then the entire procedure is repeated for the other foot.

    However, if you feel completely depressed and if you are being treated for depression, it is better to avoid meditation. It can cause mental suffering if your outlook on life and life itself are unbalanced.

    Meditations can not be learned in one lesson, it should be practiced regularly. However, there are two simple ways of focusing: using mantras and visualization. Try to alternate them. Once your brain learns to calm down with mantras, you will find that visualization makes it possible to more broadly control thoughts and feelings.

    Meditation with mantras

    Find a quiet room where you will not be disturbed by bright lights or sudden noise. Sit back and start meditating, concentrating on breathing. Breathe deeply and, slowly exhaling, give the opportunity to relax the whole body. Repeat until you reach complete relaxation.

    Your mantra should be a word that can correspond to the breathing process, for example "children" or "rest".When you inhale, mentally say to yourself "de", and when you exhale - "tee."Or when inhaling - "from", with exhalation "breathing".Or just hold your breath while holding your breath.

    Focus only on the repeated word. If the brain is distracted, gently return to the chosen mantra. Continue to chant the mantra so that it will supersede all other thoughts. With the acquisition of experience, you will find in your mind enough space where you will recognize yourself and be in harmony with yourself.

    Visualization of the child

    Meditation is a great way to clear up disordered thoughts, visualization lessons will teach you the ability to concentrate, which is a useful skill for delivery. Try to perform the exercise, concentrating on the candle flame. In the following classes, choose other items that are of particular importance, such as toys, what you bought for your child, items related to your childhood, or photos of people who have played an important role in your life.

    Sit in a comfortable chair. Put a lighted candle in front of you and turn your eyes to the flame. Concentrate on it a look. You will see different colors of the flame, fluctuations in the intensity of its light: from the red-hot white middle to the yellow and orange flashes along the outer edge of the fire. When the eyes get tired, close them, mentally continuing to see the candle. Put in the middle of the image of the flame of your child, surrounded by light, and let him move your thoughts.